Sunday 11 March 2012

The syndrome stealing Uganda and South Sudan's children

Unfortunately, there is a syndrome which is deadly and discriminate only to children and adolescent whose age about 5 – 15 years old. Now it is spreading in Uganda and South Sudan which called “Nodding syndrome”. This syndrome causes the effected children not to grow either their body or brain and finally leads to mental retarded. When the child is affected, he will nod when he try to eat food. This syndrome is first discovered in 2003 and still be a mystery, since there has no any action on identifying, treating or defining the disease.

 In "The syndrome stealing Uganda and South Sudan's children", tell us that Nodding Syndrome "causing its victims to spasm uncontrollably and eventually to waste away and die. Many thousands of children are believed to be affected". Also American doctor was contact with in Asia for helping Uganda authorities to fight Nodding Syndrome, but Nodding syndrome like several other neurological disorders and remains a complete mystery.The World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Ugandan Health Ministry are involved, but a Ugandan official expressed concern about the number of cases is increasing. Unlike bird flu, Nodding syndrome doesn't shows indication transmitted from person to person. Dr Dowell said "we don't have the sense that it is likely to be a threat to the rest of the world in the way bird flu is".

After reading this article, i think environment in Africa is not suitable for children to live in that place and people in Africa need more educate to survive in this situation and not to spread out the disease more and more, also to know how to have a healthy living, so the children in this area will have a good life.


The syndrome stealing Uganda and South Sudan's children. BBC News. Retrieved March 11, 2012 from


  1. The two points relating to cultural influences, precisely what we have been looking at in Quest, in your source also seemed interesting to me. What did you think of those?

    When you write that you "think environment in Africa is not suitable for children to live in that place" (¶ 3), it sounds as though you think children should not be allowed there. Is this right? Do you think the governments should make children illegal to solve this problem?

    And when you then write that "people in Africa need more educate" (¶ 3), I wonder why you think this will help. People in Thailand are well educated about the flu, but they still get it and other diseases regularly. Why do you think that education will be any use at all?

  2. How heavy the story is!The first case of nodding sydrom was found in 2003 and CDC started to study the disease until 2009,part reason is discrimination to impoverishment meanwhile the another reason is that it is difficult to figure out the cause of nodding sydrom.Actually,I guess scientists didn't make it clear how neural system work in brain,so, any deseases or medicines involved neural system can't be explained well.People think human being don't have natural enemy, but, arn't these mysterious virus and germs appearing one by one human being's natural enemy.


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