Sunday 17 March 2013

Another advantage of DOGS

Dog is a honest friend for human, it can play with us, helping disabled people, helping police to sniff out criminal and so on. Dog has earned the unique nickname as "man's best friend", and also in other languages.

According to "Medical Detection Dogs train animals to 'sniff out' breast cancer", Medical Detection Dogs chief executive Dr Claire Guest is training dog to recognize cancer because her dog was warning her that she has early stage breast tumor. The scientist and cancer experts found out that breast cancer can be 'sniff out', this research might save a thousands of lives.

It's good news for women that the number of women who have cancer might be reduce. Dogs can smell some abnormality that causing the big problems with our body. I know a little bit about cancer, but it's very scary disease. As I have known, cancer has 4 stage; stage 1 which can be cure, stage 2 can be cure, but it takes time, stage 3 hard to be cure, stage 4- there is no cure. People who got stage 3 and 4, the number of survivor are very little. I know some of people who have cancer are very suffer and pain with this disease. They have to be treated by chemo, radiation, and surgery. Cancer is very dangerous and the cause of the disease is around us. Environment, weather, foods are the main factors that pull the trigger of this disease. Some people might cured from disease, some people might not. The process of this is slowly suffered and slowly died. It will be great if my dogs can sniff the sign of cancer.

I have two dogs that are never listening to my order at all, Golden retriever and the combination of Pomeranian and something. I ordered them to get out off my house, they never did. I wonder that how people training their dogs and hoe can they do to these dogs to listen to them. My dogs were trained with dog trainer. They listen to the dog trainer, but never for my family and me. I was pay for trainer about 4-5 month, but my dogs get very little progress. I stop training them, and use the food to lure them to get out of my house instead of order them.



Medical Detection Dogs train animals to 'sniff out' breast cancer. BBC News Beds, Herts & Bucks Retrieved March 17, 2013 from 


  1. I'd never thought of it, but Ploy's article does sound reasonable.

    A few other things came to mind as I read it:
    first, that I like dogs, and generally dislike cats, although I suppose that's not a good reason to make cats illegal, or even to feed them to dogs.

    Second, I remembered one of my unhappy aunts who died of liver cancer - a truly awful death, and one which she might much prefer to have cut short by having her doctors kill her as part of the healing process (essay question 5).

    Third, Ploy's story of her disobedient dogs reminded me of my friend Scott - he has two chihuahuas who never obey him, unless he has a tasty morsel in his fingers. In desperation, he also sent them to a training school, where they learnt obedience and discipline, but not to Scott! My own family's dogs are much better behaved; I suspect that Scott might have spoiled his in their formative youth and then it was too late for him. They are fun, but I would get pretty angry if they chewed my furniture and made filthy messes on my rugs.

  2. It quite strange that can smells breast cancer. The dog warn the owner that she had an early stage breast tumor.I think it is seems over real news. I hope my dog could sniff out my father lung tumor too!! but it seems very innocent-he doesn't have any sense like that at all. Although, my dog is very obey my order, he always protect other animal such as ducks,chicken or snake come to my house-in countryside, seems he not have a sense to detect the serious disease in the onwer.Once I took my friend to visit my hometown, he said your dog really freindly and clever likes human.

  3. Like Pin, I think that this new may be over written. Maybe it is only an accident.
    However, if it is true that this dog could do such surprising thing, it doesn't mean that we can train many more dogs to have such ability. Dogs' detection might not cause a significant change on a number of women who have breast cancer. I still think that frequent health check is better.

  4. This news is a good news for many suspected cancer patients and a good things that dogs can do for their owner; however, the researchers needs the time to proof their theory.

    We already have known that dogs have a good sense in smelling which it comes from thousands years of natural revolution that dogs was developed themselves to be good sniffing skill by having millions cells which their function is perception the smell of their victims and their hunters.As we can see, many dogs are trained to do many kind of sniffing such as drug detection, bomb detection and finding criminals.

    Therefore,Medical Detection Dogs might have a ability which they can find cancer as bomb detection dogs have ability to find bombs, but they need training as well as bomb detection dog need.

    1. I agree with Bas that it is possible that dogs can detect human's cancer since dogs have more sensitive perception than human not only sniffing but also hearing. However, I think that not every dog has this talent. As you can see that, Ploy's dog or Scott's dog who have passed training school still not even obey the owner,so I think they cannot be trained to be drug or cancer sniffers. It may also depend on what breed they are.

  5. I agree with Ming that health check frequently is an option, but sometimes people has some reasons and not to do the tests in health care center. And just like Bas mentions, it need time. Take guide dogs for example, ever wondered what it takes to train a guide dog? The answer is time, money and a lot of dedication. The guide dogs training for years and do lots of test, some of them even training for years still can not be the guiding eyes for blind. It should be selected. Hence, if the researchers or vets can let the dog in the article give birth, or cloning which mean use the gene selection method is another option but it really cost money and time, but I think it is worth it.

  6. I agree that health check frequently is the best way to find out the problem with people body system. However, if the dog can stiff out and warning the patients, it might be a good optional for the patients.

  7. This post reminds me of the old news that dog bite it's owner infected toe. In that news, the guy who has a toe being swollen for a long time and denies to see the doctor is amputated the toe by his dog when he is passed out. After waking up and rushing to see the doctor, he finds that he has diabetes and his toe will be eventually cut off. Moreover, that guy says that he just realizes that there are many dogs which have ever sniffed his toe before. Therefore, I infer that this skill does not belong to one specific dog, but it is the dog's instinct to get rid of infected flesh.


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