Sunday 10 March 2013

Salt Intake harms Immune System in Human's Bodies

Salt Intake harms Immune System in Human's Bodies

Salt has been used long before the history. Salt was highly valued and its production was legally restricted in ancient times, so it was historically used as a method of trade and currency.(History of Ancient Salt, 2013, P2) However, there is a today research that salt may cause the autoimmune disease.

According to , writing in "Salt Linked to Immune Rebellion in Study", consuming salt could effect the immune system to revolt against our own bodies.

Salt was introduced to use as a food preservative for a long time and also preserve Egyptian mummies.
It is an important ingredient in many kinds of food in many countries; for example, we use salt in meat fermentation for steak. We normally see salt on the table in a restaurant as a food seasoning, so it is a globally common ingredient. It is an essential element in the diet of not only humans but of animals, and even of many plants (History of Ancient Salt, 2013, P4). Some people like the taste of salt which is salty, so they will add on salt in every dish they eat regardless of the amount of salt using among the food process. In a stark mark, a large number of salt intake are dangerous to human's health since it is one of the factors which leads to high blood pressure and many diseases. For example, kidney's disorder is also the result of consuming a high number of salt. The initial symptom of this is having a backache and having a prolem in urinary system. In addition, salt also causes to diseases such as Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Not only food consumption affects to people's health, people's habbits are also the main factor that causes  fatal diseases. Smoking and alchohol drinking leads to many diseases such as gastritis, diabetes, hepatitis and so on. Nowadays, people's lifestyle have completely changed from the past, especially big-city citizens. They have to rush around to earn their livings, so they often neglect to their health. They eat fast food which contains excess calories and high sodium which is salt component. Moreover, they work in the stress circumstance and cannot manage to find time for excercising. These are the factor that accelerate incurable diseases. Fortunately, the health of my family members is the thing that my mother most concern about, so she tries to cook by herself as much as she can by using organic elements. My mother always control the amount of ingredients when cooking at home, so we use only a little amount of salt in homemade food. Apart from healthy diet, she encourages us to work out regularly. In the weekend, my mother and I enjoy jogging together,while my dad and my younger brother enjoy golfing.

It is a new reseach which has not completely testified. However, taking care of both physical and metal health are the essential thing that people should concern about. Why don't we reduce salt for a better life?

History of Ancient Salt. Green Living Center. Retrieved March 10,2013
(2013, March 7). Salt linked to immune rebellion in study. BBC News Health. Retrieved March 8,2013 from


  1. I have read in the health magazine that consume too much salt causing problems as you have told. It is not affect only in human, but it's also affect the dogs.
    My friend dog ate too much foods which contains too much salt everyday because my friend neighbors like her dog very much, so they always feed the dog with human foods-human foods seasoning too much flavors-. The dog got a liver problem, after 2 years the dog died.:(

    1. What a poor dog!
      I agree with you that there are many people giving their dogs with human food which contains lots of salt. But the dog died before the human. So, the human should think of the consequence resulting in the dog. It takes only a few years destroying the dog's health. If people keep consuming salt, what' gonna happen to their livers.

    2. Oh I haven't heard about this before but I have seen from the dog's food advertisement on TV that a dog who is fed with human's food, lacks of vitamin and mineral and they become gaunt,drowsy and feeble. After he is fed by dog's food in the advertisement, they are lively and strengthened.

  2. This might be sooooo far off topic but what's come up first in my mind about salt is that something relates to Supernatural(U.S. TV Series). The main characters always use it to against demons and spirits. Enclosing ring of salt, for example, can prevent evil from entering. Now I still have no idea why would a ghost be fearful of salt?

    Put it back to salt consumption, I've heard that it can be a cause of death in dog too. How dangerous is over consumption of salt!

  3. Oh your mother is very concern about your family diet which is good thing to do.In my opinion,even though,this reserch is not completely testified in which how much related between salt intake and causing harm immune system but many medicine books shows obviously that at least excessive salt consumption is cause of kidney working overload which lead to from kidney disease and diabetes type 1 as you mentioned above. Many people have less awarness in eat instant foods such as ready meal in 7-11 or many kinds of snacks if those people notice they will find out these food contain excessive salt more than people need in one day.


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