Tuesday 19 March 2013

Not only in the movie world, but also be true in the real world.

I was surprised when I read this news at the first time. This looks like it comes from ‘Resident Evil: Afterlife’ movie in which Alice was injected the viruses that disable Alice’s supernatural power, whereas the viruses do not have any side-effects on her.

According to Damien, M. and Deborah, C in “Phages may be keyin bacteria battle” article, the researchers at the Eliava Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, use phages, specific viruses that can kill some bacteria, to treat patients who were infected some kinds of bacteria and they believe that phages would be a next-generation weapon in the fight against infectious diseases.

If you had seen some Chinese traditional movies which they usually assume they were in hundreds years ago, you might have seen that the doctor, in the movie, use some poisons to cure poison effects even though this method might be truth only in the movie world. In fact, the movie might be created their pilots from the truth in the real world which we already have using serums to cure the effects of snake poisons.

Although I am not a doctor, I had known that you don’t need some antibiotic medicine when you get a cold. Some people believe that when they get a cold, they need some antibiotic medicine which the medicine cannot cure the root cause. In fact, the cause of cold is made by some viruses and the antibiotic medicine will not affect to viruses. Moreover, using antibiotic medicine in many time and lack of discipline for taking the medicine can cause some bacterial getting stronger. The result is that the same antibiotic medicine could not work effectively and the patients will need more powerful antibiotic medicine to cure their infection. Therefore, you should use antibiotic medicine when you have to take it.


Damien, M. and Deborah, C. (2013, March, 16) Phages may be key in bacteria battle. BBC News Health. Retrieved March 18, 2013 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21799534


  1. Bas remind me to some kind of life virus vaccine for booster up human immune system such as used a bit of life influenza virus inject to human body to prevent infection from this disease. There are many vaccines like this now, which tells us that medical evolution growth up fast in this century.Not only our medical develop, many bacteria or virus also have mutation too which cause of antibiotic resistance.Finally,patient will be treated by stronger medicine almost every time. I hope it is good new to use virus to kill bacteria instead of waste a lot of money to pay a new drug all the time but who know maybe patient may not trust this method, who will brave to try using virus to kill bacteria. Some one might think it possible to give them more disease!!

  2. It's very interesting story. It reminds me to the documentary that I seen last year, it about snack poison can be cure by snack poison which made it to serum.

  3. I was reminded by Bas's comments about traditional Chinese medicines of homeopathy, the idea that extremely small doses of the thing that causes an illness can also cure that illness, so that, for example, a massively diluted solution of lead might cure lead poisoning.

    This is rubbish with no more evidence to support it than the equally false beliefs in astrology, Tarot card reading, spirit channeling and the like. It would be nice if any of these occult traditions worked, but they do not. The most amazing thing about them is surely that so many continue to believe in them, and even pay money, very attractive sums of money to the charlatans ripping people off with their lies.

    But I think it's also a sensitive topic for many true believers, who react rather violently to any approach of reason or evidence to their cherished faith in the false. In a general discussion, I might say what I think about these things, but it's probably better, and safer, not to say or even suggest that someone's just stated psychological comfort might not have much basis in reality.

  4. I agree that people tend to use antibiotics more than necessary. Our bodies has their functions to prevent sicknesses and to cure themselves automatically. We can help them by eating nutritious food, for example, an apple. I think everyone's heard "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", that's the way the nature being created to help us.


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