Friday 8 March 2013

How Much Do You Fancy Breakfast?

It is considered that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Due to modern lifestyle, breakfast seems to be less important than in the past. Some people, including me, habitually do have breakfast in the morning. I spotted “Does skipping breakfast make you put on weight?” on BBC website and did not hesitate to read more about it because I think that it is somehow related to my eating habit.

According to Claudia Hammond, writing in “Does Skipping Breakfast Make You Put on Weight?”, there are the great number of studies about the connection between weight gaining and skipping breakfast. Some suggested that going though the day without having breakfast can't help controlling weight; whereas others found contradiction with strong evidences on both sides.

When I was young, my mom always prepared breakfast for me in every single morning and forced me to have it before going to school. Teachers normally teach students not to skip their breakfast since nutrients derived from breakfast are energy that we use in our daily tasks. I used to be one of those kids who feel dizzy after having breakfast before school. Yet as a kid, I did follow my mom’s request and have continued to have breakfast until nowadays.

To be honest, I don’t like it that much since I feel the absence of hunger and don’t want to eat anything in such an early morning. Keep having breakfast all my life, I’ve grown up without any problem with my weight, but does breakfast matter has any effects on this? After I re-read this article, I came up with no substantial conclusion. I consider the studies might be right but maybe they are not.

What breakfast means to you and what is your typical breakfast consist of? For me, either a carton of milk or a cup of coffee seems to be a perfect morning meal for me. It is a good way to kick start my day; however, I’m still not sure that drinking them is counted as breakfast.

Recently, one of my friends shared her breakfast photo collections on Facebook. There are loads of photos of her breakfast and cooking process. Sandwich, omelet, toast, to illustrate, are her general menus. Not only do they look tasty, but also pleasantly arranged on the plate. I confessed to her that I’m extremely hungry every time I see them. Thanks to her striking photography skills, it fairly grasps our friends’ interest as I assumed on the number of likes and comments.

What surprised me is that she bought many breakfast cookbooks for practicing. Then, I figured it out how much she enjoys having morning meals and doing it seriously. She loves creating her own breakfast recipes and looks more than happy to share her special recipes.  Also, she is my lovely chubby friend though.
Hammond, C. (2013, March 5). Does skipping breakfast make you put on weight?, BBC News Future. Retrieved March 8, 2013 from


  1. I really like Sorn's response to her chosen news story - it's a great range of varied personal memories, reflections and related notes, along with a bit of critical thinking about the value of some studies in this area.

  2. Like Sorn, I don't always feel like breakfast. I don't like waking up early, and when I do, I don't want to eat anything, just have my morning coffee.

    If I wake up later, and have a more relaxed start to the day, I do like to eat something after an hour or so, which is when I normally have an omelette before walking to Chamchuri Square on weekdays. But on weekends, my class starts at 8:00 AM, so I have wake up much earlier, and that kills my desire for breakfast. I much prefer to wait until after class and then have a late breakfast - early lunch around 11:00.

    Sometimes I go on a health kick and have oats, bran and the like with soy milk, but that doesn't really taste very good. A nice buttery omelette, perhaps with some cheese or truffle oil, is a much nicer way to start the day.

    1. I really love to have oatmeal and cereal for breakfast. I like when it with cold milk turning to the chocolate milk. I'm excited every time I buy it because usually it has cute miniature things or toy in the box of cereal!

  3. It reminded me when I was in primary school, me and my mother always fighting because I don't want to have any breakfast. She always forces me to having breakfast, which are 2 soft-boiled eggs and a glass of milk. It quite boring because it is always the same menu.

    When I was in high school, my school is boarding school, if I missed out my breakfast, I have to wait until my lunch. So, I used to have breakfast since then. Now, I never missed out my breakfast:)

    1. Ploy's experience reminds me of when I was living in college at university - I loved a large breakfast then. I would eat porridge, eggs, bacon (love that traditional processed meat), and lots of toast oozing butter. Yum. I even drank milk, which I hated at home and have pretty much hated ever since.

      It does seem strange now that Ploy's comment prompts me to think about it a little. Maybe it was having a lot of friends around all chatting and eating together?

      But this is a Saturday morning, so I'm just finishing my coffee, and then heading off to Chamchuri for my 8:00 AM class, after which I'll think about a proper breakfast - maybe croissants and something.

    2. I find morning coffee a good time for a quick blog comment or two.
      How about you? What are convenient times for you to spend 10 - 15 minutes writing a quick response?

    3. Ploy, I'm a little bit glad to know that not only me had fight with mom for breakfast and since then we both have had it regularly!

      Also, I agree with Peter, surrounding by friends would make enjoyable atmosphere for breakfast.

  4. Morning coffee time: it's morning blog time again.

    What are the convenient times for your daily response writing?

  5. This article made me think back when I was in High school. I lived in dormitory that also have breakfast for us. We hardly skipped the breakfast since then but as now i'm a university student and lived with my roommate only, I have no time to prepare the breakfast at all. I do know that it's not good for my health. Sometimes it made me feel empty in my stomach in the morning and also made me unable to concentrate on class very well.

    I do like this article because this article made me realize again how much important the breakfast is!!

  6. When I was a teenager, I usually skipped breakfast. And as I had been skipping for a long time, I then coul not eat anything in an early mornig because it would make me have a stomachache. However, as I' ve realized how significant breakfast is, I started to drink aa milk as my breakfast.

  7. I like Sorm writing style because it makes me feel like I am reading a story.As almost every one knows that the most important meal is breakfast but seems less people can have both qaulity and portion for their breaksfat. Sometimes our time run very fast in the morning and seem not enought for have a good breakfast or some one may be not hungry at all after wake up a few hour. When I was young I usually had a quick breakfast such as boil rice with omelet and a glass of milk with my sibling but now I always prefer wake up late so I less enjoy eating breakfast.


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