Saturday 14 November 2015

Alien is true?

I always visit many places that far from Bangkok.I love to look at the sky and many group of stars, and the one of my thinking is there are living things in these stars? If someone talks about alien you trust it?

According to "Coming soon: first weather report from super-Venus exoplanet" (2015), The MEarth team of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported they discovered a new exoplanet (a planet that orbits a star other than the Sun) called GJ 1132b. The planet’s atmosphere is not suitable for living thing because of too high temperature,and more bad chemical or ore, but this discovery is a good starting for researching geography of it and looking for the other planets in the same system that is similar to the Earth.  
duplicate of GJ 1132b
While I write this blog I think of many movies about alien that I have watched since I was young such as Alien vs predator, E.T., ID 4, Star war, etc.There are two type of alien.First one is aliens that are friendly with humans. The second one is bad alien that want to acquire or destroy the world. what are you think about alien? It is real? For me I think the universe has many stars. At-least one of it should have living thing like a human.The next question, it knows the world? it is friendly?  
Alien (movie: Alien vs Predator)
Although many movies are made by Hollywood that show a bad side of alien,we maybe discover some documentaries to show that the alien contact with human for helping them invent beneficial things. For example, the Mayas invented the 5000 years calendar. It would simply mark the beginning of another 5,125-year-long cycle. This innovation people in 5000 years ago can invented? or it was made by alien. In addition,we have doubtfulness about alien that can not prove such as statues that have appearance like an alien in Mexico, And pyramids the huge building in 6,000 years ago. The human can construct these things? It is unbelievable.       
Mayan's calendar
Statues in Mayan
This morning, I appoint my old friend for visiting Amphawa .I am going to eat a fresh seafood.Then I maybe think of the alien while I am seeing stars at night. 
Coming soon: first weather report from super-Venus exoplanet (2015, November 11). Newscientist. Retrieved from

Child, B. (2011, September 29) Mayan documentary to show 'evidence' of alien contact in ancient Mexico. The Guardian. Retrieved from


  1. I also enjoyed Independence Day and the scary Alien films. In fact, I thought that Alien had more in common with horror films that sc-fi films. I'm glad that the young generation still knows those old classics from last century. As I thought about the idea of alien life that Pong awakens I also thought of the recent (seems like only yesterday) Avatar where the giant blue aliens are joined in spirit by the humans who join them in the flesh.

    And the really interesting question, which Pong also puts for us to consider, is whether any of these are real.

    His summary interested me enough that I read both of Pong's sources. I thought that one of them was intelligent, careful and informative, and that the other was largely full of lies. I know it's very strong language to call people liars, but if they or anyone else point to the solid evidence the Mexican officials claimed to have supporting the idea that aliens visited the ancient Aztecs and gave them scientific help, I will immediately apologize. Until then, I think that they were just lying to attract attention and have no such evidence at all as they claim to have.

    We are often wrong because we make mistakes or misunderstand the evidence, but I don't that is possible for people who claim that they have evidence of extra-terrestrials visiting our ancestors in jungles or in ancient Egypt or wherever (always somewhere ancient and remote, never New York, London, Paris or Bangkok!).

    And now I'm reminded of the weird thing that American presidential candidate Donald Trump said a week or so ago: that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built not as tombs for the Pharaohs but to store grain. And what was Trumps reason for this amazingly false idea? It's what the Bible suggests! I suspect that Trump was not lying, that he sincerely believes what he said. And it worries me even more that a man contending to be president of the United States could have such silly beliefs. A lot or Americans laugh at such nonsense from Trump, and that's reassuring, but apparently a lot also take him seriously and actually think he should be president. Hopefully, the US election process will do its job and get rid of both Trump and the equally foolish Ben Carson, another leading presidential contender from the Republican Party.

    1. I forgot to add that I do think it likely that there is life elsewhere in the universe, quite possibly intelligent, but I know of know of no evidence at all to suggest that we have ever met any such life.

  2. Enjoy relaxing under the stars and speculating about the living things out there after you do your two daily blog comments.

    1. Now I am in a BBQ party with my friends. We buy some seafood and pork from fresh market and grill it. The sky after raining today,it is cloudy, it is not stars.However i really enjoy with BBQ and forget the alien in this time.

    2. Enjoy your barbecue. I'm at home in front of my computer checking my students' homework for the regular 13 class I have on Saturday and Sunday. Then I'm going to watch a TV series from the DVD.

      After reading Na's post about George Clooney, I thought of digging out and watching the weird vampire film he stars in, but a silly series sounds better now.

      Sorry there are no stars for you this evening. The stars are one thing I always notice when I'm at my brother's home in the country in Australia. I never see them in Bangkok, and I didn't see them in Sydney.

      Great response writing.

  3. I absolutely believe in the existence of alien creatures. Thinking about the number of stars and planets in the universe, both already discovered and not yet, they are countless, so there must be some of them having living form.

    1. Toon's reasons are why I think that alien life very likely does exist elsewhere in the universe, however different it might be from us.

      I think (no very solid evidence) that had the accidents of meteors or whatever wiped them out, giant reptiles might now be the intelligent life on this planet, not us. And they are very different to us.

      I always have a problem believing it when aliens in films are rather ... human looking. Why would they be?


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