Wednesday 11 November 2015

Ning' faverate academic subject

I love biology and it is the most interesting subject of all when I was a student.I got my bachelor degree of biochemistry two years ago. Biology leads you to a totally new strange world which is made up with cells. Life is amazing and so is biology.


  1. I like biology, too. I only studied it formally in junior high school, but I continue to read about new discoveries. I especially the theory of evolution that is the foundation of modern biology since Darwin published his Origin of the Species in 1859. It is amazing how he managed to give such a simple (relatively simple) account of every living thing that has ever existed on Earth. And that we are all related by shared ancestors. Humans are related not just to monkeys, but to bats, rats, carrots, roses and bacteria in a single tree of life on our planet.
    And the evolution hasn't stopped yet - we now use computers and our increasing understanding of genetics to boost the rate of change.

    1. Wow, you read a lot and you also know a great deal. You are a learned teacher and well-informed teacher and I love your class. I did a lot of research work about cancer using rude mice and cancer cells. Scientific research is interesting and challenging and so is biology. Evolution is going every time and increasing undstanding of genetics and biology helps us explore the mystery about life.

    2. Did you mean rude mice or nude mice? The rude ones sound more interesting, but I thought that might be a typing mistake.

      No problem, I make lots of typing mistakes when I'm writing, and you can see them in my comments because once we click "Publish" the comment can't be edited, so my typing mistakes are recorded for everyone to see forever. I usually don't worry about them if the meaning is still clear. But sometimes I make more serious mistakes, like missing the word not, and that makes a big difference to my meaning, so I add a reply to my own comment to correct the misunderstanding.

      And my computer helps a lot by underlining my spelling mistakes in red. Although that doesn't always highlight all of my mistakes.

    3. Your idea that all living things are related sounds like buddhism very much. And the most famous work of Darwin are always refered in order to oppose the existence of God. This is amazing that the idea from the book can shake the stability of the well founded religions' belief.

  2. I also like biology. Unlike Peter, I do not read much about it; instead, I like to watch documentaries available on the Internet. There are diverse animals living in the various kinds of habitats; even in the most arid area some animals can thrive. I am fond of animal behaviors; many of them do not always act as we expect them, but there are reasons for their behaviors.

    1. I am so glad to hear that you like reading about biology. Exactly I did a lot of research work about cancer using nude mice with human cancer, as well as concer cells. It is very intresting and challenging. I think biology as well as research study will make the world more healthy.

    2. The internet is great. I still love books and reading, but these days all of my new books are Kindle editions, which are way more useful than the heavy paper versions.

      I was amazed this morning when I did a quick Google just to see and found both Adventure Island and Number 96 ready to view from the comfort of my home as I did some blogging with my morning coffee.

      When I'm feeling nostalgic for my school or uni. days, I often watch videos on YouTube of the hit songs from those ancient times.

    3. I couldn't agree more. Just listen to the music, all of your atmosphere int that very time can be alive again. That sound like the main character from the novel Remembrance of things past as he dipping the ginger bread in a cup of tea and start the reminiscence which it spent thousand pages long.

  3. This is my most favorite subject too when I was in high school. The teachers are all very good story tellers. It make feel like the science became vivid and animated. I think the teacher have crucial role to the attitude of his/her students.


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