Thursday 19 November 2015

Psychological disorders and social stigma. Quest 2, p. 176, x.C., 4 - 5

Rather than do Hartmann's discussion questions on page 176 (2007) of Quest, we are going to do them as response writing activities.

Now, questions 4 - 5, which we are also treating as one response writing prompt:
  • Do you know of any famous people who suffered from a psychological disorder? If so, who were they? Do you know what disorder they had? 
  • Do you think that there are fewer stignas against people with psychological disorders than in the past? Among whom? Why?  
Respond to these prompts in one comment below. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. -Yes, I know one.He is Michael Jackson who had body dysmorphic dis order.
    -Yes, It 's fewer. Among educated people ,because they are more understanding.

  2. I think that there are a lot of famous people who have or have had psychological disorders. The obvious example that first came to my mind was the painter Vincent van Gogh, one of whose works we all closely at last week. Another that comes to mind is the great scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton, who likely suffered from Asperger's syndrome, as did the mathematician and war time code breaker Alan Turing, whom an unjust society and its morally evil laws hounded to his death for his homosexuality after he had helped it to win the war against the Nazis.

    Thankfully, most cultures today are overcoming their false moral beliefs that homosexuality is either a mental illness or morally bad so that there is much less stigma attached to this today than was the case when I was in school and the Christian brothers preached about the evils of sex generally and of the sin of homosexuality in particular. But I suspect at least some of them were gay and also practicing what they said was a wicked sin against god's natural laws. Unfortunately, some morally more primitive countries still have harsh laws against homosexuality.

  3. Yes. He was a Thai singer who just committed suicide recently. He had a major depression disorder.
    Yes. I think because of education, people have learnt a lot more about a psychological disorder.

  4. I know Johnny Depp suffers OCD (obsessive complusive disorder) which I actually have its symtomps in mild level. He is well-known Hollewood actor, and I also heard that there are many more famous actors and social figures suffering this disorder.

    Yes, there is less and less stigma against people the patient of OCD because of more information launced to educate people to know more about the disorder. It create understand amomg people in the society. And sometimes, I it seems to me that people smoehow consider OCD as a fashionable disorder due to Hollewood trend.

  5. I think I know the famous people with psychological disorder, he is called Vincent van Gogh. Maybe he could have been diagnosed as mood disorders. He cut his ear off and sent it to his friend. He was admitted in a psychiatric hospital. His life was totally suffered and he even could not earn his living. after his death, then his name become famous and his work are valued as priceless work of art.

    I think people today have less stigmas than those in the past. People in Thailand now have more information about psychological illness, especially in middle class or well educated, because they have exposed or get access to the facility or medical service. The media can also take a crucial role in conveying such information.

  6. on first question, I do not know.

    second question, i think there are stigmas from people. people don't know him or her situation. but some relation with him or her.

  7. I think I am not sure about I know any famous people who suffered from a psychological disorder but if I know he or she, I will use the information in Hartmann to think about what disorder he or she is.

    I think nowadays people know the information about psychological more than in the pass that maybe make people think...

  8. 1. I know a male singer in China who suffered from a psychological disorder, major depression, he can not go on singing or acting. Some of his fans feel quite worried. It is really a pity for he can not live a normal life.
    2. No, I don't think so. Nowadays there are more and more psychological disorders against people than in the past. Because the stress of life is heavier than before.


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