Wednesday 18 November 2015

Is your thinking?

Today,I cannot look for any stars in Bangkok thus I have to shelve the Alien or some story about stars. However, I find some information that interests me.I have a question before we focus on the detail.It is good or bad if someone can control you do something by mysterious science (like a psychology)?

According to "Software better than humans at guessing how you feel from speech" (2015) Anna Nowogrodzki reported the graduated student of  University of Rochester developed the software that can identify the emotion of speaker from their speech.The propose of the software is for understanding the effects of emotion in parent-child interactions however,The experimental result showed this software wasn't perfect.

I really interest in the supernatural or thing that cannot prove by Scientific method such as ghost, alien, or something like that. After I read this report I think of people who can read someone's mind
Around 10 years ago, Thailand has a man who can control people do something by science called Mayajid-a kind of Parapsychology.His name is Win Eiam-ong. He said this science is not same as magic because he use speech and action or every thing that he can for control people do the things that he want. For example, He ask a man to choose pictures and cards and he know and write the answer before the man choose.

In addition,Win can do other things such as bend a spoon by two finagles, lift a thing by mental power, and forecast future. Do you thing have people do the thing that I mention (like win do)? It is real?
Now I have to practice badminton for attention a competition. Then I think I will enjoy with video clip about him.  
Nowogrodzki, A. (2015, November 13) Software better than humans at guessing how you feel from speech. new scientistRetrieved from


  1. Who is Win Eiam-ong? How long ago what this? I wonder I never heard his name.

    1. 10 years ago he was a well known people. I you want you can search his name (วิน เอี่ยมอ่อง) on youtube. There are several video about him.

  2. I think Win is a liar who knows he is a liar. The claim to bend spoons and so on is testable under scientific conditions. He will always fail because he is a liar. He reminds me of the scandalous lies or Uri Geller many years ago in the the US and other Western countries who also fooled many people into believing he could bend spoons and so on. He was eventually proved to be a liar and admitted he did it for the fame and the money.

    Absent some solid evidence, I am sure that Win is a liar looking for money and fame.

    I'm sorry to disagree so strongly, but I greatly dislike this sort of dishonesty to abuse people who are looking for something special to give meaning to life or whatever. Lies cannot give meaning, only honesty and truth can do that, however much we might not like them.

    I love stories about ghosts, vampires, gods, devils and other spirits, but they are only stories, never real. (If you present some solid evidence to the contrary, I will, of course, revise my beliefs on this.)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do agree with you Peter. He is liar.However I think the stories like this are fascinating. For example, people know the magic is fake but they still interest in It because they want to know or carp the trick of magician. Like this the most people know Win lies but they want to prove How does he lies.

    3. I don't think anyone could honestly believe that they could bend spoons with their mind, but I think that some people really do believe that they can communicate with the dead. If you bend a spoon, you must know how you are doing it.

      There was a famous case in the US and AUstralia many years ago. A guy named Uri Geller in the 1970s convinced many people that he could bend spoons with his mind, move objects and so on, but stage magicians who admit that their tricks are magic tricks not magic can do the same. When i was a teenager, I wanted to believe, but I soon decided he was just another liar.

      In contrast, I think many people do have strong psychological factors pushing them to believe in spirits, an afterlife and such like, and that the dead can be communicated with. Such beliefs are false, but at least sincere believers are not liars, they are just wrong.

  3. I don't think there are guys who can lift things by mental power or something like this. It can't be real in the physical world! There are quite a lot of people who claim that they have magical powers, for example,they can conjure up the spirits of the dead, telekinesis ( which means you can move something by thinking without physical force), conjure water or fire. That happened in the old society and people are not that well educated. Now people all know they're liars.
    Also, I don't think there are ghosts in the physical world. Maybe there are living beings or alien in another star. Maybe we can talk about it.


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