Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Do you believe that alien exists?

Source background
In “UFO hunters: They are still watching”, Jon Kelly (2012) tells us that there are special phenomena in the sky without explanation, but this might be good proof for intelligence outside world. Bufora or British UFO Research Association is trying to check a lot of unexplained sightings, whereas some skeptics think that Ufology is the combination of pseudo-science, conspiracy theory, and mystical nonsense. However, Dr. David Clarke (Sheffield Hallam University), who believes that it is worth studying as a powerful instance of folklore and mythology interestingly, said that "Of course, it's pseudo-science. But, people had always looked in the sky and seen things that were odd or puzzling. Before aliens, it was angels, ghosts and spirits. What it told us was that, as human beings, we needed to find explanations and believed in something bigger than ourselves."


My Yes/No question is:
Do you believe that alien exists?

My answer is:
Yes, personally I believe it exists.

Firstly, the existence of all life on Earth implies us that there would be also life on other countless planets under the universe. Earth would not be truly one in a million or even in a several billion where there are living things. Secondly, it might be possible that NASA or the related organizations in the world are concealing this kind of information despite knowing them very well. Thirdly, either the advancement of technology of alien or human on Earth might be the biggest limitation to discover each other. Last but not least, there might be some necessary reasons why alien, whose technology is much more superior to ours, does not want to contact us.

In fact, we usually see a lot of ET stories through media. Some of them sound humorous and nonsense, while others sound plausible. To demonstrate, I have seen video in which there was one Thai academic who could contact with alien through his smart phone. More surprisingly, the alien could speak Thai. This is the only one example that I think it sound like a joke’s story to make the temporary social trend. Overall, to say that alien never exists is to certainly jump to the conclusions. Why don’t we wait for more evidences against this or excellent technology and devices to prove this? Someday we will know exactly that we in fact might never live alone in this universe. Don’t you think like me?
Kelly, J. (2012, September 25). UFO hunters: They are still watching. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. I also believe that they exist whether there are proofs for them or not. As there are so many planets in the universe, I wonder how come there is only a planet that has organisms. What I mean is that there shall be some planets far away from us that other organisms might find them their dwellings. I don't actually know if they have reached Earth or not, but I bet that they must have superior technology as other people claimed that they have seen aliens. I wish that we'll soon be able to discover the truth whether they exist or not before we're dead..

    1. Exactly, there is a myriad of planets in the universe and some of them tend to be a potentially habitable planet like the Earth. Thus, it seems that there would be aliens or at least simple organism somewhere in which we never or are going to discover soon. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing the official discovery of alien as well.

  2. I think that alien life forms probably exist. But I don't know of any evidence at all to support this belief, except the argument that Tung has presented.

    I don't think any alien intelligence has ever visited our planet. But it's fun reading about the amazing conspiracy theories some people create to justify such beliefs - it all seems very Sugar Candy Mountain to me, as Feem tells us Dr. David Clarke says.

    1. I have heard this kind of theory for several times. It sounds pretty interesting and the conspiracy theories seem to be frequently claimed to explain many situations. Thank you for reminding me again. I will try reading about them in detail.

  3. Aliens exist when humanity dies. I believe aliens have wonderful technologies which can elimate our Earth in an instant if they spot us. I hope that they aliens will be kind and leave our world in peace instead of destroying us. Or at least I hope aliens have poorer evolution than us and do not have such destructive technology.

    1. I hope for something similar about the artificial intelligence (AI) we are actively evolving into existence. I hope our AI is kinder to us than we have been to our less intelligent relatives on the tree of life on Earth.

    2. Thank you Non for some other good aspects about this issue. Every assumption you said seems plausible; however, I want to see that aliens are good friends of us, neither our nefarious enemies nor ruthless predators. I hope so.

    3. Peter, I hope so. But, there is no any guarantee for that at this moment. So, should we keep supporting or opposing the development of AI?


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