Tuesday, 8 March 2016

"I cannot describe that dream to you" (Orwell, 2016/1947, p. 4)

Source background
Although question 4, especially 4.a., hints at it, our set of discussion questions on the first chapter of Animal Farm does not directly ask about the short sentence in line 10 of page 4: "I cannot describe that dream to you" (Orwell, 2016/1947). One of Orwell's virtues as a writer is that he is as concise as possible. He works hard to cut unnecessary words. And I think this one short sentence does a lot of work. It is worth some discussion. So, ,,,


My information question is:
What do you make of the sentence: "I cannot describe that dream to you"? What is Orwell saying to us here? 

My answer is:
Coming later. 
What are your ideas? What does this short sentence do? What does it tell us? Why does Major say this at this point in his speech? Rather, why does Orwell have Major speak this sentence here?
Orwell, G. (2016). Animal Farm. Peter for use in the AEP program at AUA. Retrieved from https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=5B4B50DD6DBCD1F2!15309&authkey=!ALrp9sMITsyRnvQ (Originally published 1947)


  1. I love the reason that the imagination of human are the source of the most extraordinary fantasy than the language. Maybe that's why Orwell avoid to describe the dream through the Old Major's speech. Anyway, we can imply from many clues that the author has given to us throughout the story.


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