Tuesday 11 March 2014

Are There Any Living Things We Still Don't Know Yet?

Do you know?  that each year new species found around the world.  Why do not they discovered long time ago as other simply species?  Why no one detect them before?  The reason is they can adapt themselves with weird habitats.  The places where humans can not imagine how souls could live.  For instance, inside the iceberg, deep into underground, in the pool of hot spring, or out world.  Or maybe  the new species come from the old one?  Which transform into new shape because of struggling to stay alive.  How amazing living things can be!

Among the many animals that make their living off of other species, parasitic wasps are especially cunning, inject other insects' larvae and eggs with their own eggs, and after they hatch, the larval wasps gradually eat their victims from the inside out.  Now, with the help of ordinary Costa Ricans, scientists have discovered nearly 200 new species of these tiny KILLERS in the Area de Condervacion Guanacaste in the country's northwest corner, with expectations that 20,000 more are waiting to be described.

As those above, I can infer that the parasitic wasps did not seen by anyone before because they spend most of their lifetime in the host (other insect) body, eating host from inside, how interesting is that?!  How could their larvae stay alive in host body?  Well, along with her eggs, a female (gender of wasp) injects the host with virus, unique to her species, that protects her eggs from the host's immune system.  It look strange that the host of this type of wasps has to die but wasps alive?  It is about the biological logic that every species of souls have to struggle to stay in this world.  The weakest one must die, while the stronger stay alive.

Last year, 2013, new cockroach specie have found too,  called glow-in-the-dark-cockroach.  It gets to be a little less disgusting, but only because its shape and its glow spots make it look like a cute, bug-eyed egg.  Still, the Luchihormetica luckae ( this cocktoach scientific name)which was identified this year, manages to undo any good will it earns.  For starters, the creature it’s trying to mimic with its stay-away nocturnal shimmer is the toxic click beetle, which achieves the seemingly impossible task of being even lower than the roach on the ladder of appeal.  And those cute, glowing eye spots? They’re made by pits in the animal’s skin filled with fluorescent bacteria.  I do not know why scientist did not found this artistic cockroach before!  Cause of it ability to glow in the dark, it mist be easily to notice right?  However, this specie is amazing!

Beside those new species, there are other interesting species which just discovered few years ago too!  Like Walking Cactus, sound weird right?  It sounds like walking plant, but it is an insect found in China!  Pancake Fish is strange too, the fish that spill out with earth's oil when the oil-drilling platform broken down into the sea.  Also the newest frog that just recently found this year, which hiding in the small flower in Peru.  Sound nice right?  If you want to know more keep searching in google about new species then year that you want!

Well, there still many interesting new species I want to tell you in this blog, but I too lazy now.  Do you think are there still other species that we did not discovered yet?  In some places far away from souls, somewhere that humans can not reach yet, and somewhere outside of this planet.  I do think!  As the scientist still keeping research at South, where is very cold, the place where biggest iceberg set on, The South Pole.  Oh well! Mossy just bite me!  Okay, back to the topic which I am going to say
next.  Yes, there is an iceberg which cover most part of South Pole, place which no land, people think that there might has mysterious things wait us to visit.  Surely, I curious finding what mystery is that too.
Mcpherson, A. (2014, March 4).  Nearly 200 New Species of Parasitic Wasps Discovered in Costa Rica.  National Geographic.  Retrieved March 11, 2014 from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/03/140304-parasitoid-wasp


  1. Get's glow-in-the-dark-cockroach with those eerie spots is my favourite.
    But the pancake fish also impresses - it looks as though it's already deep fried.

    1. Well, exactly, it is called pancake batfish, cause of its fangs. If you see at its mounth, you will see 2 fangs that look like bat's right? That why it is called batfish. For me, I think it look like got ddep fried because it lives in weird habitat, I guess. As I have read about it's article long time ago, it said this fishy come out with oil! or maybe it adapt its shape to stay alive in oil environment.

    2. It made me want to eat this morning, and it does again now.
      Fish and chips like I used to love after church on Sundays when I was in primary school.

    3. Well, I do not think you wanna eat that fish... Right? If I am wrong.. That sounds pretty strange eating weird and ugly look fish!

  2. Oh!!! None of these new species is my favorite as you, Peter. In fact, they looks so strange to me because of my unforgettable memory - it occurred when I was a high school student. My mom would like me to study Entomology for my bechelor degree. Her thought is really shocked because I can't stand any kind of insects even though their appearances are very attractive or beautiful. Definitely, I have to convince her to change her mind; yes that's really hard, but I can do it..So now you guess what I interested in...?

    1. I glad that you like my topic. For me, I enjoyed playing with tiny animals when I was pretty young. Also mostly insects. Playing (destroying) their nest! Use fire burn them or electric spark!! Sometime putting them in to freezing too! But as time past, I keep in my mind that won't killed anythings anymore. So insectphobia visit my life, as I just see only one small insect, like ant, mossy, spider, I will feel terrified or sometime rash come to my body haha.

  3. Growing up inside your body! It sound scarily for me to know this news. I love some insects, like ladybug or butterfly are my favorite insects, but their still have a lot of species I don't like it. Especially fruit fly always interrupted me with their noise of fly. I don't know why they have to fly near my ears. They are small and no harm but too offend the eyes!

    ฺBees and wasps is my enemy. I don't know why, but I always be the first who must be string even there have a lot of choice around me. It's like normally for my parents to heard that I had string! I hate it!

    1. Well, I hate wasps and bees too. However, I do not imagin that ladybug or butterfly lovely anymore. Since they are sometime can cause my skin allergic, butterfly wings have powder which can make your body feel itch! Also ladybugs have some toxic that might harmful you too!

  4. I'm really happy that new cockroach specie has been found! and it gets to be a little less disgusting, because I'm always terrified of them.

    I think Get's question-Do you think are there still other species that we did not discovered yet? is really interesting, but my question is how would I know that animals that i think they might be new species have already been found or not? Should I do some research about this?

    1. I hate cockroach!

      Well, for me, I think that these news species that scientist think they are new, might met by native people who are live nearby that area. But those people might not care for them, because they see those species everyday. In contrast, when the scientists come researching that place, the new species hidding them like playing hide and seek! By the way, If you want to make this sure, you might want to do some research for this hahaha.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Get, it's really difficult for me to read this blog post since those picture are really scary! I have to use a paper to cover up them.

    For you question, I think there are absolutely many species that we still don't discover. Moreover, I think there are new species everyday in this world.

    1. My phobias are differently directed - I'm scared of frogs for no good reason, but cockroaches and other bugs don't worry me, although I don't want cockroaches in my home either. On the other hand, I rather like spiders in my home - they eat the insects I don't like. But my mother used to hate spiders - she wages constant chemical warfare with them. I'm sure the spiders are safer than her poisons.

      Oddly, the bug-eyed frog here doesn't worry me. Perhaps it's different enough not to trigger my usual batrachophobic response.

      I also like In's comment that "there are new species everyday in this world." That sounds right to me, or if not every day, at least very often. With all the species that already exist, surely more are branching off all the time.

    2. I think these pictures are so soften. Not scary. I understand that everypeople have one thing they scare most.

      Yes, I also think that there are many many species which we do not know yet. But if some specie transform into news type, either by natural or chemical, is it still count as new specie?

    3. I'm looking forward to someone suggesting an answer to Get's question here. What, exactly, makes something a new species? How do new species arise? (A very controversial question in the US, where almost 50% of the population are sure that Darwin and his successors in science are wrong because they think the Bible says something different!)

    4. I am afraid of spiders, even it is small or big. I don't know since when I get afraid of them but they terrified me a lot. I am not afraid cockroach but don't want them in my home as well.

      For Get's question, I think it would be a new specie when the old one transform, or evolve themselves in order to live in the challenging environment conditions. For example, birds and ducks, even their look is very similar, but their foot is much very different, and birds can fly but ducks. I guess that there should have some distinguishes in genes also.

    5. Well, as p'Book said tge new species come from the old one which transform. Then, is the old one still alive in this world? Or If all of one specie transform, like all octoputs and squids type transform into Karken!? So scientists should mark squids and octoputs type as an extinction right!? Cause all of those species all transform into new one.


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