Saturday, 8 March 2014

Smoking permission for Pupils at Peterborough

Smoking as most people know is bad for health. We often see the advertising that campaigned for the smokers to quit smoking, especially for the youth, so when I saw "Peterborough referral unit allows pupils to smoke" article, it attracts me a lot.

According to "Peterborough referral unit allows pupils to smoke" article, the Honeyhill school at Peterborough, comes up with the policy to control pupils behavior with the belief that it can stop absconding and keeping them in the education system. Claire George, the head teacher of the school, also added that this policy was more effective than basic banning smoking but some pupils and Action on Smoking and Health(ash) go against this policy.

Do I agree with the Peterborough referral unit? My answer is totally no. First, smoking is unhealthy. It is harmful not only to the smokers themselves but also to the others surrounding them. Moreover, if the pupils smoke since they are in the age of 14 to 16, what do you think their lung will be  or the disease they will have when the age of 30 (in case they still keep smoking). Perhaps, they may have to cut out some part of their lung due to lung cancer. Moreover, I think that instead of allowing them to smoke, you should have them punish so that they know this is wrong. Also, I don't think that allowing the pupil to smoke will totally solve the absconding problem. Since, absconding may or may not related to smoking. Some absconding might not smoke while some smoking pupils might not be absconding. For example, some pupils might just want to go shopping or playing games. Therefore, the permitting smoking do not keep them in the education system at all the time.

Another thing is that it is difficult to control or limit smoking. Even though the controlled rules is set for smoking pupils, they hardly follow the rules. For example, pupils have to hand in smoking materials everyday. However, how do you know they will hand them all in to you. They might only hand in a pack of cigarette but hide another so that they can sneak to smoke in a hidden place such as restroom.

Most of the time, I usually feel dizzy or have a cough when I walk nearby smoking area. Also, I always warn my friends not to smoke. Especially, when I see young students smoke, I really want to warn them to stop because it may harm their health sooner or later. Therefore, you should think ahead before smoke.


Peterborough referral unit allows pupils to smoke. (2014, March 7). BBC News Cambridgeshire. Retrieved March 8, 2014 from


  1. Yep, I agree with u. I hate smoking too. As I had studied in all boy school, it is sure that there r some students smoking in school area like toilet, stair or any places that they can hide. It pretty bad because when u walk pass the toilet to ur classroom in the morning, lunch... umm maybe all day.. lol. u might smell the smokers smoking. My school also has rules too, but students can avoid that. Like my friend, I always blame him that smoking is very bad, though, he still says "Just a few minute pls~", then he go somewhere else I don't know, he never let me know for that haha.

    1. I also hate the smell of smoking, and never let anyone smoke in my home, but that's my policy on my property. I think that restaurants and other owners should be allowed to similarly set the policy for their own property, and potential customers are then free to choose whether to enter or not. I think banning smoking in restaurants, and even hospitals, is unjust. But it would be OK to ban smoking on footpaths, whcih all must have an equal right to use without being exposed to unchosen risks and needless stinks.

    2. It seems that we don't like the same thing -the smell of I think smoking in the restaurants and hospitals isn't totally be banned . For example, some restaurant that have both inside (air-conditioned) and open air area, still allows customer to smoke in the open air area while they are having their meals. Also, hospitals have smoking area that provided for smokers. So, smokers can still smoke in restaurants and hospitals, but only in the provided area.

  2. I like a nice controversial topic since those are usually the ones that raise important issues on which there is disagreement requiring careful analysis and facts.

    I just have two immediate questions in response to Means post:
    1. the evidence shows that the policy does effectively keep pupils in school, does that make it a good policy?
    2. if something is definitely unhealthy for the user, as smoking cigarettes is, is that a good enough reason to ban it? (I'm sure you already know my answer to this question.)

    I'm sure that others will raise more issues in response to the ideas Mean presents us with here.

    But, much as I'm enjoying your initial blog posts, I have to go to bed now - Sunday is not my day off. I have a class at 8:00 AM, but thankfully only the one.

  3. I really hate smoking, actually it's disgusting. I also hate people who smoke. I don't like when I find these people smoke on footpath or in public. I think they don't care others. For me, smoking is not wrong, but people who want to smoke should smoke in smoking area that not just outside the buildings but in the room. Moreover, they must not make others be in trouble. I totally agree with you that this permission can't solve any problem and bring a lot of problem. I think it look like school want student to smoke,and maybe students who don't smoke start smoking because of this.

    1. I also agree with you that smoker should smoke only in the provided area. However, I think smoking area can be anywhere including outside the buildings as long as it is far from others. I think it is ok that someone smoke in the open area such as parks but smoking in hot and stuffy area such as parking lots, I don't think so.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Gosh I forgot to copy some of my last comment. - -"

      I totally agree with you. I think smoking is bad for our health. But if someone really want to smoke, I think they have their right to do so until his smoking will harm another people.

  4. I also agree with you and Peter. Every times I smell smoke from surrounding area, it would make me feel sick like headache. I tried to avoid them as much as I can. I thing Thailand should have a rule for control place for smoking that didn't annoyed to the other people and make punishing to the one that break the rule. My university had campaigned in slogan "university of white" but no one do it. It might because the punishment isn't stronger enough for make people trust. The thing that I can do just avoid from smoker. Fortunately, the people around me no one smoke.


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