Thursday, 27 March 2014

Mommy cloning

In Thai culture, there is one idiom said that if you want to know a girl's personality, you just have to look at her mother. This make you understand about the relationship between mother and her child that reflected not only from the appearance external, but also include their habit too. These make us to think about how much that mother can effect to their children?

The study published in Pediatrics say "Children are not 'just naturally active'', means parents is a important role to develop habits for their early life,when they saw mother do activity and copy their pattern, learn to do the same as her active that the research showed their data in positive association between physical activity in children and their mothers. And from the article, the study also tell that if the women who become mother decrease their activity level, this would also decrease children activity too.

This is just a research about how mother effect their young child, that doesn't include the other environment; such as kinder-garden society, friend society, or so on, which can also be a pattern for them. We can control our children in basically term, make the best thing to them and avoid bad environment that may cause a bad habit for them to learn. Everything couldn't be under control all the time and this will make a lot of experience to grow-up then in adult society in their future live.

Actually, this is one of the facts that everyone have to know before becoming mother or father, so you can change your lifestyle that can influence your children in a good or bad way. It doesn't mean to change your activities immediately, but you should make it change smoothly like your natural habit.

Activity levels in mums and children 'directly linked'. (2014, March 24). BBC News Health. Retrieved March 27,2014 from


  1. I like Mim's response here.
    It reminded me of that most useful tool for academics: check everything.

    At first, I thought: "That's just obvious. It doesn't need research." But that's wrong: it might seem obvious that parental behaviour affects their children, but it could be wrong, and the only to have any confidence in our opinion is to test it with rigorous experiment.

    And then I thought of another problem with the "that's obvious" response. But someone else might like to explore that. I'm happy that Mim's post reminds us of the need to check everything!

  2. I think changing our habit is a big job to do and even harder to turn it to natural habit. May be that's why most parents sent their children to school instead of doing a home school, where children are taught by their parents. That's because school's education system is more reliable for most of parents.

    As the article said, this research didn't include other envelopment that stimulate children's activities, but I still believe that parents' behavior have impact on their children not more or less. Even it might take a lot of time to change some bad behavior, doesn't mean it's impossible.

  3. This is absolutely true. Children like copying their parents. My youngest sister, for example, is not 2 years old but she copied the way I drink water from the bottle without a straw. Actually, she tries to copy everything. Then, when I stay with her, I try to be careful about what I do.


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