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Wednesday, 29 April 2009
How one country (mis)treats the mentally ill
Daniel's question: Is Quest wrong?
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
How Japanese consider mental illness
Michiyo on mental disease
abnormal behavior in thai aspect
Culture and Mental illness by -[DeE-Di]-
Have you ever seen psychologist ?
Seeking help of psychologist
People should understand the abnormal behavior in friend or relative and try to help them. Do not ignore them. Try to listening to their problem and give them empathy. Besides, people should always support you friend or relative who have a problem and deal with them with the positive feeling.
Pang on psychological disorder
Psychologist in Thai Culture
An on abnormal disorder
PommePomme on psychological disorder
May on psychological disorder
Mental illness
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Peter on Art
The first thing I liked about Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Février, is that it shows a lot of detail of the people's daily life. There are people working outdoors and others relaxing indoors. There are also a lot of details that can tell us about their lives: the sort of work they did, their daily activities, what they ate, and so on. Other details tell us a lot about the place, which is a snowy country in Europe. There is a church in the background, so the people and place in the foreground are not alone. There must be other people around to go to the church. We can even get a lot of information about the clothes the people wore, and their social customs. Apparently, it was OK to pull up your clothes in front of a warm fire! In the larger and more colourful image online, I was surprised to see the details of the man in the middle with pulled up clothes.
Another thing I like are the wonderful colours, especially the very rich blue at the top of the paining.
Pang on Art
Da on Art
my favorite piece of art is Cooling Off by the Riverbank, by Kitakawa Utamaro [Janpan].Late 18th century.when I look at this picture I like culture in japan especailly culture about lifestye and wearing cloths.I like women in janpan who wear cloth polite and lovely.The culture about wearing cloth of janpan looks like Korea but in japan has nany culors and beautiful culors.The culture in japan ,agroup of people look
May on Art
Nana on Art
In the ominbus, I see two women and one baby in the train. where do they go? I guess they are going to visit in birthplace. It take place 1891 in The UK because they wear British clothes and the capture tell me. The printer tell about culture of community when the people take the train and go to anywhere. The older woman look out of window and think when the train arrive the target station. She watch carfully around her.The younger woman is holding baby and don't interesting around her. She feel funny with trip. The baby wear luxully dressing. She is sitting in the younger woman. She don't sleep and she is quit clam. I guess the trip is long time. The printer draw this picture during jouney in other country. The printer keep about culture and history on her picture.
An on Art
I'm not interested in art, so when I look at the painting I don't have much feeling.
Lila on Art
Michiyo on Art
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
How scratching can stop an itch

In “How scratching can stop an itch” BBC news report, Scientists have shown scratching helps relieve an itch as it blocks activity in some spinal cord nerve cells that transmit the sensation to the brain. The University of Minnesota study appears in Nature Neuroscience has suggested that a specific part of the spinal cord. Nerve cells in spinal cord show to be more activity when itchy and apply to skin. People and animal set that scratching the skin block activity of nerve cells in the spinothalamic tract during itchiness control the spinal cord from transmit signal from the scratch area of skin to brain. Professor Gil Yosipovitch, an expert on itching from Wake Forest University in North Carolina said, “the finding was "potentially significant"”. He said: "Although there is a long way to go, methods that can induce a pleasurable scratch sensation without damaging the skin, via mechanical stimuli or drugs that can inhibit these neurons, could be developed to treat chronic itch." At last, when I read this article I feel itchy. I try to control scratching but I couldn’t.
If you have an itch. Can you control them by no scratch?.
ReferencesHow scratching can stop an itch. (2009,April 6), BBC News, Retrieved April 8,2009 from
US father 'shoots his children'

In “US father 'shoots his children'” BBC News reports, a father in Washington State shot dead his five children. Then he shot himself after hearing his wife was leaving him. A visiting relative found nobody answered the door and saw a child's body through a window. After that, she called the police to proof that home. James Harrison is 34 years old who kill his children. He shot four children in their bed and one in the bathroom. He was found dead after he shot to his head in his car. As Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor say, "This appears to be the terrible work of the biological father. If that doesn't break your heart, I don't know what does."
This is a bad new which real happened in the world. Nowadays, there are many bad news about father. Both of them, real father and stepfather.
What do you think about this news? How do you feel?
US father 'shoots his children'. (2009,April 5), BBC News, Retrieved April 8,2009 from
Waew on what makes a perfect parent
However, there are two important factors which are possibly negatively effect to the child's school performance; the child is regularly spanked and frequently watches the television. Because the way the parent hit their child would create the violence behavior to the child when he grows up. Also, watching television without any parent guidance would create the improper immitation in child.
On the other hand, the child's family is intact and the child's parent read to him nearly every day would be the most important things to make the child's school performance. I think because the close relationship within family would immune the child from the external shocks.
Tuk on what makes a perfect parents.
sunny on what makes a perfect parent
Mark on what makes a perfect parent.
Soojin on what makes a perfect parent
However, it is a bad effect that "The child frequently watches television." Theasdays, the programs which come out on the television is very harmful. Most things are ridiculous and violent. Children don't have an ability to classify the information which they watch, so I would like to recommand that children don't watch TV much.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Powerful Italian quake kills many
*If you have to stay in earthquake,you will find one way to survive. In your opinion,give a way to survive from earthquake! Thank you.
Powerful Italian quake kills many(2009, April 6) , BBC News, Retrieves April 7, 2009 From
May on Religious Art in Thailand
Peter on Essay Writing
Why do people want to write essays?
I think that we want to write essays to share our ideas. If have an idea about something, for example, that it would be a very bad idea, and immoral, to ban alcohol sales over Songkran, or during the day, then we write an essay to tell others what we think and to explain why we think that. Maybe they will agree with us! If they disagree, they can write an essay to clearly explain why we are wrong, and then we can think about their ideas, and respond with another essay.
Essays are good for this because they give us a a chance to state and explain our ideas with support so that others can be convinced, or at least encouraged to think about our ideas.
More important, ... sorry no time now. I'll add abit more later tonight!
Pang on Essay writting
Nana on writing essay
and enter your source reference citations here (If your post doesn't cite any sources, delete this entire section)
Michiyo on Essay Writing
DA on Essay writing
Before writing essay you must to know about how do you write.Write an essay is can tells idea of writer and show about something that I interested and understand it and can add more detail for share idea in essay.writng essay must to clearly explain about your wrting. I think, writing essay difficult more than writing respond because writing respond don't worry about gamma.
May on Essay Writing
Ann on Essay Writing
Lila on Essay writhing
An on Essay writing
An on Religious Art in Vietnam
Peter on Religious Art in Australia
At mass every Sunday, there were hymns, in which music was the art used to tell people the stories and ideas of the religion.
Outside of church, religious art was in most people's home. People usually had a painting of Jesus or his mother, Mary, on the walls of their dining rooms and perhaps other rooms. Again, this reminded people of the people, events and important ideas of their religion. Another thing I remember is that everyone had a small statue of Saint Christopher in their car. Saint Christopher was the saint who protected travellers, so if you had his statue in your car, you would be saved from a car accident. Unfortunately, he didn't always do his job.
Da on Religious Art in Thailand
Pang on Religious Art in Thailand
Nana on Religious Art in Thailand
and enter your source reference citations here (If your post doesn't cite any sources, delete this entire section)
Michiyo on Religious Art in Japan.
Lila on religious art in Cambodia
Ann on Religion Art in Thailand
Sunday, 5 April 2009
"Lavender takes adge off horror"

Disturbing details in Thai blaze inquiry

From this case which nobody want to happen in the future. In Songkran festival, Where do you going to plan? There are many people each tourist attraction. How safe do you entry everywhere?
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Cambodia leader talks down clash

BBC News reports, there was brief fighting and tension between Cambodia and Thailand share a border nearly 800km by surrounds an ancient temple, Preah Vihear which international court awarded to Cambodia in 1962. Cambodia's prime minister has said “that he does not wish to see border clashes between Thai and Cambodian troops escalate into a more serious conflict.” Cambodian soldiers hadn’t been injured in exchanges of rocket and gunfire on Friday which consider occurrence between neighbors. But Thai authorities said “at least two Thai soldiers died and seven were wounded.” Nevertheless, today we have a problem, and then we calm down and talk to each other.
Cambodia leader talk down clash. Retrieved ( April 4,2009) asia pacific, BCC News.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Hot climate produces baby girls

In “Hot climate produces baby girls” BBC News report that the birth rates of girls in the tropics are higher than in other parts of the world. They base on the birth place. People who live by the equator have more girls than boys. This causes a variety of climate that may effect on miscarriage rates and sperm quality. In addition, from the research, “the female foetus is less fragile than the male foetus, which is more prone to the effects of the environment on pregnant women.” However, it is difficult to draw conclusion because the other factors can also change the birth rate such as the different of culture, society and economy in each region.
Which factor do you think that most effects on the birth rates; the different climate, culture, society or economy? Why?
Hot climate produces baby girls.(2009,April 1),BBC News, Retrieved April 3,2009 from
Thursday, 2 April 2009
No problems so far as April Fools' computer worm awakensStory Highlights

What effects of this day to us?
Do I Like Lady Catherine?
Still, I like her. She is so awful all the time, and so hopelessly ignorant of her own ignorance and awfulness, that she is almost funny. I don't think she ever says a single kind word to or about anyone. And some of her comments really are as stupid as anything that Mr. Collins might say, for example when she says in all seriousness that had she ever learnt to play the piano that she would be "a great proficient". Equally funy is that the only people who are actually impressed by her are those with no taste and little manners: Mr Collins, Sir William Lucas, and a few other snobs. It is clear that Darcy doesn't have any much better opinion of his aunt than Lizie does.
She is just right to show off the virtues of others, bring out the worst in some, and generally contribute to the story and the cast.
I like her quite well enough.
Austen, J. & Stafford, F. (2004). Pride and Prejudice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Caroline Bingley
Mrs Bennet in Pride and Prejudice
Jane in "Pride and Prejudice"
Lastly, Jane has the passion of love and kind. It seems she can get along well with Miss Bingley even though Miss Bingley look down on Jane's social stutus. The charactor of Jane seems to be optimistic about people. Also, she love Mr.Darcy by heart not by the financial benefits as Mrs.Bennet expected about. It seems she is such a happy person who is ing in the difficulties of future financial uncertainty in her family.
Above is all the reasons why I like Jane in the Pride and Prejudice.
Lydia and Mark
Do you like Lizzie in Pride and Prejudice?
Mark and a turning point
The turning point
From The Road Not Taken
the important decision in my life.
The Road Not Taken
I realize that people need to make a choice many times in their lives and those choices have their own different outcomes.
Soojin's respons writing about page 183 ex.F in Quest
Theology change my life and change my perspective of God. In the theology, I thought something that related to who is God, and who is human. Actually, my University is very liberal, so my professors push to think liberally and sometimes accept another religions' perspective. I was shocked at that time, because I just accustomed to christian in the church. Normally, church emphasize that God is absolute and only one with the bible. However, out of the church, in my faculty and with my professors and my friends, though I had a many stress, I get many things. I feel my thought is more broad. Though until now I can't answer many questions, I believe, someday, I will answer some of them(not all!) and help students who are worried about similar topic like my university life. Thus, theology change my vision and give new perspective.
Why Peter is here
I got to Thailand and after my allotted two weeks, went on to Taiwan, where I did some work and study as planned. But instead of spending two years there, with short side trips, I made longer visits back to Thailand, which was much more enjoyable place to be.
After a year, I decided to spend a year in bangkok studying Thai at AUA. Again, this was largely as a result of an accident. I was interested in language learning theories at the time, and had been reading some theoretical works, including a book by Stephen Kraschen, which had made a sensation with some radical ideas about how people actually learn languages and how that could be applied to second language acquisition. I had studied other languages in school and at university using the traditional approaches, so I was well aware of the seriuos defects in those methods: I could read classical literature, but I couldn't even have a simple conversation with people! Something was wrong.
I had never taught a language, and I'd never studied teaching, but I wanted to see if Kraschen's ideas really worked, and one of the few places in teh world that used his ideas in the way he intended and at a reasonable cost was the Thai Studies Department here at AUA. So back i came to settle in thailand for a year.
That was great, but afer six months or so, I also realised that it would be good to have somethign else to do with my days. Well, there was an English language school just down the corridor, so I began teaching English for a few hours a day as well as studying Thai.
That is the series of small things that have led me down paths that I might never have taken otherwise. I wonder what I would be doing now if I hadn't decided to travel for a couple of years? If I hadn't hadn't become interested in language learning? If I hadn't heard of Kraschen and AUA?
Frost is right in "The Road Not Taken": the bends in the road make it impossible for us to see how even small events and decisions can lead us to ways we could never have imagined.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Shopping sprees linked to periods

In “Shopping sprees linked to periods” BBC News report that the psychologists believe the shopping is a way for premenstrual women to manage with the negative emotion that from hormone changing. The study found in ten day before periods the women like to go spending spree. This situation is cause from fluctuation and surges in hormone and affects the part of brain. In fertile day, the women tend to dress to impress and were adornment with jewellery or make-up. As Professor Pine, of the
What is your spending behavior? How much you pay for shopping per month ? Have you ever calculated it?
Earth population 'exceeds limits'
Now,there are too many population living in the Planet Earth. "We have six-and-a-half-billion people on the planet, going rapidly towards seven." All people need foods , water , habitat and medicine. But,the Earth can't support too many people.A National Medal of Science laureate tries to invent genetically modified foods for many people in The Earth. They accept GM food similar in medicine.
*Do you accept GM food? Why? Why not? Give a way to save the earth in many people.