Friday 30 September 2016

Acne is not always bad.

What I found in the news

According to "Teens with spots tend to stay looking younger for longer, new research suggests" , Teenager who has acne is likely to look aged slower than those who has clear skin (2016). The research of  King's College London found the key of youth  is "Telomeres which are protective caps on the ends of their chromosomes" , these caps were found longer in acne skin than clear skin. When Telomeres are shot it will stimulate  "p35" ,which is a pathway of gene, to destroy cells that lead to aging of skin. So the Telomores are considered  protector of skin to fight against aging and we need more studies to clearly understand.

My response
This article really made my day it totally changed my perspective about acne because I have suffered from acne since I was 13 years old, I have visited many dermatology clinics and have tried almost every therapies such as taking pills , using antibiotic gel or injection . It seems good at the first time but not last long. And the cost of therapy is extremely expensive , I had to spend around 1000 - 1500 Baht per month for curing acne. So a problem of acne always annoys my life but after I finished reading this article , it make me feel better about acne.

When I was studying in the university , I have learn that the major cause of acne is hormone from our body it happen normally in every teenagers and quite hard to control. There is natural way  to reduce acne that is Changing Lifestyle.

For example:
- Avoid eating too much fat because consuming high amount of fat  lead to oily skin that is one of the cause of acne
- Eat more fruits and vegetables , Antioxidants in both fruits and vegetables would help clear up acne.
- Drink enough water at least 8 glasses per day to stay hydrated.

I have just stopped visiting dermatologist for 6 months and try changing lifestyle by eating healthy food and drinking more water combine with using anti-acne gels that buy from pharmacy. Although is not effective like using a medical therapy but I think it is more sustainable and save money.

Do you have a problem about acne like me?
Or do yon have others good tips to prevent acne?

 Anna Collinson (2016, September 28). Teens with spots tend to stay looking younger for longer, new research suggests BBC News.  Retrieved from


  1. i wonder whether it would have changed my dislike of my acne to have known the hidden benefits when I was in high school and suffering from pimples. I'm not sure.

    If the acne is caused by hormones, how big an impact can diet have? We were always told that chocolate was the worst thing, but I believe that was later found to be wrong. Is there evidence that fatty food causes acne?

    I wouldn't say that I was afraid of my acne, although I did fear what I thought it did to my social life, my sex life really. But it certainly caused me, and most of my peers at the time, a lot of stress as we worried about how to get rid of spots.

    A thoughtful post by Aon on a very different topic. There are plenty of discussions for you join in!

    1. Diet have partial roles to decrease spots, it may not help you get a perfectly clear skin but it make you healthier. If your body got healthy, it would deal with acne more effective.
      In part of "fatty food causes acne", the studies still controversial but it has a negative effect to body for sure. So I think it better to avoid eating too much greasy food.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me me I don't think not having things like wrinkles and thin skin will make any boys feel worth having acne. Though, in girls maybe it worth having some.

  4. I don't like having acne because it is actually eating your skin and left the hole or scar behind and I think the best way to handle them are try to drink water as much you can, sleep before 10 pm, don't touch them.

    Also I think cleaning is important point if you don't clean your face probably it will lead to new born acne.

  5. I don't like having acne because it is actually eating your skin and left the hole or scar behind and I think the best way to handle them are try to drink water as much you can, sleep before 10 pm, don't touch them.

    Also I think cleaning is important point if you don't clean your face probably it will lead to new born acne.


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