Friday 2 September 2016

Did Reindeer Deserve to Die by Lightning?

Source background

From “A lightning strike killed 323 reindeer, and this is the ghastly aftermath”, the 323 reindeer were killed by lightning took place in the Hardangervidda mountain plateau in Norway in which there are a verdant and frigid tableau of streams, rocks and glaciers that is home to one of the largest reindeer herd in Europe. The article introduces the similar accidents caused by lightning all over the world; 91 people in Peru in 1971, 68 Jersey cows in Australia in 2005, 21 cows in South Dakota, 52 geese in Canada in 1932 and so on. (2016).


My Yes/No question is:
Did the herd of reindeer deserve to die by lightning?

My answer is:
No, they are innocent.  


One of the most spectacular and miraculous forms of natural phenomenon is absolutely lightning. It is so stunning and phenomenal that we could be automatically mesmerized by its magical power. No one can deny that it possesses supernatural power by which makes it awe-inspiring. A piercing shriek of lightning is, however, unbearably awful, and its flash is dreadful as well. By the time people run into lighting in the open air, such as the prairie or the plowland, almost everyone must be horrified by the sound of it and obsessed by the fear of being struck by lightning. The fear trembled in every limb does not disappear until we escape from it or lightning goes away by itself.

After its fury, the sky can regain peace. Over the summer, the blue sky is suddenly changed into a pitch-dark night from time to time, shortly after that, the roar of the sky is rumbling all over the place, following that a strong wind is blowing and a heavy raining is ruthlessly beating the ground. Lightning begins from a tiny small point and nose dives to the ground. Then, it outstretches its hands every direction in the middle of the sky. It is so fast and powerful that it appears to be an electric whip of which belongs to Zeus. The rumbling of thunder sounds like the curse of Hera. Lightning must be thrown by Zeus in order to punish people whose misdeed should be paid back. Indeed, as there are so many scoundrels in the world, they should be struck by lightning and they should feel the fear of the heaven. There are two notorious villains; the one is corrupted high-ranking officers, and the other is corrupted politicians.

Corrupted soldiers who commit irregularities should be received heavy punishment. The Ministry of National Defense of the South Korea submitted an additional budget at roughly 2.3 billion US dollars to change soldiers’ beds. A.F.A.I.K., the number of Korean soldiers is at roughly 630,000. If they buy brand new beds which would be at 1,000 US dollars per bed, they would need at about 563 million US dollars. However, they need 2.5 billion US dollars. What is more surprising is that they have already spent at approximately 5 billion US dollars to change soldiers’ beds since 2006. Is that a sound judgement? Do they need beds made of gold or silver? What on earth are they doing something crazy inside barbed-wire? They not only made every Korean soldier and their parents disappointed and demoralized, but they also made Koreans nervous and anxious about our military. The biggest problem is that the North Korea knows there are many corrupted officers inside the South Korean military. Since some corrupted officers damaged reputation of Korean soldiers and military, they should be struck by lightning to be brainwashed. They are absolutely internal enemies, so they should be charged with treason that can never be forgiven.

Politicians are neither guests nor travelers. They are representatives of the people whose belief and hope rests on their shoulders. In other words, they should play a major role in the National Assembly on behalf of the people. They try to their best to enact laws that could make people satisfied, and they should surveil every nook and cranny all over the country. In addition, they should be clean and faithful, for their positions are easily succumbed to the temptation of committing crimes and corruption, so they always keep these in their mind; serving the public, working for the nation, and never giving in temptation or corruption. However, it is not difficult that some politicians took a bribe and have a strong influence on companies and the machinery of law by reason of concealing someone’s irregularity.

According to the law of the Korean National Assembly, Politicians in Korea can be paid at about 130,000 US dollars per year, and they can hire at most 9 secretaries including two interns, and their salaries are also paid by our taxes which come at approximately 360,000 US dollars per annum. On top of that, they are lots of privilege. Politicians’ salary paid by the government means the people want them not to worry about money to investigate social problems and work hard for the country. However, we cannot trust some politicians any longer because they do not work and go on a trip on the excuse of an inspection tour. Even though they deny the fact that they waste money, we know it is definitely a junket since it is expensive, unnecessary, and has been paid for with the taxes. Checking their expenses, they worked few hours, but they spent a lot of time to visit tourist attractions, have fine dining, go shopping centers, luxurious hotels and so on. Are they politicians or junketers? That is obviously illegal and an immoral decision by which could make many jobseekers and ordinary people frustrated and angry. They have already known that a recent debate in Korea is relative deprivation. (I want to write this issue sooner or later) It shows one of our social problems that make many people commit suicides. Politicians are not travelers, whilst they are workers for the people and the nation. They should not forget those duties during the term. Politicians who do not work should be struck by lightning for the purpose of walking them up.

I felt sorry for the death of herd of reindeer and people who were struck by lightning. They should have shunned lightning and saved their lives. They are completely innocent. We knew who should be struck by that lightning instead of them. Some corrupted officers and politicians should have been there. I do not want to send criminals in jail because the prison is funded by taxpayers and needs a lot of money to manage prisoners. We have no money for the criminal, yet there are a lot of people who really need money and the government’s help.

Brulliard, K. (2016, August 29). A lightning strike killed 323 reindeer, and this is the ghastly aftermath. The Washington Post. Retrieved from


  1. Corruption seems to be a deep-rooted problem in many country. Some humans are so greedy that they don't realize what is right or wrong. Most situations are worse because those who are greedy are well-equipped with power. Many countries will create a lot of advancements and progress if the money which has been corrupted are used in the right way.

    1. Yes, every people/govenment in the counties have the capability to be corrupted because of power and money. This make me think of George Orwell's Animal Farm.

      This book reflected the Soviet Union in many ways. At first, animals really hate the owner of the farm. What they think is “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing."

      They had created the rules but the most important rule is "All animals are equal." this rule and the others are also got twist little by little until the rule change to "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".

      At the end of this novel George stated that:
      “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

      At the end the farm is corrupted again. Maybe the revolution really mean to come back to the same point again.

    2. I like the connection Phu makes with Orwell's famous novel.

      I thought that what Orwell says in Animal Farm is that even sincerely well-intentioned people can commit great evil when they are allowed power over others, and that dictators who do not allow free speech and honesty are always evil, however good their personal motives might be. In the novel, Snowball is certainly good, but he contributes to the creation of great evil and still sees himself and pigs as "more equal" than other animals. Napoleon, the strong, bold and successful leader is pure evil, but he suppresses free speech and lies so that the other animals cannot know, or say, that truth about him, as every principle of Animalism is changed to allow the "good" pigs who are more intelligent than other animals special privileges, power, property and prestige in society.

    3. I haven't read this novel for awhile.Now, I spend most of my time reading Brave New World and Island. I really agree with your point. This novel also allude to the rise and fall of Soviet Union. For example, Napoleon is Stalin. This book is quite easy to read because the langauge is simple and the use of animal instead of people maybe this book is really for children.
      from this video:

      this host suggests that another point of using animal in this novel. In Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. Karl Marx states that "The worker in his human functions no longer feels himself to be anything but an animal. What is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal."

  2. I like your concluding idea that the lighting should hit to bad people, like corrupted politician, murderers, and so on, instead of the reindeers. It decreases these people in the world, and reduce cost or budget to support the prison. This money should be use in other useful activities, such as education, developing infrastructure, health care service, etc.


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