Tuesday 20 September 2016

Phu's Academic Interest Not Studied At University

Mathematics is always surprise me with theorm and logic. Last we, I had a change to talk about abstract algrebra with my dad's friend. At first, I studied group with is the fundamental object in this field of mathematics. Group theory has many applications although I had to learn many lammas and definition in order to use it. One of the most important things to study in group is four axioms of group : Associativity, Inverse element, Identity element, Closure. Group theory at the start may me quite boring because of Lemmas and defintions. Not only group theory that I interest but also linear algrebra. I use this a lot through out a year from forward-propagation in feed-forward neural network to eigenvalue that describes spins in Quantum mechanics. I am still learning both abstaract and linear algrebra today.

People may thinks that abstract algrebra is "abstract " ,however, I found out that it has many applications in real world for example the proof that the game "Puzzle-15" cannot be reverse the element number (1-15 can't be arrage to be 15-1). Also, Euler's theorem that is very useful in public key cryptography called RSA encryption can be proven using Group theory.


  1. It's very interesting topic. I also love mathematics. :)

  2. I agree that mathematics is fun. Its theory always has its own application. But I won't be the one who applies it anyway. So sometimes it's not the question that whther it is useful but whether it is useful to me is more important. Because all knowledge has its ownapplication and it's impossible to know all.

  3. Wow .. interested to know that you love mathematics.

    In the past, I also love mathematics. However, I discovered that mathematics is not the most important skill in area of work that I want to do.

    This make me a bit upset and try to change myself to love English instead of mathematics.

    By the way, If you really like mathematic and can apply it in the real life, I do believe that you'll be able to find some job that suitable for you.

    1. Yes, I agree with you! most people hate math because of teachers and how they teach. I got friend who now studying in Cambridge university said that "math is quite popular among people in Britain because it can be adapted to any jobs".

    2. Yes, I agree with you! most people hate math because of teachers and how they teach. I got friend who now studying in Cambridge university said that "math is quite popular among people in Britain because it can be adapted to any jobs".


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