Tuesday 20 September 2016

Pressure - Skillful Reading & Writing, p57

Image copied from Digibook
Source background
On page 57 of our text, Rogers and Wilkin introduce the topic of pressure, which is also the title of Unit 6. They open with a large photograph and some discussion points. We will do that discussion here on our class blog. Clicking the image on the right will show it full size. It's a copy I made from the Digibook version of Skillful Reading & Writing 2. It is almost identical to page 57 in the print version, the single difference being ...

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
There are also some useful language suggestions included in the image. You might like to use some of those expressions in your comments.

  1. Look at the picture. Why do you think the man looks stressed? 
  2. What other things make people stressed? Why? 
  3. What makes you stressed? Think about the words in the box. 
You are not writing an essay here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write! You have a total of six minutes. I would suggest spending about 1, 2 and 3 minutes respectively on each of Rogers and Wilkin's questions. 

Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan.


  1. 1. He is probably stressed because he doesn't smile and I think he is on his duty, which is probably about stock market. These kind of work could make him stressful.

    2. Many people find out that the debt make them stressful because they don't have money to pay to creditor.

    3. I currently get the most stressed from my TOEFL and GRE test that I have to do next month.

  2. He is probably stressed because he just lost his money on the stock market and he has no idea how to maintain his life style.
    In my opinion, people find it stressful when they are under pressure. for example, when they are out of money, when their performance is worse than their peers, or when there is a deadline and you can not manage it, you will feel stress out.
    What make me stress can be any things from relationship to my study. However mostly I get stressed when I set a goal and it doesn't seem to be accomplished

  3. He is probably stressed because he is going to lose his money in stock market, since money is the most important thing in his life without it he can't pay his rent or to buy snack to eat when he is hungry.

    Many people find life stressful. These make people stressed because they didn't organise well in their life, not caring for the future, causes chaos in their life.

    I got most stressed about study because today education is the most important thing in my life and I have to care a lot about my future since the time for me to study is less than 15 years now. Although eerything right now is according to plan, there are some unknown facotrs that I can't control and these can affect me in future.

  4. 1. He's probably stressed because stock price is going down. It means that he may lost his money in the stock market.

    2. Many people find working stressful. Working make people stress because they have to deal with many people and cope up with many problems in the work places. Many times stress is not come from work; however, it's come from co-workers or problems that come up with the works.

    3. I get most stressed about technology. I always get mad when something about my computer or my telephone went wrong because I don't like technology and couldn't fix it.

    1. I love technology, but get seriously stressed when it doesn't work because I'm increasingly dependent on it.
      And I discovered on a recent visit to Australia that my family's failure to use the modern tools I find so very useful is stressful. Two of my sisters do not use FB! That wouldn't worry me so much, but it means they don't have the very useful Messenger app.

      And that reminds me that I got really stressed in Sydney when I was in places without wifi, which broke the constant connection to everything that I realised I now think is normal. I relieved the stress by buying a temporary SIM to use in my phone while I was in Australia. That was a great relief.

  5. 1. He is probably stressed because something in the screen is decreasing.
    2. Many people find that a hard problem is stressful.These things make people stressed because they can not solve it.
    3.I get most stressed about work because I just have finished from university but I still have no job. And parents always force me to find a job. But I have not decided what kind of job that I really want to do.

  6. 1.He is probably stressed because the depression of the stock market,may be he fail in earn profit.2.Many people find lives is stressful,because they are not work for themselves.3.for me ,study make me stressed now,because i chosen other major to study which i never learn it before,but now i am interested in it.

  7. 1.In my view he look so stressed because of his work probably about economics.
    2.People can be stressed by a lot of things such as work, relationships, pollution , social but in my attitudes it's depend on what people think if someone always thinks in negative way will have stressful,if someone always thinks positive can have less stressed.
    3.The most thing can make me stressed is work now because I haven't worked yet and my plan isn't clear now.

    1. I hadn't thought of pollution as a cause of stress, but it is. And reading Palm's comment I was reminded that much as I love living where I do, the nearby noise pollution on Silom does stress me out sometimes. I don't always notice it, but sometimes I'm trying to talk on my phone or something, and then I do. Or it's quiet in my soi until some noisy motorbike roars by upsetting the peace.

      When I'm visiting my family I stay at my brother's home in the country, and that is freaky quiet. The loudest noise is the birds chirping in the morning. I love it, but after a few days, the peacefulness starts to stress me.

    2. That's funny but truth. I believe people always follow human needs. So one of human needs is varieties.We always want new things if everything is going like routine they will feel bored.It's same as me when I lived in Melbourne lastly I was very bored because everyday I did the same just studied and worked.

    3. Were you in Melbourne in winter? I couldn't stand that for more than a day or two. I think Sydney is too cold in winter, and Melbourne is worse. I was in Sydney last July, and needed an heavy overcoat to survive. My family home further north is a bit warmer. But I love Sydney, even it is chilly!

  8. 1. For me, the man looks very stressed because of his job. I believe that his works are involved market shares and I think those work are very get people feel stress.
    2. Most of people I've known find that getting B for grades are stressful because they tried their best but still it wasn't good enough.
    3. I get stressed when I cannot do my best on the work I have given and before I enter the examination's room because I would get nervous and cannot do well on what I have been practiced.

    1. "getting B for grades" worries me.
      I hope I don't cause too much stress over the next few weeks. At least there are no exams in the class.

    2. Should I eve mention C grades? Or is that too stressful?

  9. Thank you for sharing your ideas on the opening questions for Unit 6 of Skillful Reading & Writing 2. As I read them all, there are similarities in our responses to the first question, with a bit variation in the ideas we had to the second and third questions.

    Which of your classmates' ideas got the strongest responses from you? Which approaches do you prefer: the ones that label the different parts 1, 2, 3, or the ones that just respond to the three prompts from Rogers and Wilkin? Might you change the way you answer next time?

    I've added a couple of replies to comments that caught my interest for different reasons. They are all useful to read for the variety of responses, but there were a couple of things people said that I wanted to reply to. And you?

  10. I've just posted a link to "Why Brainstorming Works Better Online" (Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, 2015, Harvard Business Review) which you might like to read both for its support for my claim that at least some of the discussion exercises in Skillful Reading & Writing might more usefully be done online using the tools you've been introduced to over the last couple of days, but also because it suggests a definition of the word brainstorm that seems to me to conflict with the definition of brainstorm in the excellent Oxford Dictionaries online.

    What do you think?
    Do these two sources really disagree?
    Which is right?
    Can you offer some explanation that might resolve the apparent conflict?

  11. After having read the articles, I am convinced that online discussion can increase productivity in generating ideas.
    Does these two sources disagree? I don't think so. First, the author is the same person. Second, these two articles were published in a consecutive month. Third, the article published in March argued against the traditional brainstorming, whereas the article published in April endorsed online brainstorming, which averts flaws in the traditional meeting.
    It doesn't seem different from the dictionary definition--to brainstorm is to hold a group discussion to produce ideas--to me.


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