Tuesday 20 September 2016

Topp's academic interests not studied

In our modern world, many people are interested in the stock markets because they think investment in stock market could make them rich. However, many folks don't realize that they don't have enough experience and knowledge before jumping into the market. that cause them lose all their money. Some of university friends put their money in the market without knowledge, so some of them have been successful, but most of them haven't. Therefore you should be aware of failure and be continue collect knowledge much as much possible.


  1. One of my friend(older), who is now study in statistic told me about the equations call "Black–Scholes model
    ".It was used for predicting the stock price. It gave quite acculate result back then. However, there is nothing that can predict the further. You may want to read my blog post about predicting the furture.

    1. I totally agree with you, nothing cannot predict the future because it's future except time machine. LOL :)

  2. I guess that you interested in finance right?

    Because in finance subject professor normally teaches students about pros and cons of stock markets and let them practice how to trade in the stock markets.

    I'm sure that if you carefully find information about stock market, you will gain a lot of money from this market in the future.

    1. for sure!!!

      I'm interested in finance?

  3. I agree with you.
    Nowadays many people want to be rich and be successful like a famous businessman. They think investment in stock is the easiest way to gain money.But in real life nothing comes so easily even in successful people, they have to work very hard in order to achieve their goals.

    1. I totally agree with you. it's not easy to be in a success. Those people have to have been working hard in order to accomplish their goals and get the impressive rewards. However, I think they also get a good luck.Both of them choose be come together.

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