Friday 30 September 2016

Samsung products and its qualities

What I found in the news

According to "Samsung’s ‘exploding’ washers raise serious questions about its quality control", Samsung top-loading washing machine was reported to explode. Even though this line of product is not related to the smartphone directly, Samsung has suffered from recalling Galaxy Note 7 since reported its explosion during charging, both two events raise questions to the company qualities' control and could significantly damage the company branding.


My response
Personally, I am not the Samsung big fan because I also call into question about the qualities of this branding. However, I have been used many kinds of products under Samsung such as Television, and air conditioner. The main reason that I like this band is Samsung is good at technology inventions and developments, it comes up with many new technologies.

I think these two events would bring the suffer to Samsung, but Samsung could survive because they are many people who craze on Samsung brand and its strong developmental laboratory would provide critically supportive to the company. However, Samsung should focus on the quality of products and this would bring the confident back to the customers.
Hayley Tsukayama (2016, September 29). Samsung’s ‘exploding’ washers raise serious questions about its quality control. The Washington Post. Retrieved from


  1. I'm one of those Samsung fans. I've very happily used their smartphones and tablets for a few years now, and am a very happy customer. The exploding Note battery didn't worry me that much. I thought Samsung dealt with the problem quickly and sensibly: they called in the phones at risk and warned people of the problem. I think the technology is so complex that there will sometimes be problems. At the moment I'm waiting to see what their next Galaxy S will be like. I upgraded from the S6 to the S7, which is a great phone, but unless they offer some impressive improvement, I don't think I need to upgrade for a while from the phone I have now.
    But I'm willing to be tempted if Samsung make really good improvements. I can't think how they might do that, but I'm sure they have whole departments working on working out what I don't yet know I need.

    And thank you Topp for the interesting blog post for us to respond to.

    1. For me what samsung did best is to adopt android to its phone. Android are open-source that means it can be customized. Unlike "Apple" where you have to get expensive OSX "pc" to creating the application for IOS, Android gives you a possibility for user/developer to create app freely using "Android Studio." This is the view of a programmer btw.


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