Thursday 22 September 2016

Rich and Famous - Skillful Reading & Writing, p60

Source background
These are the questions on page 60 for discussion before we read the article "Rich and Famous" on page 61.

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
  • What jobs do most young people in your country want to have? 
  • Do you think the following can be considered jobs? Why or why not?
    •  actor 
    • athlete
    • pop star
      useful language: Being a ... is / isn't a job because ... 
  • What problems might be caused if most children want to have jobs like these?  
You are not writing an essay here, so although you should write your ideas down in sentences, don't spend ten minutes worrying about the whether your language is correct: just write!
You have a total of six minutes.  

Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really don't know what jobs young people in Australia want today. I guess, based on my nieces and nephews, that art and entertainment are popular career hopes, although I'm not sure how serious they are about pursuing those hopes. And some of my nephews and nieces have gone into careers in science, engineering and the like, so I'm not sure how popular acting, singing and sport are as career choices in Australia.

    But I do think that all of them are jobs. I think that acting, singing and so on are jobs because they involve a person working for money. They might not be regular, traditional jobs, but they are still jobs. And they were always jobs for some: there have opera singers for centuries, and da Vinci worked very hard, although with much procrastination at his various jobs as artist, scientist, weapons engineer and so on.

  3. I think Air Hostage is the most popular job for younger people to do. Because we not only can get a lot of money from this job, but we also can travel around the world for FREE.

    Being actors of pop star can be considered jobs because they can exchange their time and skills for money which is the same concept as jobs.

    Two main problems may be caused if most children want to be actors or pop stars. Firstly, Thailand will lack of labor to work in business. Lastly, This action will lead to low salary for actors or pop star in the future.

  4. 1. A doctor, a policeman, an astronaut
    2. Yes because they can make money from those jobs.
    3. I think it is not the problem with the those children who want to do what they love, but if the most children want to have job like those, there might be some jobs that no one is interested in.

  5. 1) In my opinion the jobs that young people want to have are the job that earns them a lot and less stressful such as Investment bankers, investors, business owners , online salepersons and the like.
    2) Yes I think that stars and athlete are also a job; however, it's a kind of job that won't last. It would be wise to think for a long term. Some of these professions succeed in doing transitional action such as use their money for investment.
    3) I don't think there is any harm in dreaming to be stars or athlete, but we have to provide them sufficient information for them to plan their career life and future. For example, tell them that they shouldn't waste their money to satisfy their life style but to allocate it wisely.

  6. in my experience the most jobs that young people in Thailand want to be is doctor because they have very good attitudes about this occupation,the first is they can get high salary, second is people will pay respect to doctors then it's seem like if you are a doctor you will be a high class person in your country. another reason is you can make your own business.
    there are many problems if most children want to be doctors such as we don't have varieties of occupation in our country but exactly varieties of work are important and useful for people in our country. we give unequal values of people by jobs. It's so stereotype.

  7. Although I still study in highschool, I think I have some trends that my friend want to be. In my opinion, most of my friends want to work that gained a lot of money(yes, everyone want to get a lot of money). However, some of my friends in my group want to be a programmer because of Steve Jobs, Bill gate and Mark. As my friends getting older, their carear choices becomes more and more realistic. That why, I cant answer the question completely because they are still undecided. Some of people I know who graduated in computer science finds out that coffee shop owner maybe better carear choice for them.

    For me, Job is anything that you work and get money as a result. To be a popular singer or athlete is hard. Go through the hard practice/work is worthed for those who really use their talent.

    As I say, as kids get older their choice will become more realistic. Takes on of my friend as the example, he comes from philippines and he is a basketball player. If he really sure that he wanted to be a superstar he would work for it. However, if no one work to be a garbage collector who want to clear all the trash, A robot??? That is very good question for me and everyone.

  8. Young people in my country want to be a pop star.And being a pop star is a job because it can make money.

    If most children want to have job like these I think my country will lack of workers in some jobs such as doctor, engineer or teacher.These kind of jobs are very important too.

    Moreover, being a pop star is not easy you have to practice very hard. Not everyone can succeed in this job.

  9. I have heard a lot that young Thai's teenager want to work in entertainment industry because of viewing from outside it actually looks like a good idea.
    Being an actor is a job because actor is kind of an artist.

    1. These kind of job strongly need special skills which I don't think that everyone can do it. Also I think we should find what you really like to do and go for it rather than living someone else's life.

  10. In China most young people want to have a job which is steady,like government officer or staff in university.Being a actor can be considered job,because people can make money in this way,and some people also like to be star,their performance make our laypeople's lives more funny.But not everyone can be a star,it's require more condition,beautiful facial look,special skills,more limitations etc.if most children want to have jobs like these job,it will increase children unrealistic


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