Friday 30 September 2016

Chinese fishermen killed in S Korea coastguard clash

According to"Chinese fishermen killed in S Korea coastguard clash"(2016)
The South Korean coastguard threw a "flashbang" or stun grenade into the boat which they doubted it was an illegal fishing of Chinese fishermen. Three fishermen were died, fourteen survived. Chinese authorities have requested a full investigation, and an autopsy has been ordered.


My response
In recent years, illegal fishing has become a point of contention between china and South Korean. Sometimes it was difficult to prevent conflict between countries, even if it has nothing to do with political benefits. But for ordinary people, we always hope for a peaceful world where we live safely and harmoniously.
Chinese fishermen killed in S Korea coastguard clash.(2016.September30.)BBC News.from


  1. True, if the world had existed only one country then there might have been no conflict.

    1. I'm not sure. I think it's human nature to fight. Within countries, there are also wars such as the American Civil War, which tore that country apart 150 years ago. The English and other nations have had periods of civil war.
      In fact, now that I think about it, even within families there can be conflicts that are bitter and divisive. And murder statistics around the world tell a sad but consistent story here.

      But on a positive note, the world is getting much more peaceful as democracy and free market trade spread around the globe.

    2. People think that the world nowadays are getting more and more violent as we see in news like ISIS trying to kill non-believer. However, if we look at the statistic today is the one of the most peaceful time in human history. People think that we can getting more violent is simply because of news. When people know more they think that the world is a violence place.

  2. Every countries have to protect their sovereignty and benefits, there are international laws that every countries should follow to prevent conflict between nations. When one country break the law , it will be punished but I think using violent is not supposed to be the first choice.


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