Tuesday 20 September 2016

Ae's academic interests not studied

Although I'm studying in marketing, I really interested in classical music. The reason why I interested in music because I have been teaching piano music for kids for five years. The more I teach, the more I want to learn more about music. Moreover, the more I learn about music, the more I love it.

I always dream to have my own business. This reason make me to study in marketing. That's why I expect that I'll have a business related to music such as music school in the future.  


  1. It is very cool ,I love music too but in a way of listening. When I was young I really want to practice violin but I did not have a chance to do it.

    1. Good to know that you also interested in music. What kind of music do you like, for me I like classical, pop and acoustic music?

      I think that music make me relaxed especially in the tough time like the day that I had a test in my university haha

    2. Wow!!! It's interesting.
      What you do make me imagines about a kind girl who have talents in music.
      When i was young I play Electone and I loved it.If you do your own business about teaching to play instrument please let me know I will be your student.

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  3. That sounds very nice, the only instrument I can play is ukulele. I'm dreaming about having my own business as well but not very sure exactly what would the business be about.

  4. Although I am very bad at piano an other musical instrument, I enjoyed classical music. It is relaxing for me. When I do my reading/preparing for the test, I choose classical music

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. what's your feeling when u enjoy classical music

  7. I also interested in classical music in term of memories improvement and brain functioning. I have heard that some kind of classical music can help your to get the good memory. If you are reading a book during listen the Mozart at the same time, you will recall your memory in the book better comparing to not listen the classical music. Have you ever heard about these before and do you have any experiences about memory and classical music on your own?


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