Friday 2 September 2016

Is smartphone harm to human daily life?

Source background
From "Samsung recalls Note 7 flagship over explosive batteries", The decision follows reports in the US and South Korea of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 "exploding" during or after charging. The South Korean company said customers who had already bought the phone would be able to swap it for a new one but it had been difficult to work out which phones were affected among the 2.5 million Note 7s sold. The recall comes just one week ahead of an expected presentation of a new iPhone model from its main rival Apple.


My Yes/No question is:
Is smartphone harm to human daily life?

My answer is:
No, but it depends on the way you use. 

Nowadays, many people use smartphone in their daily life, it seems to be human body parts. For the advantages of using smartphone, people can contact each other easily which helps people keep relationship to others. Moreover, it can make phone calls, provide directions through GPS, take pictures, play music and keep track of appointments and contacts. Through the installation of apps in smartphone, there are social network applications ,such as Twitter, Facebook and Line, also game applications which tend to increase the used of smartphone by tens of thousands and grows longer everyday.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages by using smartphone. Many people are victims because other people misuse in their smartphone. For instance, bullying on mobile phone, such as malicious texts, the spreading of a video clip, or spreading rumors in social application, could be negative effect to people who are mention or in the video clip. Furthermore, accidents may cause by misused of mobile phone, such as texting message while driving a car. So, to prevent misused of technology, the government should introduce the laws of using smartphone and use them sticky.

Personally, I think smartphone is very useful for human. It helps me to arrange priority works and relieve stress; for example, I usually use YouTube application in iPhone to see funny TV shows. Also, smartphone helps me to keep in touch my long lasting friends too. In case of accident, using smartphone carefully by stop using mobile phone while driving could help to prevent this problems. So, using smartphone carefully would brings benefits to human life.
Samsung recalls Note 7 flagship over explosive batteries. (2016, September 2). BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. Using smartphone in moderation is good for everyone. Rules and regulations should enforce to avoid accidents which are occurred by people who use their cell phones. Smartphone is useful and also necessary for every people to contact other people. Too much using smartphone without stop may be bad like the news you mentioned.

  2. I really agree with you that smart phone has many feature and I found all of these convenient, although I don't use smartphone. Sometimes, I found my friends at school playing the smart-phone, while study in the class. Everyone knows that smartphones are grate resource in learning but some of students are using it for playing games or texting.

    For me, since I don't have smartphone, I usually use the Ubuntu computer and uses the application in my computer to talks to my friends. And,I don't find any problems talking to my friends or working.

  3. I use my phone to stay in touch with people, but usually not by phoning them. FB's messenger app is really useful when meeting for lunch or finding out what my mother has been doing.
    I use my phone for banking - that alone is a major benefit.
    I use my phone get information. I'm thinking of buying something I'm not familiar with, I Google it.
    and so on
    When I visited Australia in July, I realised how addicted I was: after being in Sydney for about two hours, I couldn't stand not being connected so bought a SIM card to carry on as usual in Australia - money well spent and a great relief of stress.

  4. I describe myself as a quite addicted smartphone user. I usually spend about 4 hours per day on average. Most of my leisure time is spent on social network application such as facebook, twitter and instagram. So mostly I use phone for recreational purposes. If I have to work or do something more serious like reading document online, I prefer using computer to smartphone.

  5. The only reason I don't like smartphone is because it effect health,especially it damage the eyes.The blue light from smartphone can cause long term problems with eyes and eyesight.It we turn off the light while playing smartphone it will cause long term consequences such as dry eye and blurred vision.

  6. The only reason I don't like smartphone is because it effect health,especially it damage the eyes.The blue light from smartphone can cause long term problems with eyes and eyesight.It we turn off the light while playing smartphone it will cause long term consequences such as dry eye and blurred vision.


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