Tuesday 20 September 2016

Tissara's academic interests not studied

My major now in university is Buddhist Studies,There are many things about Buddhism that i didn't learn yet.For example,the history of India Buddhism,For me, this part is very important and useful,i can make more research through learning it,to know more about original Buddhism.On the other hand,i also interested in Pali canon of Buddhism,it was said that Pali language is the teaching language of Buddha,so learning Pali canon is real necessary for me to research Buddhism.


  1. Pali reminds me that the modern English, especially academic versions of modern English, are heavily influenced by Latin and Greek, and Greek especially is closely related to Sanskrit and Pali. If you want to improve the academic feel of your writing or speech, using more words with Greek or Latin roots is a useful guideline.

    I've never studied Buddhism formally, but I like some of the Buddha's ideas. I especially like his Kalama Sutta (กาลามสูตร), which teaches the excellent lesson for academic English that we should question things, that just because something has been said by legal, government or other authorities is not a guarantee that it's true, and that the Buddha said something is not a good reason to believe it. This piece of Buddhist teaching has always appealed to me, but it doesn't seem very popular in some Buddhist countries where they want to make laws saying that one version of Buddhism is right and the others wrong! It is hard to see the Buddha agreeing with anything to very unBuddhist, even anti-Buddhist.

    1. thank u for your suggestions about Pali language and Buddhism,its help me to think deeper,how to combine Buddhism with this modern society,and help more people to take advantages of Buddhism to make a better place for each other.Thank u so much!


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