Thursday 29 September 2016

Fear - Skillful Reading and Speaking, Unit 7

Skillful, page 67
Source background
On page 67 of our text, Rogers and Wilkin introduce the topic of fear in a unit with the same title. They open with a large photograph and some discussion points. We will do that discussion here on our class blog. Clicking the image on the right will show it full size.

Discuss these questions in a comment below.
There are also some useful language suggestions included in the image. You might like to use some of those expressions in your comments.

  1. Look at the picture. How does it make you feel? 
  2. What are you afraid of? Why? 
  3. What What do you think causes peoples' fears?  
You have ten minutes total to respond to the questions here. For the next ten minutes, you may not open any book or look at any other website. We are responding to the questions, not writing an essay or doing a research project.  

Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan.


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  3. 1. When I look at this picture which I assume it is wheal shark, I feel definitely fear a bit. But I want to be in that situation because I think It'd be fun if I closely see a wheal shark and I think I would be safe because of the case.

    2.I afraid of pigeon because I think it can cause a lot of disease, that what I think.

    3.I think the bad experiences cause the fears of people.

    1. How do you feel when you come across a pigeon? Does your heart race? That's my reaction when I run into a frog. It was a serious problem growing up in a warm rural area. There were frogs everywhere, especially at night. It's not so bad today, but frogs still have a totally irrational effect on me.

  4. This picture make me a bit scared because it can remind me about situations that humans was eaten by a shark.

    I afraid of its teethes and its body which are sharp and huge.

    I think sharks cause people fear because of their physical and their behavior. I mean it's huge and like to eat meat. Moreover, we are told from many news about the fierce of sharks that killed a lot of people in a second minutes.

    1. I guess I might be afraid of sharks, but I've never come to face to face with one to test it. Frogs on the other hand ...
      But snakes are fine. I'm not afraid of them unless I don't know that they aren't poisonous, but even then, it's a reasonable response.

  5. 1) I think that the person inside the cage must fear of the shark out there even though the shark cannot get in to bite him or her. This might imply that fear is not real by imaginary emotion. When you overcome the shroud of fears then you will be realistic and deal with the problems rationally.
    2) I am always afraid of not attaining my goals, of not having done anything, of feeling helpless and of uncertainty of my future.
    3)Unknown is the cause of fear.However, there is a saying "Uncertainty is certain". Therefore, people would always be surrounded by fear.

  6. Looking at this makes me think of the docmentary I have watched last week about shark. Althoug there is a cage protecting us from this gaint monster, we can still fear it because the cage is not strong enough to protect use from the momentum of this giant shark. Looking at its my makes me terrify. It is also moving toward me trying to break the cage by hitting it with great force and velocity. The sea is dark-bleu, which shows the infinite volume of the water and the unknow creatures that we might encounter. I afried because I never know what I will encounter, maybe a Nemo or a gaint shark that ready to tear me apart in the cold dark salt water.

    I'm scared of insect. That's becuase sometimes I contains poison or germs that may kill me. Also, the look of it triggered my brain thinking of Alien in the movie/film.

    Most of fear come from the trigger of body's sence of fear for example the fear of holes that associted with wound and other stuff. Also childhood experience causes fears and phobias in some people. There are some people who afreid of color yellow becuase they may got hit by a yellow van when they were young. Genetic also have some impact on the fear of certain people and family.

  7. 1,sorry,i have no feeling,it's just an animal to me,but what make me fear is darkness in big space.2,i afraid of darkness in the deep sea,i would feel hopeless in that scene 3,i think the huge body and terrify face of this shark may causes peoples'fears.

  8. It makes me feel cold, fear and shudder. If I were facing the shark I would not be able to survey so I'm afraid to be death and get eaten. Generally I fear of spider and cockroaches and whole because I had a really bad experienced about cockroaches when I was young but for spiders and whole it just happens occasionally. I think the causes of people's fears are from what they have experienced in the past or when they were children.

  9. I feel nervous because this shark looks dangerous. In general, I afraid of a sound of balloons when it touch together I always feel creepy. And I think people always fear when they are in a situation that they can not control.

  10. I was content to reply to a couple of comments yesterday, but didn't post my own comment in response to Rogers and Wilkin's questions to get us thinking about fears.

    But this morning when I collected my mail at the PO, there was a personal letter that I was not expecting, and I noticed that I immediately started imaging the worst reasons and news inside. It wasn't actually that bad, and not even surprising really.

    But my brain kept me working on the topic as I walked to Silom Complex to do my daily grocery shopping. What do I fear most? What is the worst thing I can imagine happening?

    I don't think it's death, but I do fear death because of other consequences that scare me, even though I would not be around to worry about them or to feel anything. Although I prefer the fun of being alive, death is nothing special, just no longer existing. What worries me is the awful life that could befall the people who are dependent on me if I hadn't first made sure that their was enough money for them to live on. This scares me in a different way to my phobic reaction to frogs.

    Now, I'm back home enjoying some of the groceries as I catch up on the blog commenting I didn't do yesterday. It has also been interesting reading everyone else's different responses to the same three questions.


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