Friday 30 September 2016

Blackberry with a new step

What I found in the news
In “Blackberry stops designing its own phones” (2016), Chris Foxx reports that Blackberry is now focusing on outsourcing hardware development to manufacturers instead of building their own devices which the sales numbers are hardly improving. Foxx explains that featured phone with a physical keyboard is no longer suitable for the mass market because of its price which Blackberry are concerned and released a touchscreen only phone that less expressive but still cannot increase their sales.

My response
After reading the news I thought to myself "Yes, it's finally happened" because I haven't heard of anybody who uses Blackberry anymore. I have thought about Blackberry every time when I see new android phones released and I feel like Blackberry is very far from the trend market and I don't think it's going to live long enough if they don't change.

If we go back to 2006 I think everyone will know what is BlackBerry or BB because it was so popular in Thailand at that time also everyone around got it. It was a good phone to a business people too especially for my mom who is a business person she loved it because of the design and feature which were new and fresh and easy to use. But now she's so in love with Apple products which I'm not wondering why because again everybody loves it. Even the death of Steve Jobs did not affect any problem on Apple sales' numbers.

However, I don't think it is a good enough for BB to just only helping other partners with hardware because they might come to this situation again if the sales growth of the devices they did develop was not coming out great. But I could not say what exactly will help them to continue the company neither do they I guess. So far I think it's good that BB tried to make the change of something and hopefully, I wish to see the new BB's phone again in the future when they found the great way to make it better that met with the great sales numbers.

Foxx, C. (2016, September 28). Blackberry stops designing its own phones. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. I thought BB is alrd out of the market. Now that I think there are only android phone, ios phone, and window phone in the market now. Yet window phone is not really popular because of lack of applications. Though they increase the security of BB, I don't think it will make much of difference bcs iphone also try to be the best in this field as well. That aside, my first impression on BB years ago was expensive and useless, no offense but I mean it, though many of my friends use them during that time it never come across my hand,

  2. Ah yes ... BB. I have a rapidly fading memory of them. They seem to have gone the way of MySpace and other once popular icons of the IT age. Could that happen to Facebook or Samsung?

    1. I don't think it's possible for facebook to fade away except if they begin to use ads to the extend that it's intolerable.Well at least Facebook is everything to many people now. As for Samsung why not? I don't think the brand is strong enough to sustain in mobile business. This doesn't rule out its possibility to extend their products into another field to survive.

  3. BB can remind me about Hi5. Around 5-6 years ago before Facebook come in the market, many people had addicted with Hi5 including me.

    However, after Facebook had come, many people changed from playing Hi5 to play Facebook which make Hi5 go out of business.

    That's why I think that if BB doesn't adapt themselves to catch up with new trend, it will go out of business in a few days.

    1. Now that you mentioned Hi5, that remind me of how annoying it was to wait downloading a page of someone that is full of music and video.

  4. People just follow what other people are doing. When everyone is using BB, we tends to follow them. Same in classroom. Sometimes people are following other people just because the majority are believing in it. Just like, Earth is flat, people are following because some smart people told them so.

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