According to "Extreme recycling turns poo into food", Coghlan say that growing maggots from manure, by maggot product to poo ratio at 1:10, which have a half protein and one fourth oil by weight of maggot, can use as a source of animal feeding with cheaper price than soy and fish meal.
I pick this news in "Newscientist", which is one of recommendation sources from Peter, that is use scientific language and research in easy way to understand and be interesting.
I'm interested in this news about maggot because it remind me about one of my subject in university, Parasitology. Maggot is a parasite, which is lava stage of flies, that cause of interrupt wound healing called "Myiasis" in animals. Maggot is used to be a bad guy but not now; that is, it use for therapy which is named "Maggot therapy" to treat chronic wound by eating debris and necrotic or death tissue and make the wound to be healing.
And now maggot can use for produce feed in farm animals with cheaper and good quality source of protein. I know that you will image some scene like pig eating fresh maggot, which isn't true. The animal nutritionist use maggot in maggot cake form or powder to mix it with other ingredient to be pallet. And interestingly, the maggot contain no bacteria, E.coli and Samonella from poo which is use to be food source of it. The waste poo from maggot products is deodorised and can use as fertilizer. In the future, I think maggot powder will be a source of protein to our companion animals like dogs and cats.
If animals can use maggot to be their food. What's about us, human? Can we use insects to be a source of protein? There are more than thousands of insect species. In "Why not eat insects?" by Mercel Dicke, he suggest that we have to use insect to be a protein source with good for ecological system, which insect release Carbondioxide less than farm animals, and bring you to see insects menu. Maybe next week you will want to try one.
1. Coughlan, A.(2012, November 21). Extreme recycling turns poo into food. Newscientists. Retrieved November 22, 2012. from:
2. Myiasis - fly larvae.(2009, April 9). University of Brsitol: School of Biological Sciences in Veterinary Parasitology & Ecology. Retrieved November 23, 2012. from:
3. Sherman, R.(2009, May). Maggot Therapy Takes Us Back to the Future of Wound Care: New and Improved Maggot Therapy for the 21st Century. PubMed Central. Retrieved November 23, 2012. from:
4. Dicke, M. (2010, December). Why not eat insects?. TED. Retrieved November 23, 2012. from: