Friday 16 November 2012

Eating Habits: What are your meals?

Eating does matter to everyone. In order to be healthy, we need to have proper amount of food in the suitable time. More than that there are other things to take into consideration when eating, such as, eating habits, eating etiquette, especially for social events, range from family's breakfast to the Gala dinner. Normally, we have our meals 3 times a day, breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon, and dinner in the evening.

According to "Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: Have We Always Eaten Them?", Denise Winterman tells us about how the traditional three meals  a day have evolved from Greek and Roman period to presence. Dinner was normally regarded long time ago as the one and the most important meal; whereas, lunch and breakfast was introduced later because of Industrial Revolution

It's interesting to me when Winterman started his article by questioning about what people always do without doubts. Since I was young, I always follow three tradition meal. I have rice for my breakfast because there are many food sellers around my home. If I skip my breakfast, I will be hungry earlier, about 2 hours before lunch time, and I may eat more than usual. Cornflakes, milk, and American breakfast used to be my favourite breakfast when I was younger. But now, I think it is easier to buy healthier foods from the shops and stalls.

For lunch, the most common place for everyone is  a canteen, I have had my lunch in the canteen up till now. Many food courts in department stores is like the canteen with choices. I don't know if I am right to regard the food court as a type of canteen. Nevertheless, It is a good idea to have lunch there for the fact that I always have limited time during my lunch break. In the canteen, I can choose ready-made or made-to-order food that can be different from my friends.

Dinner is the most important meal for family gatherings for the fact that every family members are always busy during the day, so everyone are free after works in the evening. The purpose of dinner is not only to serve physical needs, but also serve emotional needs of the family to spend their time together.

I agree that the traditional 3 meals help me control my eating habits, but sometimes when I have different activities during my days, I should make it more flexible. and I have to bear in mind that having right food at the right time is not enough but I have to focus on eating as a way of socialization

Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have We Always Eaten Them? (2012, November 15). BBC News Health. Retrieved November 16, 2012. from


  1. Breakfast used to be a meal that I always neglected when I was in the university because I woke up quite late and have no time for eating any thing in the morning. Usually, brunch was my first meal after I had studied for 2-3 hours. But when I started working, breakfast become the most important meal of my day. Similar to you, on the day that I skipped breakfast, I would start to be hungry at around 10 am. As a result, I could not continue working as my brain kept thinking only about food and it was very terrible that I had to wait for a few hour before lunch time. At that time, milk or some snacks were very useless as they could not full my empty stomach.

  2. I like breakfast, and usually have an omelette that I make myself. I could easily get something from the market stalls next to my condo, but I prefer a rich, buttery omelette, usually with some olive oil beaten in as well, and some mushrooms or cheese, or both. If I want to make it special, I add a little truffle oil. But not today. On Saturday's and Sundays, my class at AUA is at 8:00 AM, but I don't get up two hours earlier, so have much less time for a relaxed start to the day, and I don't want to make something special that I won't enjoy eating.
    But today and tomorrow I teach a regular class, which isn't quite as much work as teaching Reading Writing classes. This term I've got a level 1 class - it's very different to my two weekday classes.

    Getting back to food. My hearty breakfast keeps me going nicely until I finish work, so on Mondays and Wednesdays, when I have two classes, I usually skip lunch until I finish at 3:30. But on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, I can have a much earlier lunch, often at 11:30, when I usually meet friends for a meal near my home, or somewhere around Siam.

    1. Eating habit is very important. As Pong mentioned in the article, unless we should eat three meals regularly, our body might have big problems and it will probably make us uncomfortable and irritated. When I was college student, I used to skip meals since my timetable of classes was so complicated and I had to deal with so many extra tasks. After all, my unhealthy and irregular eating habit injured my stomach. I had to go to the hospital. “You’ve got a mild stomach ulcer” a doctor said. As soon as I heard ‘ulcer’ from him, I was almost frustrated because I misunderstood ulcer as a cancer. I asked “Sir, should I have an operation?”, “No, you don’t need to be operated but don’t eat salty food, spicy food. Especially, eating regularly is more important than others.” he said. After that, I’ve learned one more lesson. ‘Eating meals regularly is not an option, but a significant solution.’ Time to eat lunch, have a good meal time.

  3. I love dinner because I can eat what I want with friends and family. Like Apple, I used to neglect the breakfast, but now I realize that having breakfast is very important to me because I can concentrate on the class or my work more than when I don't have breakfast and I don't need to have snack or tea break in the afternoon. Two months ago, I lost my weight about 7kgs because I had breakfast everyday and I reduced some snacks during the day. Having breakfast is an effective way to reduce the weight.

  4. I love eating ,but one of my weird wishes was someday people can eat only pills for meals which contain proper calories, nutrition, and flavors. Only one pill a day. This busy society don't allow us to have sufficient time to eat together. I think family have to eat together at least a meal in a day to communicate each others stories and emotions.

    However, most of my meals are very personal. My family's breakfast are independent and are consisted of different contents depending on each member's tastes even on weekends. Everyday lunch also follow to each member's situation. Only dinner on Sunday, my family can eat together. I try keeping this, but sometimes cannot. Our tradition, eating together with family, is changing.

    I remember meals with my grandfather a long time ago. We eat together, but separated tables, one for grandparents and their first grandson, my brother, and the other for remains. I didn't like it, because I am the eldest one among grandchildren. This custom changed after death of my grandparents.

    I wonder how long the thought, family have to eat together, will continue.

  5. Do you know Japanese Sumo wrestlers? All those huge, chubby wrestlers are said that they eat only twice a day, so that they can gain weight. So, if you want to lose weight, it may be better to eat three times a day.

    My breakfast is relatively heavy; it consits of bread roll or toast, egg, vegetables as tomato or spinach, sausage or bacon, some fruites or yoghurt and tea of coffee; consequently lunch is always light, in most cases my favorite Thai noodle, for dinner,the most important meal, I usually cook Japanese dishes. I also enjoy eating out, because there are many delicious and reasonable restaurants in Bangkok. I'm sure that I will miss them very much.

    1. I think a light lunch, something that only takes a few minutes, is an excellent idea.

      But I'll try to make sure you do have a full 30 minutes next week. I've planned tomorrow's class with that aim in mind, along with a couple of others.

      My own lunch is more substantial, but I always have it after my classes are finished, at whatever time that might be. A substantial breakfast certainly helps me to keep going. And the occasional unexpected sala bao or other snack doesn't hurt. Home made chocolate chip cookies are nice, too!

      I agree that Bangkok is great for eating out in. I also often eat out for dinner, and for lunch on my day off and weekends, when I finish work at 10:30 AM (I don't like getting up early, but I definitely like finishing work at 10:30 in the morning). It's much less expensive than the equivalents when I'm in Australia and taking my family and friends out for a meal.

  6. I can't start my morning without breakfast; that is, it's a first meal that give energy for you before go to work and study. Though, during university student that I was at dorm instead of my home, I've been eating breakfast. And dinner is also important which is the meal, that you can meat your family or friends, after tired day from working and studying. So I think the less important meal for me is lunch but I still need it to fulfill my energy enough to wait dinner in evening.


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