Monday 12 November 2012

Ploy's non-formal academic interests

I love to cook since I was very young, I always helped my mother and my grandmother cooked. I dream to  be a chef one day, but finally I become an architect.


  1. Wow! I love cooking too. MY mom was nutritionist and my younger brother graduated in Food Science. Next time maybe we can join to share the recipe or cook together.^^

    what is your favorite food?

    1. I love Japanese, Korean, Thai, and Vietnam food. I am the fan of Sorted- the cooking channel in youtube- He is an British chef who has easy recipes and you can make it easy.

    2. Wow!! it sound interested. I'll watch it one tonight. What clip do you recommend me to watch?

  2. In the past, I also did like cooking. However, now I am scared to clean up a lot of dishes after cooking. T_T I become a lazy girl. ;)

    1. I hate cleaning up, too.
      It sounds like a good reason not to cook too much. If you do omelettes, it's just one dish, a fork and a knife (if you chop up things to throw in.) (I don't wash my omelette pan - just a quick wipe with a paper towel.)

    2. I hate cleaning up, too, like both of you. Luckily, I have a big family, I always ask help from my little sister. I always told her that I cooked for you guys, you have to pay me back by clean up dishes and utensils.

  3. I love cooking, but when I was young, I don't like cooking, beacuse cooking was conventionally regarded as a women's job. I don't like that idea. This influlneced my don't-liking. Now, cooking gives me some pleasure. I always want to find proper recepies to easy cooking.

    1. I agree with you that cooking make you feel delightful. And I also agree that cooking is not a women's job!! When I was it college, my college boy friends always told the girls cooked and clean up dishes. It's like a tradition that it is a women job.:(

    2. I agree with u all that cooking isn't only a woman job. So my brother have talent to cook better than me. When we studied in secondary school, he was ask me about what I wanted to eat tomorrow morning. lol And my task was cleaning the dishes instead.

  4. Me, too.
    When I was young, I cooked cakes and sweets.
    Then I got ambitious at uni and after. My flatmate and I would invite about ten friends to dinner and cook elaborate 6 or more course meals. It was great fun, but it took us about two days to cook the one meal, and the washing up afterwards was awful.

    Today, I don't often cook except for omelettes or other fairly easy food. It's just too easy to walk out to great restaurants near my home, and the Thai market conveniently next door!

    1. Actually, I normally cook an easy food, easy preparation and less cook time. Healthy food is the one that super easy to cook.

  5. I love cooking,too. Sometimes I pretend to be a big chef by creating a new dish, but the taste is always awful. Finally, the big chef everytime end with instant noodle.


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