Friday 16 November 2012

Could coffee become extinct?

Coffee is the best friend for almost every one in different areas. Beginning the day with hot coffee and cream is the best breakfast ever. To suppose that one day coffees are extinction. Will we missing the smell and tasting of it?

According to “Climate change threat to Arabica coffee crops”, the conclusion of work by a UK-Ethiopian team is before the end of 20s wild Arabica coffee will demise, and the researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, UK, and the Environment and Coffee Forest Forum was did the examines in three difference location with carbon emission scenarios and the result came out with reduction as the least favourable by 2080. In contrast, “the extinction of Arabica coffee is a startling and worrying prospect, however, the objective of the study was not to provide scaremonger predictions for the demise of Arabica in the wild. (¶3)

I’m a coffee fan, but I don’t know coffee that I like is Arabica or something else. I want to try the most expensive coffee in the world once in my life, but I know where this coffee comes from. So, it’s hard to try it. Have you ever heard Kopi luwak or civet coffee? It isn’t new thing, I knew it for a long time. Many people said that the taste of civet coffee is the same as normal. The reason why this coffee is expensive, because “in the digestive tract, the civet's proteolytic enzymeseep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids.” (Wikipedia) This process makes the price of this coffee get higher.

Because of this news warn me that climate change causing problem in everywhere around the world. Natural calamity damages the world little by little every day since the climate gradually changes. Human has to adaptation with new environment and surrounding. Animals slowly extinct and change the area to live. Everyday on newspaper or on the television, disaster happen almost areas on earth; latest news that I was read is hurricane Sandy. Luckily, I didn’t get high toefl score for applying the university in NYC, I didn’t feel the hurricane Sandy. My friend in high school got toefl score high enough to get in the university in New York City, last two weeks she scared with this hurricane and she can’t stay in town because of the electricity. She told me that it was very dreadful and horrible, she can’t explained her feeling in that time.
Climate change threat to Arabica coffee crops. (2012, November 8). BBC News- Science & Environment.    Retrieved November 16 , 2012 from 


  1. That's interesting. The display of this page has gone all weird.

    What might the cause be?
    And some solution?

  2. Although I am not a coffee fan (I prefer hot cocoa :)), I love its smell. Every morning since I was young (in case that I didn't wake up too late, lol), after came out from my bedroom,coffee aroma from my mom and dad's cups acts like the signal to start my wonderful morning. I would miss it, if it was extincted :)

  3. I have heard a little bit about this extremely expensive coffee, Kopi luwak. It is from Indonesia, isn't it? Although I am not a coffee lover, I hope to try it once. Because I believe that its taste must be delicious enough to make people not only ignore the source of coffee, but also willingly pay a lot of money for its allured taste.

  4. l love coffee. My morning starts with two strong black coffees in big mugs. When I came to Bangkok, I pleased with the though I could taste Thai coffee. Korea doesn't have Korean coffee, maybe not proper climate is the reason. I had used Starbucks coffee beans in Korea, but I didn't bring the stocks, though they was relatively cheap.

    Anyway, I saw the news about the crisis of Arabica coffee in a Korean news web site, but I didn't believe that because there was an unbelievable could-disappeared list: pork, beer, chocolate, honey, and so on. If they had been one, I could have believed. Sometimes, even if there have accurate sources, the list containing what I gladly cannot accept is too long, then I deny all of them. I like Arabica coffee beans, so your news really approaches my mind. Right now, I have to do whatever to prevent the climate changing.

  5. Like Katie, my morning always starts with a large cup or strong, black coffee. And there is another one in the late afternoon, sometimes followed by a third in the evening. I have to confess that I'm addicted, not just psychologically, but physically, with a dependence that results in headaches and general unpleasantness if I miss my coffee for much more than about 12 hours. Thankfully, this particular drug is not too hard to get at a reasonable price, and I don't think the addiction causes any problems in my life. Indeed, there is mounting evidence that daily coffee has health benefits, but I can't pretend that those are why I drink it. I just love a fresh brewed coffee, like the one beside me right now.

    1. I usually do a bit of blogging whilst enjoying my morning coffee. It's a convenient time for me to sign in and see what everyone has been writing, and dash off a quick response or two of my own.

      And I usually do the same later in the day - when I'm enjoying my second coffee, or sometimes a later snack, I do a bit of response blogging.

      When are the convenient times for you to habitually blog so that this writing activity becomes a part of your daily routine?

      I think coffee goes well with blogging, but something else might work for you.

  6. I don't think this warning will become true one day. If coffee lovers, especially coffee companies, concern about the extinction, it is highly possible that they will invest in research and development (R&D) on preserving Arabica coffee although it will be not exactly same as the existing Arabic coffee today.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am boiling the water to make my special coffee that will be made by my confidential method. My room will be full of smell of coffee. Then it will remind me of someone I know. I think everyone likes drinking coffee except one of my friends, Hyoun-woo. He doesn't like drinking coffee, but he likes drinking Job’s tears tea. “People take job’s tears tea for hay fever, high cholesterol, cancer, warts, arthritis, obesity, and respiratory tract infections. It is also used to treat a disease called toxoplasmosis that is caused by a parasite” (Job’s tears, 2012). We have seen each other since when we were high school students. I haven’t seen that he drinks coffee. His choice is always ‘Job’s tears tea’ That’s all he wants.


    Job’s tears. (2012). In WebMD, Vitamins & Supplements. Retrieved November 17, 2012, from'S%20TEARS.aspx?activeIngredientId=1164&activeIngredientName=JOB'S%20TEARS

  9. I'm addicted coffee. I can't live without it. But I drink mostly 1 cup per days and sometimes 2 cups. I start to drink it when study in university to make me fresh and stay up late before examination week.

    I think that they are many several to solve this problem and safe our climate. Actually, my favorite coffee is Arabica beans. I hope the researcher will find the way soon.


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