Friday 13 July 2018

Buy teddy bear by your age

What I read

According to Build-A-Bear 'pay your age' offer abandoned amid 'chaos' (2018). Build-A-Bear shops have a promotion for children. The promotion is  that you can pay the teddy bear by your age. For example, if your child is 5 years old, you can pay only £5 for any teddy bear. This promotion  causes chaos because many families that have young children interest to buy cheap teddy bear. So, there are very long queues, some children wait more than 4 hours among chaotic scene.


My response 

In Thailand,this situations always occur when the shops in the department store have many promotions such as buy 1 get 1 free or up to 70 percents discount. In the past, if the shops have promotion,you will see many people in the shops. But today, the shop have promotion every month so people don't exited seemed as in the past.
Some shops, you may see it on sales all the times such as Eve and Boy which is my favorite cosmetic shop.

For me, when I heard the news about big sale festival, I am not excited because I do not have endure enough to wait a long time queues or wake up early for the first queue. I not like to buy promotion price because I think it's waste my time to do anything better. I prefer to buy normal price. On the other hand, if the shops have promotion price without any queue or not crown of people, I prefer to buy promotion price to save my money.


My question

Do you prefer to buy at normal price or promotion price with a long..long time queues ? and why?


Build-A-Bear 'pay your age' offer abandoned amid 'chaos.(2018, July 12). Retrieved from


  1. Normally, when I go shopping, I always have targets in my mind about what I am going to buy and I just go straight to the shop. All I need to do is checking the price, If it is reasonable compare to the quality, then I buy it. So, I am usually not attracted to any sales or promotions, I just buy stuff only because I need to, not because it is on sale.

  2. One more quick comment before bed. I've just finalized tomorrow's lesson plan with ten minutes to do until 10:00 PM.

    I would like to do what Teng does, and I usually manage it, but sometimes I'm sabotaged by being in the company of my friend's 11-year-old son. He reminds of me when I was a similar age, and I'm about as good at saying, "No," to him as my parents were to me. Still, it's nice to have someone to spoil a little; otherwise, I'm limited to my visits to Australia where my nieces and nephews don't mind some indulgence.

  3. I only buy the thing that I really needed and I always go straight to the shop and buy the targets that I already have it in my mind first. It depend on if promotion give us a discount, so I may buy it.

  4. I prefer to buy in the normal price than wait long queues in promotion. Because I can't bear to stand in front of the shop among lots of people. I look that it is a waste of time. Also, our sizes which we want may not be available usually.

  5. I willing to buy things with their full prices better that waiting in queue because I don't like to stay in the place with too many people and wasted my time. Furthermore, the stuffs that have so much discount always doesn't have normal size or sometimes they're flawed.


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