Monday 2 July 2018

Pressure: "Rich and Famous" (R&W2, p60, Before you read)

What I read

On page 60, Rogers and Wilkin ask us to think about and discuss a couple of questions to prepare us for the next reading. 


Rogers and Wilkin's questions 

  • What jobs to most young children in your country want to have?
  • Do you think the following can be considered jobs?
    actor    athlete     pop star
  • What problems might be caused if most children want to have jobs like these? 


  • Rogers, L. & Wilkin, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 2. London: Macmillan Education


  1. I think that actor, athlete and pop star are all jobs. They might be unusual jobs, but people are paid for doing them, and I think that's enough to make them real jobs. They are probably also fun for the people doing them, and that's good. I also enjoy my job as teacher, so I'm very glad I get paid for doing something that I enjoy. In fact, I think pop stars and athletes, and even many actors, work very hard. if you want to be a success in any of those jobs, you have to be really good to beat all the other people trying and that means a lot of constant practice to be at the top. No one will pay money to a tennis player who isn't in the top group of players. And the same is true for pop singers: you do have to sing well and constantly produce new work to keep your fans, your customers, happy. I think these jobs are very hard and probably very stressful.

  2. Doctor, actor and blogger are the jobs which most young children in my country want to have. Definitely, If most people want to be only some jobs, the high competition problem will happen. In addition, these jobs will require more qualification to apply the wanted those positions. However, I still believe that every jobs are equal important and have interestingly different of each jobs.

  3. In Thailand, I think most young student want to be a doctor because they think it's would be fun when they perform an operation.

    Actor, athlete and pop star are the jobs that children want to be too. Like boys want to be a smart footballer or girls want to be a famous actor or pop star.

    The problem that might be caused if most children want to have jobs like these is if they can't have a jobs that they want or they know that they can't be, they will feel appointed.

    1. It reminds me of when I was a high school student and I thought that dissections in biology class were fun. I hope my doctors don't approach operating on me as just fun.

  4. The most young children in Thailand want to have a various jobs such as many boys want to a police,doctor or military etc. and many girls want to a nurse,teacher,doctor,actor etc.
    The problem is caused by most young children watch many cartoons and also the most of cartoon is about these jobs a lot.

  5. I think in the past, most people want to be famous people in their life. the famous career are scientists, engineers and so on. But now, many young children change their mind, someone want to be a actor or super star. They think this job is great and earn lots of money, everyone will love the super star. But there has a problem, I think this kind of job doesn't easy to do. Sometimes they feel more stresses in daily life.

  6. In my country, most of children want to be doctor because they think being doctor means earning a lot salary, succeed and smart.

    Those career such as actor are also can be considered jobs but if every children want to do the same job when they grow up, it might not have various career. To illustrate, doctor is one of the very good job but if everyone be doctor who will do other work.

  7. The most young children want to have a job that is a pop star, actor or CEO of a big company.I think that pop star,actor or athlete are good jobs,you can earn more money and get high reputation, but it is so difficult to be famous pop star or actor for a common people.

  8. In my opinion, most young children in Thailand want to be a social media celebrity. Nowadays, anyone can show any skills they have on the internet with very low cost, so there are many opportunities out there where anyone can become a pop star.

  9. It's depend on what they like to do and it can be anything. Every jobs have there own important, so their choice is independently.


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