Friday 13 July 2018

Happy Meetings

What I read

According to “Grindr? Doodles? What do you do during boring meetings?” (2018) by Padraig Belton. It is a bad news for meeting holders to know that meetings are boring for most people  and they do many other things instead while in meetings. To solve this problem, many ideas using artificial technology(AI) have been proposed such as moderator bot, secretary bot, or meeting avatar bot, which might make meetings more interesting and effective. Some of these are already in action for example, AI that can help taking notes and making meeting summary which can significantly decrease time for doing mundane task. Although most companies still conduct meetings in conventional ways, it is not surprising that there must be a lot of demand for any solutions that can improve meetings.


My response 

To be honest I am also another one who feel that meeting is a boring and sometime counterproductive activity. I have attended meetings many times. And whenever I have to go to a meeting, I always bring a book or something to read, just in case if it turns out to be a boring meeting. It seems like most of us know there is something goes wrong somewhere somehow about the ways we conduct meeting, but we still have meetings as usual events in many organizations. 

Apparently, meeting is a sensible method when we have problems to solve we would like to gather people up and let everyone contribute their ideas in which we might find the best solution. And I think this is why it is a very common procedure in almost everywhere. Though meeting can be a powerful tool, but it also takes up a lot of manpower and can backfire if we use it too often without a good plan.

So the problem is not about why, but how we should do a meeting, so that everyone will enjoy meetings. Among all ideas mentioned in the article, the idea I like the most is the software that can hold an anonymous meeting, because I think it can help meeting attendees speak their mind and make discussion focus only on idea itself, not whose idea it is. If you attend an in-person meeting and you’ve got something to say, but you might not say anything because you might get it the way of someone, especially senior staff that might cause them lose face and might have conflict later on. But with this software we can focus on pros and cons of each idea and don’t have to worry much about hierarchy. And hopefully we will end up with the best one. Moreover, with privilege of anonymity it might make meetings more engaging because everyone feels that they have equal voice regardless of their status. So everyone are equally important in the meeting.

However, I don’t expect any dramatically changes in the ways we conduct meetings in near future because changes are always take time.  Normally, learning new thing takes time, effort and maybe money. So at the beginning, only a few companies are willing to try a new method, until it reaches a certain number that most people agree to adopt the new method and turn it into a new norm. Anyway, as many tech companies keep coming up with new promising solutions, it is not a bad idea to try them all. 


My question

Have you ever attended any meetings? How was that?



  1. An anonymous meeting sounds interesting. I also think it would be great to find the best solution to a problem as people don't have to hold back their thoughts as usually, especially for Asian people. I'm not sure why, but it is like it is in our culture not to offend people and do not look for trouble.

    Anyway, if this is implemented, make sure people don't talk about their opinion in the meeting. I once suggested an anonymous vote with my friends to agree on an elective course to register. We used the process but later revealed everything we voted for. It was such a waste of time (and my feeling).

  2. I usually have a meeting with my friends to come up with a plan for my university project. We shared a lot of ideas together and it was successful. Our project had gone very well.

  3. I don’t like meetings because we usually spend lots of time meeting in my industry. If a meeting last more than half an hour, sometimes, it just wastes our time. We spend eighty percent time to gossip, ten percent time to brainstorming, and ten percent time to think about what food I want to eat in next meal. It waste time. If the meeting lasts for a long time, we will work overtime. Maybe a good software can solve this big problem.

  4. To be honest, I don't like taking most meetings because I think most meetings,about eight percent,are very boring, I think it waste many time. Especially in our field, many meetings is held everyday and it takes a long time,
    But how do we solve this problem? Firstly,I think we should set a clear purpose for each meeting and let the people who will takes the it elaborately prepare for this in advance then it can save lot of time. Controlling the extent of meeting is another good way. After setting clear purpose, we only let the people who is concerned departments take the meeting, After finishing meeting,we can send the results to other departments.We also take any methods that encourage everyone to speak truth in their heart directly at the meeting, including but no limited an anonymous speech at the it.I think it also rise the effective of meeting and save time.


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