Tuesday 3 July 2018


What I read

Cancerous cells are abnormal cells which are able to avoid being eaten by macrophages, a type of our white blood cells. According to "Drug gets body cells to 'eat and destroy cancer" (2018), DR Ashish Kulkarni and colleagues at Harvard Medical School's Brigham and Women's Hospital has found a new drug which can prevent cancer from growing and spreading.  This drug is a supramolecule that has an ability to make our macrophages recognize cancer cells. Also, this new drug helps stopping the tumor from weakening macrophages. The test on mice has reported to be successful. However, human trial has not yet been done. 

My response 

Incidence rate of cancer is increasing year by year. Although the death rate of the disease has been decreasing recently, no permanent cure has yet been found. That means that the way to treat cancers, whether by immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or so on, is varied in each person and each type of cancers. Thus, to know that scientists found a new treatment to this fatal disease is certainly a good news. 

From my point of view, I found this kind of news article to be very interesting since the world is growing so fast that, without this kind of news article, I would be so outdated. Moreover, it is very fascinated to learn that people are trying really hard to discover something helpful, especially a thing that might saves millions of lives in the future. I always hope that one day cancer can be completely cured. Today, since there isn't any permanent treatment, I think everyone should try to reduce risk of cancers and do not forget to doing self-checks. The earlier cancer is detected, the more chances to survive.

My question

How do you feel about this new treatment?



  1. Countries around the world have been trying hard to find the cure for cancer. I'm glad that finally we have this new treatment. I think one of the most important steps for this treatment is to make it affordable for everyone. I'm afraid that when the demand is high, as you said the rate of cancer is increasing every year, the new treatment would be too expensive to afford for most of the people in the world.

    There was one time where a Thai pharmacist, Krisana Kraisintu, found a much cheaper way to make an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, and every pharmaceutical companies try to stop her just because this cheaper medicine would dramatically decrease their profits. I wish that will not happen to this new cancer treatment so the treatment can really save lives.

  2. This is a good news of next step to cure the disease. It was such a suffered agony having a cancer. I knew someone who had to fight with the disease, it was a torture and made me feel so much painful as well. I hope this will work when they try on humans. And If we have a good medicine like this, I hope ones who don't have much money could afford this treatment as well.

  3. I was wondering how many of your classmates know what a macrophage is, although perhaps that word is little more common than anthropophage. If my audience was made up of biologists, I think that would be a good word to use, but I'm not sure if most of my native English speaking friends would know it, and the BBC's writer did not assume any of their readers would know it.

    How did the BBC article solve the problem of most readers having no idea what the word macrophage means? Would the same strategy have been best to use in a summary?

    But I thought Gift's summary was otherwise well done, and the ideas in her response are interesting. I thought the most interesting is how very quickly we are making progress in learning about the world we inhabit, including ourselves. There is still a long way to go, but it seems to be getting faster every day , and this knowledge is helping to make the world a much better place for human beings, although In's blog post "Global Warming and Discrimination" might seem a bit more worrying.

  4. Several days ago, I was not interesting in this topic, because I think cancer is far away from me. But recently it's a new film coming in China and talk about the cancer and drug. The film received a high rating, so I'm curious about the story because I can't see the film. I check some information about the film topic. It's talk about India is a large pharmaceutical country, for India law, they can produce generic drug, this kind of drug doesn't have patent, so the price is lower than normal drug, but the effect is same as normal drug more than 90%. for example, if the normal drug's price is 100 million baht, the drug of made in India just 4000 baht. If you interesting in this cancer drug in India, you may check some information in Google. This made me know other part in India.

    1. I made a mistake...100 thousands baht


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