Tuesday 28 September 2010

Colombian army kills top Farc rebel leader Mono Jojoy

Mono Jojoy, head of the guerrilla's most powerful fighting division, the Easter bloc, died in a military action carried out for the colombian army. This event appears just a few days after the death of Sixto Cabana, another guerrilla Farc commander.

The death of the most important source of morale of the guerrillas of Farc () is a huge step for the colombian state agains the band of guerrillas and the drug trafficking. This success could begin new and important negotiations, which could become a hope of pace for a country in continuous war for the last 46 years. The US welcome the new, country that has given several economic help to the colombian state with the finality of finish with the drug trafficking. US is the most important country consumer of the cocaine from Colombia.

When I first read this new, the first thing that appear in my main was a travel I made to Costa Rica four years ago. The idea that I had before visit the country was that Costa Rica was a very peaceful place, with quiet people and safety cities and villages. I country without army and one of the oldest democracies in the world. But the panorama I found was very different. Everybody told me that it was dangerous walk alone in the streets after 8 pm because the piedreros, people addict of crack, drug derived of the cocaine. Then I realized that Costa Rica is one of the countries in the way of the cocaine between Colombia and US, and of course part of the merchandise is used for Costa Rica's people. The situation was different a few years ago. It's difficult to say who is the good and the bad here. The Farc, Colombian government, US, the drug traffickers, the drug consumers... But is easy to know the data; the last month almost 50 dyes in both colombian banns, what converts Colombia in one of the most dangerous and unstable countries of the whole world, millions of dollars in drug and armament trafficking, corruption and inflation, and hundreds of thousands of cocaine addicts around America. I just hope that this new situation will work in a successful way. Colombia finds the path of the peace and the deaths, drug trafficking and the number of cocaine addicts decrease. And if we are lucky, maybe in a few years Costa Rica become again the country of "pura vida" (famous expression this country that means "pure life").

Colombian army kills top Farc rebel leader Mono Jojoy. (2010, September 23). BBC News. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11399914

Senior Farc rebel leader "killed" in Colombia. (2010, September 20). BBC News. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11378351

My meeting with Mono Jojoy. (2010, September 23). BBC News. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-11402694



  1. It is the grandiose vision setting the pure society upon the deaths from drug. In the next future, I hope this country is free from a demon who possessed for a long time.

    For my self-consciousness that I remind my country-Thailand which is similar in the drug problems. Thailand is setting beside Myanmar, which is the important resource of drug in Asia consequently Thailand turns to the country for transporting the drugs. Violent crime, robbery are happening and painting the country to black therefore the feeling is sadness and depressed. Last 5 years, the police take more serious about the drug problems, also they clean up this country step by step. The death of drug dealers are the good news with achievement of this century renovation.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I completely agree with you. Any country becomes dangerous because of drug and benefit.

    In my opinion, I think that it's so difficult to change that. It concerns a lot of benefit among the politicians, government officer, authorities. So, the resident only gets the bad things and death.

  3. Perhaps if the drugs were not so very profitable for violent people, the violence would disappear? It is government laws that make drugs profitable, so perhaps yet again it is the government and bad laws making the problems so that the solution is to get rid of the bad laws in order to make drugs less profitable and encourage better business people to become drug dealers instead of violent people.

    Is there anything wrong with using drugs or being a drug dealer? For example, are people who use alcohol bad people? Are beer and whisky sellers really evil because they use or sell a drug of addiction?

    In US history, violence, corruption and the mafia became problems when alcohol was illegal from 1920 to 1933: those anti-drug laws clearly caused a lot of serious problems in US society. Perhaps the same thing is true today for other drugs: it is the laws against the drugs that cause the problems for people and society, not drug users and dealers.

  4. I agree with you Peter. I always have thought that is the drugs would become legal the drug trafficking, violent, corruption and inflation would decrease. Maybe not the number of addicts. In Spain, cirrhosis is one of the mean causes of death. But at least the people would have more information about the drug culture. Even would be an area that the schools would teach, and not just say "children, the drugs are bad, never take a sweet from a stranger".

  5. Why some countries change some issues to be illegal ? and what is the reasons of this idea?

    Maybe, to turn to be illegal is a good way that they can do at the moment to get rid of it,alcohlo or drug, immediatly, and after that, they might use some strategies to make their people think whether things like alcohol or drugs are bad, or it makes you lives better. I beleive that if something is useless for them, they will not concern about it.

    Anyway, After I read this story, I wonder what is the main income of Costa Rica, how is their government, and how many the poor is in there. I think about these questions because I try to find the information to support my idea. In my idea, people who do the business which agaist the law such as drug trafficing should be people who need more money and/or cannot find the good job, or people who are in the economic recession. Therefore, I think, killing the boss is not the best way to solve the problem, but it will push this situation to be severe situation because their minion maybe come back to revenge Columbia army. This story will be endless

  6. Gift, do you mean that drugs such as alcohol should be illegal?
    That proved to be a disastrously bad idea in the US, just like the current laws that make marijuana, heroin and other drugs illegal are very bad laws that cause a lot of problems for society and for innocent people who want to use drugs for fun or whatever.

    Is using and selling drugs morally wrong?
    When is it right or wrong? Why?
    (How you decided the trolley problem questions might be relevant here.)

  7. For your first question (Peter@september 29, 2010 4:49 PM), I do not think the drugs such as alcohol should be illegal. I think that my writing does not clear, so it makes you understand me like this. According my idea (Gift@september 29, 2010 9:38 AM) "Maybe, to turn to be illegal is a good way that they can do at the moment to get rid of it, alcohol or drug, immediately,", I try to find a good reason for the government base on the question "why does the government turn some issue to be illegal?". and for the last sentence that I said "I believe..." , it means only following sentence,"I believe that if something is useless for them, they will not concern about it.".

    However, drugs are still in society both the country that think drugs are illegal and legal, so I think, they should be legal because the authority can control them in the right way.

    Peter, can I call this situation that dilemma?

  8. Gift,
    Thanks for the explanation. It sounded as though you thought they should not be illegal in the first paragraph; the 2nd paragraph was the one that confused me, but now I'm clear.

    Your latest comment @ September 29, 2010 6:13 PM is very clear. Some people would certainly call the issue of whether drugs would be better legalized or made illegal a dilemma, since neither choice seems to them to be an attractive option.


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