Wednesday 22 September 2010

Poome's Current Acadamic Interests

I am interested in environment and ecology since I was young because my parents liked to invite me to travel in national park. Then, I did not learn about environment, but I have graduated from political science. However, I interned at a fishery village in the southern part of Thailand where I had to conserved mangrove forest with local villagers and local Ngos , that is good experience. Now, I have decided that I will enroll master's degree in environmental policy or environmental management. Anyway, I am research assistance about politic of social network on the internet ,which is not related with my interest, now. Therefore, if some one have any jobs which relate with environment issue and require social sci. degree, please tell me.

Thank you!


  1. Sorry. I have no jobs in the environmental field, but maybe someone else can help you.

    The first thing I think of these days when people mention the environment is global warming. Have you done much study about that?

  2. Should we stop using plastic bags at Tops, or is that not very important?

  3. @Peter
    I think we should. Where is demand means where is supply. Although it's merely a little tiny help for a person but if every people cooperate to avoid it so enormous amount of plastic bags will be not produced to supply us then the problem of plastic bag will be decreased.

  4. Poom, do you remember P'Cholthicha? Our classmate from L3, she works related in this area. You should talk to her.


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