Monday 27 September 2010

Who's the right to use "POD"

In my free time, I usually listen to musics through my iPod and I'm the one who's a apple fan. For blogging, I was looking to the news which's interest then I found "Legal row over who can use 'pod'" From BBC News.

According to the article, apple and Sector Labs both of them using word "Pod" in their products name. For apple, they don't allow Sector Labs to use this word because it can confuse consumers that video pod from Sector Labs can be a product from apple. On the other hand, Sector Labs they just try to use the name that fit and easy to refer to their product so they have to fight in court.

In my opinion, "pod" is the stereotype for every apple music products, when I heard such word I always picture about iPod so I disagree that the Sector Labs' lawyer tries to excuse or convince people that her company just merely use this word which perfectly suit for their product. It's just a big lie, they just try to get more benefit from people who think this product made from Apple because there are enormous amount of people who're following apple product in our world.

Legal row over who can use 'pod'. (2010, September 24). BBC News. Retrieved September 27, 2010 from


  1. Thank you Net, I saw that article on the front page of the BBC News this morning, but didn't read it, not having an iPod or anything similar.
    I like your useful summary of the issues and your clearly stated response. Now that I've learnt what the issues are, I'll give it some thought and post my own response a bit later.

  2. Thank you Net for this story. It makes me get more information about iPod. I am one person who understands that iPod is a product from Apple, so when I find a product that is call "iPod", I truly believe that it comes from Apple band. If I was an Apple fan, I would not hesitate to buy that one. That is why I agree with Net's idea. The other company which uses the word "iPod" seem to leads the customer confuse and it tries to do something like a big lie.

  3. Thank you Net to shared you opinion about ipod. First I saw the title the word "pod" it's popular word from apple brand, which customers believe in brand products. If some companies used the word "pod" in their products. It's will confuse customers, so i agree with Net opinion. In addition,I'm not a fan or have no anything from apple. In other hand, I think if another companies can use this word "pod" in their products. It's have more choice for consumer to choose, which brand is suitable for them.

  4. In the article, it does not say if Sector Labs started to use first the word “Pod” for its products, or after Apple start to use for its products. In the case that Sector Labs was before, I did not see any objection Sector Labs to use it, in other case I disagree because like Gift said in her comments, it creates confusion to the buyer which brand he or she is choosing and Sector Labs do in purpose to increase its sells deceiving I Pod fans.

  5. Actually, when I read teh headline and skipped the article this morning or yesterday, I thought it was probably about podcasts and the like: a complete misunderstanding on my part, as I realised when I read Net's post.

    I presume that Apple is not upset about the use of pod in words like podcast.

    But which came first: the iPod or the podcast?

  6. Thank you Net for share this interesting new with us. I've used Apple's products for the last 12 years. First in the school and 3 years ago I was able to buy my first iMac. I like this company and the products always have been very competitive, reliables and with a very distinguished design. But this time, I've to differ with Apple and give my vote to Sector Labs. After see the new product from this japanese company I realize why they called it Videopod; it's a video-projector that looks like a bean, which we can find into a pod. Apple is not interested in the market of video-projector, so Sector Labs is not trying to compete with this company, and the law says that any company can not appropriate of an english word to refer a product. The situation would be very different if Sector Labs would call his product Videoipod. I am afraid that Apple is going to lose this battle.

  7. Thank you for sharing. I haven't used any Apple product because of higher prices than the others. However, I beleive in and agree with your opinion that is they want to make more benefit from everybody misunderstood. Particular in my friends, most of them are passion in every Apple products though some application doesn't match to their needs. They just want to have it, and please to pay for. For example, one of my friends bought a Macbook. As you know, Macbook runs on Mac OS, but he installed Windows OS instead of the original OS because he didn't understand using instructions. Perhaps that company will success.

  8. During I almost finished respond comment suddenly my house was blackout and I didn't save my respond so I have to rewrite again T__T.

    pod word from podcast came before iPod. According to "iPod" and "Podcast" from Wikipedia it says, the iPod was launched on October 23, 2001 but for Podcast it was created on 1998–2001 so the latter one should be used before the first one.

    Moreover, I agree with you that Apple doesn't concern about the use of pod in podcast even though if Apple'd applied pod on iPod before because podcast is not a product so why would Apple care?

    Nowadays, Apple doesn't have any a kind of video-projector; however, is it right for other companies to use such word? because in the future apple might be having video-projector product so aren't they have right to protect their stereotype to keep outstanding go on?

    I have a queston. How can I save my comment?

  9. Thank you Net for your information. I think it's about trading strategies perhaps Sector Labs intend people to misunderstood that is a product from Apple. Because the most people use product from Apple much more. However, many companies in Thailand use this strategies too. For example, Muang Thai Life Assurance Co., Ltd. and Thai Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Someone think it same company. Actually it's each company.

  10. In my opinion, Apple have others products that's not called "pod", such as Iphone and Macbook. That's always well known amoung Apple's fan. If the other brand like Sector Labs intend to use similar name, however they can't make your guy misunderstanding about it's real apple or it's fake. Because you have to learn or check its brand and functions before you buy something. So you might misunderstanding for first time, but it shows itself finally.

  11. The colorful products has attracted my interest.I paused for a mmoment and started to read so fast. Actually,I'm a big fan of Apple. I can remember every advertisements when Apple launched a new product. Steve Jobs, he's very good advertiser and CEO for the maximum benefits. I don't know why Apple concerns on that word "pod". If you're a big fan of Apple and Apple consumers,I can guarantee none of you are confusing. Sector Labs uses the word "pod" to describe the actual machine in term of form. Similarly,Apple uses a biting apple representing human obsession-Adam and Eve.Sector Labs has excited a lot of pulic interest and has expectations of Japanese technology revival.

    I want to shout "Japan Coming" and "Apple" in the same time. I love both of them:)

  12. Oh, it is interesting article Net, I also use Apple. I was very busy with my business yeterday. So, I'll post a pile of comments soon!

  13. Thank you Net and David to give more information to be clear.

  14. Net,
    I'm not sure, what is Sector Labs? Is it a brand like Apple, right? I'm not very good at IT, so I never heard it befroe, thank you for information though.

    I think I agree with Nu (September 27, 2010 11:21 PM). I also use Apple laptop, and if I want to buy some product from Apple I will check it carefully. In the begining when we see the product we might misunderstand like Nu said, but finally we will see which one is real Apple.

    I think all products from Apple are very good and useful, some of them are very cool like iPAD and some function are very cool too. I don't know how is works, but this is what I heard from Apple's fans.

  15. Apple and NK
    In my meaning, The consumers who'll be getting confuse that I stated above are not fans or the ones who gather informations like Apple but they're normal people with a little knowledge in Apple then see this kind of product , need to use it, and found it that they can afford it easier. Although it just a little people but it's still benefit to the Sector Labs.

    I've ever heard the name of company Sector Labs before but I still don't like the way that they use for their product. I seriously concern in the way people create things. Maybe, I'm a narrow mind.

  16. Thank you for your article.In my opinion I think Apple has right in word "pod" if this word is only word of Apple's products.I agree with Net that word "pod" can make comsumer to confuse between iPod from Apple and Pod from Sector Labs.

  17. Even though it might benefit sector labs if people confuse their product with Apple, I think they should be allowed to use the word pod in their product names. The word existed long before Apple used it, and if there is some reasonable explanation for Sector Labs calling their product a pod of some sort, that seems to me a good enough reason to let them use the word; confusion with Apple products is not necessarily their main reason, and if they have some other good reason, such as shape, then they should be able to use the English word like anyone else. Apple does not own the word pod.

    I also think it's the lower case i that is more distinctively an Apple name, such as in iPod, iMac and now iPad, so perhaps they should be able to stop others using i that way, but not pod.

  18. Peter,
    I have a problem, I cannot make my word in italic or bold or underline.

    Are you using Mac right? Can you also help me please?

  19. Yes, I did, before I don't understand. But now I got it.
    Thank you ^_^

  20. Peter
    Although pod in Podcast was created before Apple used but Apple made people get used to with this name for long time so I think apple should be only company who's right to use this name to refer to such product.

    I think I refer to the word my means iPod means mypod but pod refer to all music or video Apple's product such as iPod, iPod touch, iPod nano and iPod shuffle, so it's just like the stereotype of such product from Apple.


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