Tuesday 28 September 2010

Migraines cause throbbing pain

I interest News about health and I read BBC News today. I found something News about "Migraine cause 'identified' as genetic defect".

Scientists of the University of Oxford have identified genetic defect linked to migraine which could provide a target for new treatments. The discovery was understanding
why one in five people suffers from migraines. Someone have a warning visual disturbance, before the start of the headache, and many people have symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity.
The research found gene known as TRESK was directly attributable as a cause of migraine in some patients. Dr Cader, one of the MRC researchers , said: "Previous studies have identified parts of our DNA that increase the risk in the general population, but have not found genes which can be directly responsible for common migraine. What we've found is that migraines seem to depend on how excitable our nerves are in specific parts of the brain". "So the defective gene in migraine patients was under-active, therefore causing the headaches.
And what we want to do is find a drug that will activate the gene" he added.

Many people have illness from Migraine. Cause is environment, family, friends work etc. I think we should take care ourself and change some unappropriate behavior. It's better than take some drugs. Because what ever you take good medicines, but if you don't take care yourself first, you can't recovered from the disease. If you know what is cause of Migraine you have to change you behavior like a you are what you eat.
Migraine cause "identified" as genetic defect. (2010, september 27). BBC News. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11408113


  1. Ko,
    I wasn't clear why you think that " family, friends or work" can cause migraines. Your summary of the article suggests that a malfunctioning gene is the cause. The gene defect explains migraines in one in five people, but why do you think that changing our behaviour or taking care of ourselves will help? Is that what the research discovered?

    I wasn't sure: do you think that natural treatments or drugs are better? (I think drugs are often much better - nature is often very bad, for example, genes that cause migraines are natural evils).

  2. I like Ko's post because it supports an idea that I think a lot of people do not realise: that a lot (probably 50% or more) of human behaviour and human personality is caused by our genes, not by culture or parental example, and definitely not by what we watch on TV.

  3. Peter
    I agree with you that our genes influenced to behavior but I don't think it more than 50% because environmental factors should be the most percentage of influences to people's behavior. For example, the percentage of children who live in drug dealing area will be a drug dealer more than children who live in good area.

    For this topic, I still hope that the exit ways form this long road will be found soon whether drugs or natural treatment.

  4. It is good that the real cause is discovered because we can exactly solve the problem.

  5. Ko,
    This is interesting article, but when I read this post I'm still not clear that can gene cause migraines or cannot?

    @(September 28, 2010 8:37 PM) It's true that "a lot (probably 50% or more) of human behaviour and human personality is caused by our genes, not by culture or parental example, and definitely not by what we watch on TV." Our genes have more influence on our behaviour and personality more than the environment. You also mentioned that television has such a small influence compared with cuture and family. I think this is true because television is so passive.

    What about the internet? Of course it can't compare with genes, but I'd add that I think nowadays, influence from internet and mobile phone can change human behaviour and human personality as well. I think they affect our behaviour and personality more than television.

    By the way, I think the computer, mobile phone and television can all cause us a headache if we use them too much.

  6. Apple,
    I agree that the internet clearly is changing people's behaviour, but I'm not sure that it's changing their personalities.
    People now email, Twit, or blog instead of writing letters or sending telegrammes, so behaviour is obviously changed by technology, but I think the personality is the same: I email my brother for the same reason I used to write letters, and I don't think my personality has changed because there are more efficient and better communication options available.

    How much is "too much" use? Too much of anything, even sleep, can cause headaches or other problems. It's even possible to overdose and die of water poisoning! (See "Water overdose kills woman in Wii challenge")

  7. According to my comment "too much" means: when you are physically unable to continue to use them or when you feel physically unwell.

  8. I like your topic and almost choose this article for my writing yesterday, but car's recall makes more interested to me.
    And I agree with Ko's idea on you have to take care yourself and you will recover from the disease. Because I believe that your mind can drive your body. if you have a good health but your mind think that you're sick or you don't want to go to school then you might feel headache or weak and you can stay home. Like her word 'you are what you eat', for me it can be 'you are what you think'.

  9. I quite think like your idea, haman behavior. I often have headache when I don't drink some water enough and be in the too hot place or climate. I have seen the doctor because I wonder I have Migraines whether or not. And also my symtoms are like people who suffer from it. But it's not my suspicious thought. The doctor said that I am lack in drinking only.


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