Monday 14 May 2012

In a world of no secret

                Have you ever tried to hide something because it’s too embarrassed to show or it’s better to bury it? I expect to hear “yes”. Everyone must have something they want to express hiding inside, at least, in their heart. But is the secret still being covered safe and sound all the time? This news will prove this question.
enigma cipher machine
                From “Enigma cogs ‘found in cupboard’ reunited with machine”, The three rotors were discovered at the Royal Navy training establishment HMS Collingwood in Fareham, Hampshire. They were found to have come from an enigma machine in the world war ll. Richard Noyce, curator of artifacts at the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN), said "The number M15653 on the machine matches the number on the box of rotors and the box is stamped with 'Kommando der Marine Sation Der 021'” (¶10).This enigma cipher machine was used by the German military during the world war ll. A NMRN spokesman said "Breaking the Enigma ciphers gave the Allies a key advantage, which, according to historians, shortened the war by two years, thus saving many lives."(¶15)
                First word that made me interest in this news is Enigma. From dictionary, enigma means a mysterious or puzzling person or thing. As a child, I’m a real inquisitive girl. I always wondered in everything. When I grew up, I’m interest in mysterious story. I love to watch the movies or series about investigation such as CSI, NCIS or Castle. Because the criminal usually abandon the alibi which leading to him/her, it makes me really excited to find who the criminal is?, why he did that? , or how do the police prove that he’s the killer?
                However, from my last question in the first paragraph, you’ll see that even it has been passing for a half of a century, the secret still being revealed in the final. But if I agree with the word “There’s no secret in the world”? No might be my answer. Because we have secrets, the world continues moving vivaciously. If the world is a dish and we’re a food. Secret might be the seasonings. You might not clearly understand this, so, this poem from Brittany Graviet will remove your suspicion.
In a World of No Secrets....
In a world of no secrets.....
Wow what a change that would be.
We could hide nothing,
Everyone would know,
Our dark deeds,
And our virtues.

In a world of no secrets...
Its hard to imagine,
We could all be honest,
Because we couldn't lie anyways.
We could truly just be who we are.

In a world of no secrets....
I'm not quite sure I would mind,
If you knew my secrets,
And I knew yours.
I've always wondered what people hide.

In a world of no secrets....
No one could have,
Their own life.
It would be everyone else's too.
I'm not sure I would want that.

In a world of no secrets....
There could be no surprises.
No unknown thoughts,
No, 'I bet you didn't knows'
How sad that would be.

In a world of no secrets
We would probably think twice,
About what we are doing,
But then again they would know,
That we still thought about doing it.

Maybe there is secrets....
So that we can repent,
Of all those dark deeds.
So we can choose,
If we sin and lie.

I like our world of secrets....
The good outweigh the bad.
I like having some things,
Only to our selves.
By:Brittany Graviet


Enigma cogs ‘found in cupboard’ reunited with machine(2012,May9) .BBC News. Retrieved  May ,11 2012 from

In a World of No Secrets.... (2008, Dec 06). Brittany Graviet. . Retrieved  May ,11 2012 from


  1. Cherry, a secret would be kept secretly forever or openned at last that depends on an owner of the secret. I'd like to compare "Enigma cipher machine with the secret's owner. There is a case that I can share to support this comparison. I got a chance to join a conversation with the relatives of a man who was sleeping peacefully in a coffin. When he was in the last treatment for cancer, he had disclosed to his wife and sons that he had a second wife with 4 daughters and sons. He asked for a permission from his first wife to see his second wife before he died. At first I heard this story, I could not imagine how the man could keep it secret until nearly the end of his life. However, I think he's a repectful person that he could support his both families without any troubles. Although someone may not disagree with a man having a second house, I think this case should be excepted. As mentioned in news, the machine could save many lives, this man also could grow up successful members of his two families.

    1. Lek,
      Does this mean that you support my idea that marriage laws should also allow people not only to marry either a person of either sex, but also to have more than one partner at a time? (comment on "Obama supports same-sex marriage", May 14, 2012).

    2. Aj.Peter, I didn't mean that people should be allowed legally to marry with more than one partner. I've taken the above mentioned case as an exceptional one. I think men should have their responsibilities to start a new family. If a man is sure that he can take care of his family members well enough, there is no problem to have more than one partner. But as my past experience on learning about men having more than one family, most of them have had the failure marriage lives.

  2. It's a very interesting to me. I do not believe that we are in the world of no secret. Take enigma cipher machine an example, it was used to save the vital military secrecy at that time, so it was a secret then. However, it is not a secret anymore until it is revealed. Finally, it is still opened by someone. I mean it is very difficult to keep a secret for the humankind unless you don't say it out to any other only yourself that is real secret, no one knows. This is my interpretation of secret because human being can not help being curious about anything that is mysterious, like puzzles and secrets. However, the definition of secret on the Oxford on-line dictionary which is on the right side of Blog says known about by only a few people; kept hidden from others. Believe me or not, it will not be a secret for long, much less forever.

  3. Last but not least, I like this sentence you wrote a lot, If the world is a dish and we’re a food. Secret might be the seasonings, using the personification to make your sentence vivid. I am learning from you, thank you so much.

  4. The Enigma machine is the encryption machine that Nazi army used in the World War II. When they sent the message, they was using it by edcoded the data because they didn't want the enemy know about the data. It is very important tools that protected the secret data during the war. But after the British can make the replica machine to encode these data, it was a strike back. The secret command of Nazi had been encoded by the British. There is the one reason that Nazi was defeat. So there are no secret for them anymore. This is the story of the Enigma machine that was used in the World War II.

  5. It is said that 'a secret keep a woman a woman'. A secret is a female charm. I agree with Cherry that a secret make the world more vivid. A secret make everyone want to know about it. If everyone know everyone's secret, how can life be excited? A poem that Cherry blogged sound good and I like it. I love 'Castle' too; however, I don't have time to watch it because of Peter's homework. :P Let's watch together sometimes, Okay??

    1. yeah! let's watch it together.I wanna watch season4.who have the CD?


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