Tuesday 8 May 2012

Persistent cough 'could be lung cancer warning'


Coughing means forcing out air suddenly and noisily through your throat especially when you have a cold. Have you ever had a cough lasting more than 3 weeks? Do you ever thing that coughing can lead you to a lung cancer or something serious? If not, you should read my blog!

According to BBC news “Persistent cough ‘could be lung cancer warning’”, the public should be aware that “persistent coughs could be a sign of lung cancer.”(paragraph1) Moreover, the campaign recommends that “people with coughs lasting three weeks visit their GP.” (paragraph 2) If the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, more people can have “the best chance of surviving.”(paragraph 6) Because the cancer is a horrible, horrible disease and can make people dead very sudden.


Because my father is a doctor and he gave me many reasons why people suffer from lung cancer, one of the reasons that make me interested is “smoke of cigarette”. A cigarette is a little roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in a cylinder of thin paper. As we know that people who don’t smoke can also be suffer from this cancer because they breathe this smoke. And, it is a serious problem. I don’t think that smokers will care about this because they think they have right to smoke anywhere! So, it is our responsibility to warn those that there are others around you that you should care, for example their kids. I don’t think they love themselves more than their children. Here is a video about banning smoking. I hope you will like it!


" Persistent cough 'could be lung cancer warning'"(2012, May 6). BBC News. Retrieved May 8,2012 
from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17960215 
The video is from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhLhRAfDZi4


  1. Do smokers really think that "they have right to smoke anywhere"?

    Do smokers really have the right to smoke anywhere?

    1. I think they really think that they have right to smoke anywhere they like because i have seen many videos about those people protesting for freedom to smoke and i dont like it. However, i think they can't smoke anywhere they like. For example, hospitals in Thailand have a rule that if you smoke in the hospital you will be fined 2000 baht. And i think that 2000 baht isn't enough to fine but because of the government policy, we can't do anything!

    2. Although I think it would be a bit weird, I also think, consistent with my other comments, that it matters very much whether the hospital is public or private.

      In a public hospital to which all people must have an equal right of access, smoking should properly be banned, but if its a private hospital, the owners might decide to allow smoking - perhaps they feel that that will help to relax patients who are addicted to smoking. I don't think their reasons matter. Some patients might like the option of being able to smoke, and privately owned hospitals have the right to offer that choice to those patients, although I would not want to go to such a hospital.
      But I would not normally go to a restaurant that allowed smoking either.

  2. I think, nowadays the number of smoker is increase and the government didn't take it serious enough to decrease the no. of smoker. My personal opinion, I don't like smoker because of the smell. Most of my boyfriends are smoke, and their health not be good such as they always cough, and their breath smells bad. If you are smoker, and it always come with alcohol that means harm your body in both way.

  3. I think it is good to make sure we go to see a doctor when there is any bad sign such as persistent coughs. It's important to aware of your self. If you neglect some little things, it could be a serious problem that hard to cure in the future. Therefore, it's best to pay attention to uncommon sign of your body before it's too late.

    If we talk cigarette, I would told you that I really don't like it. I don't like its smell. I don't like that it make our health bad. For me, it's unfair if there is someone smoking in the public because it not harm only the man who smoking but everyone around them.

    1. I don't like the smell either and that plus the danger seems a good reason to ban cigarette smoking on public property, which is a place that all people must have equal right to use without danger from others, so smoking should be banned on streets, roads, public parks and so other public property.

      But I can't see how it can be just to ban smoking on private property, such as restaurants, pubs and clubs. It's true that I don't like the smell and it is unhealthy, but these are not good enough reasons. Since I know what the health risks are, it's my decision to enter or not. And we do not have any special right to enter private property without agreeing to the owners policies - the Normandie Grill at the Oriental Hotel, for example, does not let men in for dinner if they are not wearing a jacket. It's private property, so they may justly make such rules.

      I think the owners of private property must similarly have the right to decide the smoking policy for their restaurant, shop, hospital or whatever. Customers who don't like the rules at one restaurant are free to go to another place, whose sensible owner will happily take their money for the service she provides, with or without smoking.

      Government bans on smoking every where are unjust laws that destroy citizens' freedom to chose.

      But feel welcome to disagree. I will support my idea.

    2. "Cool" video. Thanks June.

      I had not watched June's video when I wrote my previous comment last night, but as I've just watched it now with my morning coffee, it's brilliant. The woman who wants the government to ban smoking in pubs is being irrational as well as unjust.

      So, I hope everyone now agrees that laws banning smoking in restaurants, pubs, private hospitals and on other private property are morally wrong and that such unjust laws should be revoked.

      But as always, if you think that the arguments presented so neatly in June's included video are wrong, tell us why.

    3. In my opinion, governments should set a rule to ban smoking to protect their people from the lung cancer. It is the same reasons for the rule that wearing helmets when riding motorcycles because these are the main reasons for more and more people die from a dangerous situation. Why most government could not set the rules into the whole country is that the collusion between the cigarete business and the government.

    4. Rainbow Gaga,
      Don't you think that owners have a right to set policies for their own property, which customers are then free to enter or not as they wish?

      I think your argument is a popular one, and seriously wrong. The argument is that if something is a health threat or otherwise dangerous, then that is a good enough reason to ban it. Is this correct?

      What are the logical consequences that follow from accepting this idea and rejecting the right of owners to decide the rules for visitors to their property?

    5. I agree with Peter and June's video that it should be a right of the owner of private property to rule something. However, I still think think that we should ban smoking in some public place such as bus station, BTS and park. Because of my reason above that is it not harm only the man who smoking but everyone around them, I still think that it was unacceptable to do harm to all people that you not even know.

    6. Peter,
      This morning as soon as you came into the classroom, taking sugar, ice cream and chocolate examples to advocate your point of view that government should not ban smoking same as the reason that we can eat these things which are also harmful people's health. I was speechless because I think sugar and chocolate have benefits to people, not only harm, like cigarette. Afterward,I think twice of this matter. The main reason why I think government should conduct serious law against smoking is no one can deny that smoking pose a serious threat to human health and it has nothing good for people, society even the whole environment. Hence, they, sugar and cigarette can not be put in the same place. I regard smoking same as nuclear power issue. Furthermore, prevention is better than cure, as we all know. Japan's attitude to nuclear power changed after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami so Japan already shutdown the final nuclear power plants. To sum up, I hope what all government do is based on love their people. Do not wait until bad thing happen.

    7. Rainbow Gaga's response is excellent.
      It's exactly the sort of critical thinking we want in a discussion that is academic, but a bit more relaxed than in formal, academic writing. Her ideas are the right sort of response to my argument, and they are clearly stated in English sentences. That makes them excellent examples of response writing.

      Rainbow Gaga's defence of her idea is very good. She presents us with an argument that I have to respond to with a good answer, or change my mind and admit that she is right.

      I'm hoping that someone (anyone, please) will now come to help me answer Rainbow Gaga's strong opposing argument to my idea that laws banning smoking in restaurants and other private property are morally wrong and must be annulled in a just society.

    8. I hinted at my reply to Rainbow Gaga's strong opposing reason in my post on the record breaking surfer, "Barely Serious Fun".

      The crucial point in Rainbow Gaga's argument is that smoking cigarettes "has nothing good for people" (May 10, 2012 11:03 PM). But this seems wrong to me. Smoking does have very real benefits for people along with its very real health risks, which is why smokers do it: it is relaxing, it is enjoyable, it is sociable thing to do together. These might might not be strong reasons for everyone, but they are reasons, and we don't have to value them ourselves to see that others might. I don't value trendy clothes or having a car, but I can understand that others do and that those things contribute to their lives. I don't think it's right for me to force my personal likes and dislikes on everyone else - but I do force my personal views on others when they visit my home: no one is ever allowed to smoke a filthy cigarette in my home. I hate the smell and don't want it around, so I ban cigarette smoking absolutely in my home. Of course, if I enter someone else's home knowing that they will be smoking, it's my decision to enter or not, as it should be with restaurants, hospitals, pubs and other private property, the point that is so clearly made in June's video.

      Why, after all do people eat ice cream, chocolate cake and candy if not for the pleasure it gives, for the fun of doing it in a group and similar reasons? Does anyone eat these deadly sweets for some health benefit? I don't think so. We value and indulge in sweet foods for exactly the same sort of reasons that many people value, and benefit from, smoking cigarettes.

      And again, my thanks to Rainbow Gaga for pushing us to exercise some strong critical thinking about an issue that does matter to us. Her critical and thoughtful comments are excellent; we want more like them.

  4. How great! this video is wonderful.I love this new idea for putting some media in this blog.It interests me to read this article.But I have a question.Where's their legs? lol
    What you have written is cool! just like what you wrote:-) you use this video support your idea.Your introduction interests people to continue reading your article.It warns me to take care of my friends, family ,and my own self more.who will know that ,maybe, their simple chronic cough could lead to the lung cancer?
    About the cigarette, Because my father is the one who used to smoke,My father and I also know how bad it'll cause.So, it's really a good idea to stop it. Not only for you health but also for your beloved.

    1. Cherry, I thought it was great, too. It went down very well as I was having my morning coffee earlier.

      But I was expecting a bit more disagreement - so far, everyone seems to agree with the video, and me, that government laws banning smoking in restaurants are totally unjust and immoral.

      It's great if that is what everyone thinks, but it seems a bit unusual to me.

  5. Very great~ easy word to under stand with nice picture and video.
    The writing is very great too because this topic is suitable and benefit to talking about.
    I like it!

  6. In my indea smoking are prohibited in many public place such as bus stop,temple,school. I don't smoke at all, and i don't like the smoke smell ,its really irritate my concentration. So i support to prohibite smoke every where, but in reality it doesn't easy like that. Same as the above how can you ban smoking in private places it is impossible to do it,but I have some idea to share.I think the root of smoking in public place isn't the main point,the main point is smoker.We should reduce smoker by campaigning youngster to avoid trying it.Most of the smokers start to smoke from teenagers. If you can reduce smoker, so they could irritate you less. Also raise the tax of the cigarettes would help too.


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