Wednesday 9 May 2012

Our academic interests. AEP rw4, term 3, 2012

We discussed this very briefly on the first day of class because it's relevant to our discussions to know, for example, that if a legal question comes up we can ask Film or Fair for a more expert opinion. But our friends' and peers' academic interests are also interesting in themselves: they are the sort of thing that is likely to be a part of social chatting in an academic setting.

Since the topic for this response writing is ourselves, research is unlikely to be necessary, and it's likely that we know our own interests reasonably well, having been living with ourselves and regularly sharing our thoughts for some years, at least in our waking moments, if not in our non-dreaming sleep.
  • In a comment below, write about your academic interests for 10 minutes. 
  • Write one sentence, and then another sentence that follows on from it. And then the sentence that tells us the next idea that pops into your mind. And continue writing sentence, after sentence.
    A major purpose here is to practise writing for fluency. It is not an academic writing exercise. 
  • If you want to make a larger jump in content, start a new paragraph. 
  • Do not stop to worry about some grammar point for 10 minutes. That will not help your fluency.
    Our purpose is to write clear sentences, and errors that do not get in the way of clarity to not matter. 
  • After 10 minutes, finish the sentence you are writing and click the "Publish" button once only. 


  1. Since i stared my high school and studied in business field, i interested in financial. i realized that business will success if we manage our money carefully. I also interested in account because its my favorite subject, which easier than economic and financial. Nowadays, i graduated from high school and that inspired me to study financial at university. Therefore, i try hard to apply to popular university about business in Beijing, China.

  2. My academic interests used to be come a chef but after I graduated from high school I was change my mind to design. I decided to study an architecture but after I study in 3rd year I just don't like it any more. It isn't the kind or design that I like, I like to design the product. I have no choice, I have to finish my bachelor degree. So for my master degree I chose to studies about design and my field is design management. Design management is the subject that combined design and management, I can do my own business by myself after graduate this field.

  3. My first academic interest was probably biology. I didn't think it was academic then. I didn't even know the word academic when I was in primary school, but I loved growing things. I grew trees to turn into Japanese bonsai. I don't where I first heard of that. It doesn't sound like something that would be in a primary school grade 3 or 4 class. I guess I must have seen a gardening show about it on TV. Anyway, I started growing different trees in pots at home. I especailly loved fig trees, and had a couple of them. One of them is now in its forties and going well, but it isn't a bonsai any more: it's a large tree on my family's property.

    Although I didn't think of myself as having any particular academic interests in school, that isn't really true when I think about it and start to remember a bit more. The Catholic nuns who taught me thought I wasn't a very good student academically, but I loved reading, and my family home had a good encyclopeadia in ten volumes, and from the age of about 10 I started reading them and everything else. Now that I think about it, the large photographs of ancient Greek art, archeologial marvels and the like, caught my interest, so perhaps I had an early academic interest in art. The pictures led me to read the associated articles, and I was soon fascinated by Greek and then later Roman history, culture, art and wars. But these things were not what the nuns tested in primary school, so I did badly on their silly and extremely boring tests.

    Happily, things changed in high school. There my interest in biology was rewarded because we studied it in science. I was also introduced to chemistry, physics and mathematics, all of which became my primary interest in turn. And these were real academic interests. I loved these subjects and did much more reading in them than was required. Naturally, at university I started by pursuing majors in maths and physics, but one of the Catholic brothers in highschool, my physics teacher in years 11 and 12, had introduced me to philosophy. I don't why - maybe he thought the particular philosopher he suggested would help me remain a Christian. If so, it was a total failure. But philosophy soon became my main and enduring academic interest.

  4. what's my academic interests? this question might be really easy for someone to answer but not for me.This question made me think about myself.Which answer should be the real me.My first popping answer is Art.And that's my answer.
    As a young girl,I really interest in Arts.You can see it from my article "Lateral thinking inspires the world".I put one of my lovely monster in that article.I think this is the start of my interest in this field.And now in the next few month,I will study truly in this field.Something great might happen in the future.Who will know, maybe, I'll be expert of this field.

  5. My academic interest used to be Arts, paintings. But I could not choose to learn arts as I preferred when I entered into Chiangmai university because I was not allowed by parents to do that. Their reasons was that what would you do after graduation and how you could survive with uncertainty of income earned from this career.

    I, finally changed my own decision and admitted in the Faculty of Humanity with a major in English. Yes, I enjoyed learning English very much. But my English knowledge had not been improved.

    I started my first jobs in

  6. My favorite interest is art. I love this subject since i was young. i am not only pay attention in this subject in class but also in my free time, i love to draw or paint very much.
    Anyway, one more subject that i like is physic. Even thought i didn't prefer it like art but i still like it because it is the subject that i can make perfectly grade. Therefor the field am interest is engineering.
    At last, one more subject that I didn't like but good at it is mathematics. I don't know that is the exam too easy or not but it is the lesson that I good though never wake up in class.

  7. If we are talking about our academic interest, I would say that i'm not sure what is my academic interest but I think it is about medicine. The subject that I love the most in school is biology especially when it is about the human body so I decide to attend the medical school.

  8. If you ask what is your academic interest when I was in grade10-11, I will answer you immediately that I don't know. However, because this year, i use 'Japanese language' to attend to faculty of arts, Chulalongkorn university, I think my academic interest now is 'Japanese language'. I think Japanese language has its own beauty and can show its culture within it. In my opinion, Japanese things are very well use and resistant. Don't you think that Japanese culture is in our daily life nowadays?

    1. My cameras and TV are Japanese influences in my life. They are Sony and Canon. But the mobile is Samsung and the computer is American.

      When I was at uni., I was interested in Japan and it's culture, especially its literary, and read some of its great literature, but in translation. The Tale of Genji did give a fascinating insight into a now dead world that was exotically different from the ones I knew and had previously studied.

      What elements of Japanese culture interest you the most?

    2. For me, all of japanese elements are all interesting! Japanese movies, drama, clothes, food, lifestyle, everything have its own beauty. For example, its movies show us how to live in an appropriate way japanese people are, how to work, how to say politely, how to response to the conversations, how to dress that suits their festivals,etc. And also their food, it show us that japanese has a tradition in eating: how to use sticks, how to eat fish, how to drink sake, etc. and the japanese usually eat sea food and they eat only little! They think that every minute worth something, so they use every minute valuable as much as they can!

  9. I have a real interest in all fields of business and management. The reason why I like this is that perhaps I have grown up in a business family, therefore, I am cultivated to love this area unconsciously. However, even though I have told you that I love all areas of business, I am not interested in them equally because some parts in some areas are not what I am good at. So the field that I think I am keen on is Marketing. Not only am I proficient at, but also I value it most. It is like this because I think this arena is the indispensable part of company. I will not argue that other parts are not important. Do not get me wrong. I just rather say marketing is the most important because it generates the firm's income. Moreover, another field that I also this it is valuable is international business. You know how it is essential. Imagine that what if you can sell a few products to many countries, the result is much more than a bulk number of selling goods in one nation.

  10. My interesting topic is health. When I read the article about health, I can find the new study and research. It is a very good idea to know how to get a good health.

    When I see the article about the health, it is a good knowledge. There are a lot of study about health that every should know especially the new study that contrast to the old study because in the new study have a new finding that prove the old study are wrong.

  11. Actually, I do not know what is my academic interest. I studied many kinds of subjects in the school such as math, biology, physics, social study, Thai study and English. I had been in mathematics gifted class since I was in grade 7 till grade 12. Although I love thinking logically in math way and love solving maths problem, I am sure I am not a genius in maths. Apart from maths, I participated in biology olympic camp when I was in grade 10. After I joined this camp, I realised Biology is not the thing I want to pursue any more.

  12. My acedemic interest is in medical field or something that concern health. Actually, I like to read articles about health to enhance my knowledge that can be use in the future but it can not be found in the text book. The reason is because when I surf the internet, I can also find something new that is more update than in the textbook and it related to my academic interest. Actully,First, in the admission I hesitate about what I'm going to study, engineering or medicine.

  13. My academic interest is business. In the University, I plan to study in this major because I like to do business with another people. I like to read information about How to do business in difference culture. It's very interesting.

  14. At university, I interest in economic major because I want the knowledge that helpful for AEC in the next 3 years. AEC will change our daily life and make English language important. I think it proper to me because it prefer in Math.

  15. Speaking of academic interest, a field of interest that studied at university, an applied foreign language that is English is an a field of interest to me. As we all know, learning one more foreign language can make a person become more competitive for the future, especially English which is the international language in this globe village. Therefore, Taiwan government put English course into the compulsory education from elemantary school to high school.

  16. Academic interests is an interest to study in something. Many things I face in my life also experienced me. I interest in politics and economics, so I always read newspaper everyday. "Post today" is the one I choose to read. Many famous writers, teachers are write in this post. I get many ideas from them both academically and entertainment. I also discuss with my dad and my mom too. These make me feel confident that news that I receive is correct.


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