Wednesday 9 May 2012

Quest response writing - Dreams, p. 156, ex. G

Choose one of these topics:
  • a dream you have had recently
  • the most memorable dream that you have ever had
  • folk beliefs about dreaming 
  • the psychological theory about dreaming that seems most plausible to you 
  • anything that interested you in this chapter
In a comment below, write about your topic for 10 minutes. Although you should write in sentences using vocabulary that accurately states your ideas, do not stop writing to use a dictionary and do not stop to think about a grammar point for 10 minutes.
Just put down in writing as many ideas as possible. After 10 minutes, click the "Publish" button once only. After 10 minutes of writing, you will probably have a couple of paragraphs.

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. The issue at hand what is the psychological theory about dreaming that seems most plausible to me. The first theory popping up in my mind and I also have a strong feeling about is Sigmund Freud's theory. This theory revolves around the idea that people dream about what they really want and keep in the deepest of the mind. The reason I think it sounds is that from my experience, whenever I really want something badly, I always dream of it. For example, I used to dream of a car--I really love it since I was 15. In one day in the past after being indulged in that car, in my dream, I felt that I was driving that car. I realised the feeling when I jump out from that car and how people surrounding there looked at me. I thought and yelled in my mind that wow!, what such a good feeling. Is this called the dream come true?. Furthermore, there also are other things that I always dream when I wanted them badly many many years ago, but I could not remember. However, from I used to myself experience, I hold the Freud's idea unconditionally. There may be other reasons that may be possible, but I think Freud's is the best.

  2. A dream you have had recently.

    The dream that I had recently had, last week I dream about myself walking on the street and It's dark. And then the scene is changing to the bright and I saw the sun. I see myself lost two upper teeth and I wake up. The day before I studied about dream and my friend just present about meaning of dream in thai culture. And she told the if we are dreaming lost our teeth, it's mean that my relative or close friend will be died or something bad will happen. So I remember it to dream I don't know why I dream about it. For me I don't believe that something might happen with my relative. I dream about it because I heard about it.

    I'm a person who dream almost every night, some is good and some is bad.

  3. The most memorable dream that I have ever had is about myself swimming in flood with a height level nearly the same as twenty floor of office building. I could recall that at that time I had worked in the office. After work, I often had the imagines that what should I do if there was a big flood outside the building, and how I could escape from the building if there was an earthquake. In my dream, the flood had been finally disappeared and I was in a beautiful park alone, where other people were.

    From this kind of dream, it makes me feel that I have to prepare myself ready for things that are going to happen in the near future.

  4. I interested in lucid dreaming because i hate freaking dream or nightmare which i had one when i was young, its about zombie and that is horrible dream i ever had. I also can not remember my dream after i wake up and this make me feel annoyed because i want to know happen and what did i do in my dream. Therefore, i want to become lucid dreaming that can control or become a director of my dream and i really want to fly haha. Sometimes i want to know what will happen to me according to Thai believe about meaning of dream, so i try to think about my dream but its all gone and that is bad. That is why i interesting to become a lucid dreaming.

  5. The most memorable dream that i have ever had was when i was 14 travelling in New Zealand. I dreamt about a girl who has low part as a snake. She is a princess in an underworld and there is a war between her tribe and another snake tribe. In this world there are 4 continent which thrived by fox, fish, eagle and snake. And the war have began because it was a time to choose the next king of snake tribe. The princess tried to run away by changing her snake tell in to human legs and going in to this normal world where she found love with a handsome guy in one island. She lived happily with him for 1 month. But, because the war had finished and her father was killed, she had to be killed too. The queen of tribe sent soldiers to capture her but she insisted. Her boyfriend who didn't know what happen asked her to go with him...

  6. For my recent dream is about this morning.I woke up at 6.00 am today.This was one of my greatest morning :-)and that's because of my dream.Last night,I dreamed about my lovely teacher, KruLinda.
    Linda Joy Cole is the name of one of the greatest teacher that I have ever had.She comes from USA.She have blond hair.however that's not why I like her.She try to instruct me as much as she can.I was a lazy girl but ,now, I change because of her encourage.
    In next few month,I'll study at Chulalongkorn University in Communication Management.I got this opportunity because of her help.She helped me checking my essays and practicing for the interview.

  7. The following is my opinion about the theories of dreaming we studied couple of days ago. First, Sigmund Freud's theory suggests that the dream states unconcious wishes of the dreamers which one cannot express or do in the real life. There are many universal symbols representing the dream such as long things symbolize male sex organ while round and blank thinks symbolized female sex organ. This dreams are so disgusting that we cannot allow others to know.
    For me, I in part agree with Freud's theory. Dream can show your desire in terms of sexuality. For example I used to know about people in love dream of their girlfriend or boyfriend. However I believe dream can express other things such as what you fear,hate or worried as well. In my dream, I normally dream of what I fear such as tests, ghosts and dangerous animals more than in sexual way like Freud said.

  8. The most memorable dream I've ever had is sort of an academic dream, a bit like one of the example dreams that is discussed in Quest - the one where a man is in a panic because he has an exam, but has never been to a lecture and doesn't know where the exam is being held even.

    That's not my dream. Mine dream happens in the college I lived at for the first few years of my university career. It was a beatiful old sandstone building on the grounds of Sydney University, with an impressive main staircase from heavy and heavily carved wood, and a few other stair cases in each corner of its quadrangular design, modeled on Oxford colleges.

    In my dream, I start by running down the stairs. I seem to be in a hurry, but I don't know why or where I'm hurrying to. I run down teh stairs, skipping over them, with my hand lightly gliding over the bannister. This fascinates me. I want to know how quickly I can run down the stairs. I reappear at teh top of the staircase. I don't think I ever actually climb the stairs, I'm just always starting at the top again. Each time I run down, I skip over more and more steps. In the end, I'm sort of leaping in a gliding arc, with my feet never touching teh stairs at all. I just land smoothly at the bottom, but I still think I'm going down teh stairs.

    What does it mean? I have no idea, but since I remember almost no dreams I ever have, that this one has stuck in my memory seems to make it special. Maybe it's just an accident - I tend to favour a version of the activation-synthesis theory to explain dreaming, so I'm not looking for any deep, Freudian kind of interpretation.

    It's a happy, fun, kind of dream.

    1. Less happy is the dream I've just woken up to. It's already fast fading from memory, but it involved my grandmother dying whilst on a trip to Thailand, and my deceased father also featured in it. Oddly, I don't recall it being unhappy, but I've already forgotten some details that might explain that. Or perhaps, like many dreams, the storyline being made up by my brain just doesn't make much sense.

      As I noted above, I remember almost no dreams, but of course I do have them, and this morning's experience is familiar: I wake up with a very vivid dream in progress, something that I would think is memorable, and by the time I've sat down to have my morning coffee, it's completely gone. This last one might stick around for a little longer now that I've gone to the trouble of writing it down.

      And the interpretation? That can wait.

  9. "a dream you have had recently"
    The dream that I had recently is same as the most dream that I always have. In my dream, I am walking alone along the way that have no color,no light, no air, no foot path. At real the way am walking alone was nothing. I just walking slowly along the way. Keep walking without the goal to go. May be I stop to walk and stay alone. I didn't look around because it has nothing to look for. I just walk and stop and walk again again in the space compound with nothing.
    After that, I always wake up... with nothing to remind or remember.

  10. I think about the folk beliefs about thai culture. When you are dreaming about the big animal such as tiger, crocodile come to hurt you. You have to fight with them. Finaly, you can kill it. The meaning of this dream is you can win the the obstacle.

  11. I'm going to write about a dream I have had recently. After I have studied about lucid dreaming in Quest2, I'm a kind of very interested in the way to access such lucid dreaming like that. So, I start applying one way that is said in the book, try to remember your dream everyday. This below is one of the dream I can remember recently.

    I was in the bungalo that is thought to be my home somewhere in countryside of some country, maybe it's Newzealand, where there is a very beautiful scenery, green grass and I can feel relax with nature. I was with my mom and suddenly my mom complain me violently, I'm so scary so I quickly rush out of that bungalo and run very fast and I also float in the air when I jump it make me go faster, I run along the hill and jump and I go very fast, suddenly I fell of the cliff but before I reach water surface, I can catch the pole in front of me, like I have magic, fastener hand that stick to the pole, I see myself like I'm in the video game such as the Mario. I can see the water surface, blue, clear and very nice.

  12. The most memorable dream I've ever had is a football player dream. I considered myself as a very well-known football player playing in Premier League in England. In my dream I played in Chelsea football club which is the team in London. My position in the team is center mid-field same as my football player idol "Frank Lampard".I think he is the greatest mid-field has ever had. He scored approximately 20 goals per season which is so high of this position in foot ball team. In some teams, Center forward of them cannot score as much as this. I also considered myself as the youngest asian football player who plays in the highest football league in England. My dad and my mom really happy that I am a successful football player although in the past they did not support me. The reason is in Thailand football player occupation doesn't has stable salary and you can play it until you are about 35. It is the best dream i've ever had.

  13. When I was young, I usually dream about fighting. It seems that I'm playing fighting game and then I'm in that game. It's something like survival game, fighting many monsters, saving the princess or maybe someone important to me such as my sister.
    I would tell you about the most memorable dream that I have ever had. Yes, it seems that I was in a fighting game again. In a dream, it was start at my house. I was sleeping when someone came into my room and said that we have to go and save the princess because she was captured by the monster. I and my sister and my friend joined the team. Finally, we can save her and bring her home.

  14. Recently, I have dream about star. I went to somewhere with my friend for see the star in night. But that place don't have night. So we can not see the star. The citizen tell us you should see the star in afternoon because that time will have every star came but you can see it in the water not in the sky. We saw the first star shining in the water and I wake up...
    I don't know what does it means. But I have been read in the magazine book about the dream. In the book, Star is mean way.

  15. My recently dream was in two week ago. I had dream to my grandfather. My grandfather was died for two years. IN my dream, I went to the golf course with my father and had lunch.My dad cellphone was ring and my dad accept this call. He talk back to opposite. That was my grandfather called me and he wanted to talk with me. He told that,"Are you fine?". In my dream I responded" I'm fine" and his voice was disappear. In the Morning I told my father about this story.

  16. The most memorable dream that I have ever had is about my final exam when I was grade 4. The night after the test, I had a dream. In my dream, I saw I got 3 zeros on the 3 subjects of the exam but few days after, the result showed me that actually I got 100 for the 3 subjects. Strange to say, some dreams can foretell what thing will happen, in other hand, some dream like mine also can be totally opposite to the real life.


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