Tuesday 11 August 2015

Nepal earthquake and Lesson for Thailand

Although Thailand is not much familiar with the earthquakes thanks to it’s location outside the Ring of fire, an area around the Pacific Ocean where a large number of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, many countries including Nepal have to face this disaster. And that’s may be not the worst thing ever.

Aftermath of Nepal earthquake
The earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015 claimed the lives of about 9,000 people
From BBC News Website

According to "Risk of future Nepal-India earthquake increases" (Morelle, 2015), the quake that just hit Nepal did not release all the underground stress caused by tectonic plates. Moreover, an earthquake might happen again westwards near India where there are more density of population. The researcher also suggested that the community should make sure that the building in those areas are constructed properly and teach children how to react in the event of an earthquake.

One of my colleagues is Nepalese whose family lived in Kathmandu when the incident happened. At that time, he could not contact his relative and was worried so much. Later on, after he had a chance to go back to visit his family bringing them canned food and instant noodles, he told me that although his mother and other people is safe, they have to stay outside their home and they also have a trauma thinking about the earthquake.

One of the reasons that there is so much damage is because the construction of architecture in Nepal is not strong enough to resist the shake. Normally, people in this country build their own house base on their own design. This mean there are neither architecture nor engineer to check basic structure. Another reason is that people are not well informed how to cope with natural disaster. They do not know how to hide and where to evacuate. Come to think of it, I am a little bit worried because we have the same situation in Thailand.

Thailand may situate on the safe area and never experienced such quake before. But it doesn't mean that we do not need to prepare our self. I think that thai educational institution should teach our children how to deal with such situation. In the country such as Japan where earthquake drills are held once a month, every little children know that they have to hide under their desks until the quake is over. As they practice, they will become more familiar with the process and in the real situation they will response automatically.

Like they said, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Morelle, R. (2015, August 7). BBC News. Risk of future Nepal-India earthquake increases. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33807791


  1. I remember a couple of years ago hearing a strange noise in the ceiling of the room I was teaching in at Chamchuri. It lasted a few seconds. The students and I couldn't work out what it was, and there was no noticeable swaying, but we learned later that Bangkok had felt the mild effects of an earthquake.

    When I was living in Taiwan many years ago I experienced a stronger earthquake: at first, I thought I was about to faint and having a dizzy spell, then I looked up and realised that everyone else had felt the same, and they told me what it was. I was very relieved it passed quickly and was not so strong.
    I will be very happy to go the rest of my life without feeling the effects of any stronger earthquakes.

    1. Thank you for comment Peter ! I remember that earthquake in Myanmar too. At that time I travel up north to Lampang province so I could feel it a little bit harder than people in Bangkok. But I also cannot figure it out that it is an earthquake. I thought a big truck car just passed by.

  2. I agree with you that even Thais have never suffered from the serious situation like Nepal, but we should learn this lesson by prepare ourselves because between Thai-Myanmar boundry sometime affected by the movement of Earth's crust, and people who work in high buildind in Bangkok also get impact. I think at least we should know about a basic of protecting us from earthquakes, and it is a duty of government and local authority to provide great infomation to us.

  3. Natural disasters would be the greatest danger for all of humans and creatures. In spite of the development of advanced technology, nowadays human cannot still find out the effective ways to deal with them perfectly or completely—just predicting and preparing to avoid those disasters. Many case studies like severe earthquake in Heti and Nepal, Tsunami in Thailand and Japan and so on are making humans aware of their current action and living that may be destroying nature. Although it is very difficult to prohibit and avoid natural catastrophe, I hope that they will not happen much and severely.

    1. Thank you for your comment P'Feem ! I wished that the severe natural disaster won't happen again too.


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