Friday 7 August 2015

Taking supplements for health balance

Several years ago my mother did a yearly medical check-up, and she found that she was at risk of osteoporosis, a disease that bone has become weak and brittle. The one of suggestions from her physician is she should consider taking some supplements which include vitamin D and calcium to increase the level of bone mass. Yet, she seems to not like taking supplements, which the size of pills is normally big, because she prefers natural nutrients to synthesized ones which she is also not sure whether they are safe enough.

According to “Everyone 'should take vitamin D pills'” (2015), Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recommends that everybody should take vitamin D tablets to prevent from deficiency, especially in the period of winter that sunlight level is low, and people are at risk to face with the lack of getting vitamin D from the action of sunshine through their skin, because general suggestion for taking enough vitamin D is focused on some particular groups—pregnant women, people are under five and over 65 years of age. Moreover, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) also requires more free supplements and supermarkets to sell cheaper pills.

Unlike Thailand, UK and some countries has low level of sunlight during winter months, leading to the risk of deficiency of vitamin D. It would be helpful for British to take care and prevent themselves from rickets and brittle bones as suggested in the article. However, Thai people are still facing with those diseases even though sunshine level is quite high throughout all of seasons. This is because someone do not have eat unsuitable food—lack of vitamin D and calcium, someone have incomplete vitamin-absorbed system in their body, someone are pregnant, all children need vitamin D and calcium for growth and development of their bone and so on. All of these are why we need to take supplements to ensure that we get vitamin D and even others enough.

Yet, I agree with the content in the article to some extent because every coin has two sides. Sometimes people are not aware of using vitamin D and even other vitamins in the form of supplements and overuse them, thus likely to be dangerous to their health and life. To illustrate, high amount of vitamins would accumulate in a body until it causes acute kidney injury or liver failure—both kidney and liver are main innards of excretory system in a body. On the contrary, if consumers realize and understand correctly how to take them appropriately, they will not only bring health benefits, but also save one’s money from treatment of possible severe diseases in the future. 

These days it is somewhat usual practice for several groups of people in the world to take supplements for health balance. Current business of vitamin and nutritional supplements has been rapidly growing and providing varied forms of product—tablets, food, beverages and etc.—to cover a wide variety of customer targets. However, some of products have low quality and/or are sold expensively. People should be aware of these, where authority and organization relating to drug and food should inspect and control the standards and price of supplements. In addition, it is also significant to offer free supplements to some groups of people who are destitute and in the remote areas which they are difficult to buy. Should Thai government and ministry of public health pay more attention to this issue or promote eating clean, beneficial food and regular exercise instead?
Everyone 'should take vitamin D pills'. (2015, August 3). BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. As I was reading Feems first response paragraph (= paragraph number 3), I was a bit surprised that a health problem usually caused by lack of sunlight would affect Thai people. Then I wondered whether the problem might be an obsessive (useful word from the reading in Quest we are checking for homework) avoidance of sunlight to preserve an unnaturally pale skin that cultural influence consider sexy and attractive.

    Having said that, I personally tend to avoid the sun, but walking to and from work every day, and a visit to Silom Complex for my daily grocery shopping, probably ensures enough sun exposure to save me from vitamin D deficiency.

    I love the warm weather in Thailand, but am not so keen on direct sunlight. I hate beaches and never visit them - I know many people like them, but I can't see the attraction of cooking yourself in the sun or getting sand everywhere.

    1. And thank you Feem for a great blog post on a very different topic to the one that interested Ling in her earlier post.
      And just inside the word limits for the lead in and summary.

    2. The problem you said seems quite true as well. Often, I am likely to avoid the sun like you since I realize well that sunlight in Thailand is really intensive. Actually, I am not worried much about the effect on my skin color; rather, I am concerned about other negative effects from the sun’s UVA and UVB radiation like skin cancer if I expose to sunlight too much and for a long time.

      From this article, I hope that it not only reminds me to take care myself about getting vitamin D from both sunshine and supplements, but also others—no matter where country they live—as the helpful article as well as recommendation for their health.

      Thank you very much Peter for your attention and comment on my post

  2. After reading your blog, I will run to phamaceutocal shop or seek more infomation about how to take vitamin D appropriately. I have never known before that even a level of sunlight in Thailand may affect our health than I think. However, the most difficult thing is there are many vitamin's brands in Thailand, both showing reasonable price and expensive, that we do not know which are the best choice for our life and family.

    1. I see your point. Nowadays, many supplements’ brands are sold in Thailand in several shops or on websites, and there is a lot of information about them until it could confuse most of consumers who are keen on health care; moreover, some brands are really expensive too. Thus, my suggestion is you may try to get advice from the pharmacist in a drugstore nearby your house. I believe that it would be good for you to get reliable and useful information enough for making your decision on taking supplements

      Thank you very much Ling for your attention and comment on my post

  3. The supplement is now become popular between young generation. Men who need more muscle usually drink protein shakes and Women also take Vitamin pills for their glowing skin.

    After reading P'Feem's post, I also felt lucky that Thailand have plenty of sunshine day so we have sufficient Vitamin D. However, from time to time, I take Vitamin C pills to prevent myself from catching a cold too.

    1. Nowadays, we may have unsuitable food, work hard under pressure and stress, not exercise regularly and so on. So, it would a good idea to take supplements appropriately so as to make our body get vitamins and nutrients enough. Luckily, now we can find and buy them easily. Nonetheless, it is also significant to take them carefully; otherwise, they may affect a body system.

      Thank you very much Ice for your attention and comment on my post

    2. And yet people in every country are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. I wonder whether all these worries about stress and bad food are even true. Are these popular ideas supported by solid evidence, or are they just ideas people like for other reasons?

      But like Feem, I'm enjoying the discussion on his blog post.

    3. What you said would be correct too because the modern technology and advanced medical innovation are part of the main reasons why now people can live longer and healthier. Your question is quite thought-provoking. Although such popular ideas may sometimes contradict your opinion that people are living longer and healthier, the ideas seem to be general beliefs and point of views that most of people may think or most supplements business may try to give reasons to their customers.

      Thanks again for your comments and the good question Peter

  4. The supplement is now become popular between young generation. Men who need more muscle usually drink protein shakes and Women also take Vitamin pills for their glowing skin.

    After reading P'Feem's post, I also felt lucky that Thailand have plenty of sunshine day so we have sufficient Vitamin D. However, from time to time, I take Vitamin C pills to prevent myself from catching a cold too.


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