Tuesday 18 August 2015

A Newborn War of Cyber Crime

It is undeniable that our lives have not been the same after the advanced technological development of computer, nowadays, we rely heavily on it : chatting with friends, social networking, sending e-mail, working, searching information and managing many of our routine activitiies. After computer software has been resized into a small and comfortable device as smartphone, people tend to crazily stick on it, functioning as one of human's organ that many cannot leave out, certainly, this leads to some disadvantages, giving more opportunities to some attackers who can reach your personal life easily.

According to "Police investigate 'first cyber-flashing' case" (Bell, 2015), a woman in the UK received two penis photos from stranger on her Iphone via Apple's Airdrop, which used for sharing photo between IOS operation, after she shared this function to public, and this may call a new form of cyber crime, certainly, she was the first victim in the UK. The police confirmed that there is still no way to track this crime due to lacking of technological support; moreover, the victim did not accept photos from the anonymous man, so it is unable to indicate the criminal contact and where he lives.

I strongly believe that new kinds of crime will continuously occur again and again in the future as long as creating new inventions will have been being developed. Recent years, a number of online harassment have risen significantly because internet can be found in most of developed and developind areas, and this is a powerful medium for hackers, so what they would like to know about you they can, and if they would like to destroy you they can, too. Many sexual online harassment issues can be seen on news and social network, while some users are curious to know who is the victim, the victim already lose their personal life, and what is published on internet, It will be there forever, even the original content is deleted, a copy still exist.

In addition, this news also reminds me to recall some situations that we can meet in daily life. Even I have never faced the sexual harassment, but I have ever got many messages that persuade to do online job through facebook messenger, it is very annoying and boring because every agencies use the same speech, for example, 'Do you have more free time?', 'Just using computer and earn a great income'. This does not happen only in facebook but also on line application, I sometimes received game requests from strangers that make I was wondering how they get others contacts easily and it seems like they do not respect individual's privacy at all.

Have you ever gained some experiences about online issue? and How do you handle with it?
Please share the lessons. Nowadays, people tend to take more considerations about privacy, but when we try every way to protect ourselves, there are still some gaps for online violation. I think the most effective way may be setting offine life, yet I cannot do it!


Bell, S. ( 2015, August 13) . Police investigate 'first cyber-flashing' case. BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33889225


  1. I hate getting invitations to play stupid games from my Facebook friends (I don't much like and almost never play games on my devices, although I know that many people enjoy them). I usually send offenders, who often don't realise they are offending, one polite request to stop sending them, then a slightly more firmly worded request. It the annoyance persists, I unfriend them to get rid of the problem.

    1. I see your point. Almost every day I also get lots of invitations to play games from my friends in both Facebook and Line. It’s quite boring for me to often see them because I never play such games at all; I do not obtain any benefits of them. Yet, I am too considerate to unfriend them although I feel annoyed when I got a lot invitations. My current solution is that I try to check my social media as less as possible to avoid seeing them frequently.

    2. Actually, we can block game request on both facebook and line, I think like you both that it's annoying, but if I unfriend them I have to answer many questions too, and they may not understand our points.

    3. Can you briefly tell me where to go to do this?
      Is it for each friend / game or a general setting?
      I would also prefer not to unfriend to get rid of unwanted game invites.

    4. I can block the unauthorized app in Line, but in Facebook I can't. I don't know how to block the invitation before I got a notification from an invitation, if I have an invitation I can block the others invitation from the same invitation.

      Then, I want to know, too, I am waiting someone to reply this.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Thank you Ter,
      When I looked at the alerts this morning I realised that I could cancel them for each game. It's a much better solution than threatening to unfriend people.

      I'm clearly not a sophisticated FB user.

    7. Hi Peter and Ter

      Sorry for late reply, just go to 'setting' on your facebook page, then choose 'notification', then choose 'notifications from apps' and tick off the name of application that you would like to unfollow. I hope this help.

  2. But I'm pretty sure the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages of having a powerful computer and access to the world in your pocket.

  3. Cyber crime in different ways is always harmful for every one. Yet, the problems seemed not to be able to perfectly get rid of and control due to a wide variety and advance of threats. While the technologies have been developing, cyber crime has been also widely spreading and increasing altogether. The similar idea that there are normally police for controlling of civil peace may be also adapted for handling cyber crime in the world of a computer (the online world). I am not sure that nowadays we have already specialized police—as online police—for doing specific missions only in a computer so as to control and deal with hackers and the like. If any, it would help internet and computer users feel safer and more confident.

    1. Thank you Feem for your comment, I hope online security will be developed to handle new forms of crime too.

  4. In my opinion, sexual harassment is awful and it's getting worse that there is online sexual harassment now. Recently, people in all ages have been introduced to social media including minorities which is likely to be targeted from such assault. I heard that there are some applications or software that we can use to protect our children. But I'm not sure how much it can help if the criminal has a tremendous computer skills.

    1. I used to set restriction on Ipad to prevent student from adult contents, it's quite effective because they cannot edit this setting easily by themselves, yet this setting may not help if we use it with adult and teen.

    2. I'm sure that there is much less sexual harassment today than in the past. In the past, it was normal for men to sexy calendars in offices, to grab or touch the women working and so on. Today, that is not tolerated.

      Similarly, when I was a child that priests and the like might sexually harass or abuse children and others was not something that could be spoken about. Today, such ugly truths can be told as they should be so that the guilty are not protected by undeserved respect.

      The media coverage might make it seem like there is more harassment, but I think the greater news attention is actually a sign of improvement, which will hopefully continue. That is not to say that I don't think that there is still plenty of sexual harassment, or that the Internet has not created new ways to harass people sexually and otherwise.


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