Wednesday 26 August 2015

Quest 2, ch.7, "Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances" - p. 199, opening discussion

As usual, Pamela Hartmann starts chapter 7 of unit 4, "Health," with an image and a couple of discussion questions (2007). A scan of this, page 199, is below.
page 199, Hartmann's opener for chapter 7.
Hartmann's three discussion questions are:
  • Look at the picture. What do you think the people are saying to the man? 
  • What should you do if your friend has an embarrassing personal problem? 
  • What are the signs that someone has a problem with drugs? 
Read all three questions, and then write your response in a comment below. You can start where you like, and it doesn't matter if you don't directly cover all three of Hartmann's questions. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. In this picture, I think people around this man are his friends, trying to encourage him and give him some advice. The man look as if he face a severe problem so he's sad and lack of motivation.

    If one of my friends has an embarrassing personal problem, I will give her my advice and encourage her to tell me the problem, because I believe talking to someone else about the problem can decrease stress and anxiety. I will be a good listener and keep her secret with me.

    I think there are several signs that someone has a problem with addiction such as losing appetite, insomnia, daydream and hallucination.

    1. Your idea that you will be a good listener and keep it secret would be a starting step to helping your friend with embarrassing personal problem after you have noticed some unusual signs from your friend and talked to him/her because it is important to make that friend trust you when you try to give help or advice. Yet, at the end, if the problem is so serious and likely to be difficulty in finding effective solutions. I think talking to those who have potential to cope with this problem—such as parents, teacher etc.—would be useful as well. Some problems need to be dealt with experience and patient, while others that are severe may need to see specialists like doctor, psychologists and the like.

  2. In this picture, the guy seems have some problem because he bend down his head, while other looks happy. If I were his friend, I would go to him and talk about what happens with him or how he feels now. However, it is hard to know whether he has a problem with drug addiction or not. I believe it is a good idea to talk to him and notice his response to check if something about him are abnormal. One possible sign to show that he has addicted drugs may be his face look not ok.

  3. From the above picture, the people around the man are different responses to the man. the two right persons of the picture are giving him an inspiration but the man and the woman of the left of the pictures seem looking down at him.

    If my friend has trouble with embarrassing, I will listen to my friend first for her uncomfortable situation and demonstrate with my experience which is similar to her. As everyone are human, we usually do mistake that is not embarrass, it's normal so, we can look at that situation as one of our funny and colorful of life.

    Keeping alone and avoiding society.

    1. when people are suffering, I think, what thy need the most is having some people to hear and understanding their problems as you said. While having similar experience will remind your friend that not only they experience some difficult situation but everyone does; in addition, other may have a bigger or more dramatic problems than them, this would make they realize their situation and ready to solve their problem after learning from other experience.

  4. Regarding to the picture, I think his friends try to give some suggestions to solve his problems, and try to heal them through by their words, but it seems like he doesn't feel better. if my friends suffer from an embarrassing personal problem, I will ask they about what a problems is, try to find a cause and if I find that it's not too hard to correct that problem, I will help them by giving some suggestions, but if I cannot handle it or my friend cannot solve it by themselves, I will encourage them to see a doctor. There are many sign to indicate drug addict; for example, they cannot control themselves, lose communication skill, and try ro harm others.

    1. Consulting with a doctor is a good way to solve personality problem. I agree that although we give them an advice, it might not enough to encourage them up because many people trust in a professional more than their relative person.

  5. A couple of people have already mentioned drugs in earlier blog posts, mainly the legal addictive alcohol, but also illegal drugs, such as cocaine, which Ling mentioned in her blog post yesterday.

    Human beings clearly love using addictive drugs. Unless you know a person well, I think it's hard to say whether they have a problem with drugs or not. Some problems drugs can cause are violence, as when beer or wine fuelled fathers, and also mothers, violently attack their children or spouse. Other problems are financial because government policy makes drugs very expensive, so that people who use them need money, which can cause crime or the misuse of money that should be spent on food for kids and so on. I think these sorts of social or living problems might be more reliable indicators than actual health problems because unless you are a medical professional I think it's hard to know whether an illness is caused by drug use or by something else.

    What would I say to a friend who I thought had a drug problem? In fact, I have had friends with drug problems, and I know what I did say. I try to be friends with them, but I also tell them that they have to get help with their problems, and that I will never help them with money. I recommend going to a self-help group like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

    1. In high school I taught I had friend with drug problem too, but I never gave him any suggestion because at that time I don't know a good way to give him an advice. I also never gave him some money like you, and now I think I have some good idea to help people with drug or alcohol addicted such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

    2. I was so innocent (ignorant) in primary school, and even high school, that I never thought of people I knew having drug problems, and at the schools I went to, it was very unlikely, although the end of year senior graduation party was famous for paralytically drunk student bodies littering the town the next morning.

      At university, I saw a lot more of the world, and met a lot of people who used drugs. In fact, I think it was normal for uni. students to use drugs - and most had no problems at all as a result of their regular drug use.

      I suspect it's the same today, although I hear that alcohol is less popular than it used to be, being replaced by illegal drugs that are less harmful than alcohol.

  6. I think that some people in this picture are saying "why are you upset?"; in other words, they may curious toward his action and say that what's wrong with you? Do you have any problem? Can I help you? According to the picture, we can see that some people just look at him at say nothing.

    Honestly, I didn't know exactly what should I do, but if my friend has an embarrassing personal problem, I will cheer her/him up and takes her to the places where she like and feel confident to stay with it. However, if those places are not desirable, I will take her or him to temple.

    Maybe someone is unconscious and does not know what is she/he talking about, and we can't comprehend what is he/she going to do, it may look strange from usual.

    1. I think from it is easier to talk with people who share the same background or have the same problem. So, I think I may suggest my friend to go to self-help group, so that she can have a chance to discover other point of view toward the problem.

      However, I kept saying "She" because I have a lot of female friend. As I attended girl-school from kindergarten to high school, if a male friend have an embarrassing personal problem , I'm quite not sure how to deal with such situation.

  7. In this picture, I think the people behind this man are helping him to quit drugs, they are persuade the man to see a doctor and doctor can helps him. Two on the right are look to persuade him with a positive words such as you can quit it, it is not hard to quit the drugs, and doctors can help you. However, two on the left also helping him to quit it, too, as I look on their face their words might be more negative than the people on the right. It is depends om people some want to hear a good things some are not.

  8. It can be like that too. The two left-side people and the opposite ones might talk in the different ways, and made him (the center) confused with their words.

  9. When I was in school, especially in primary school, divorcing parents was an embarrassing personal problem. And I'm ashamed to say that my classmates and I accepted the ugly attitudes of our parents and teachers: we not nice to the very few in our class who went through this painful experience.

    Divorce is still painful for the families it happens to, but at least today we have progressed morally and no longer look down on those who suffer such sadness. Two my sisters are divorced, and not even my once traditionalist parents made much fuss. I think they agreed with me that divorce was a very sensible choice.

    In fact, in my family, my youngest sister who has lived with the same man and had four children with him over the past 15 years has never thought of actually marrying him, and her relationship is the best of all of them. Back when I was in high school, it would be even more embarrassing at my Catholic high school to have parents who were not married! Now, my nieces go the same school and no one cares that their mother is not married to their father. It's not an embarrassing personal problem for them, and that's a good thing, much better than decades ago when I was going to that school and Australian society accepted morally wrong ideas about such personal matters.


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