Friday 7 August 2015

Statistics breaks Facebook's credit

How often do you play vdo on facebook? The answers may be varied from once per day, twice, to every single hour; however, I believe that most of you, including me, will reply that it is up to what kind of clip, and it can crash out attentions or not. Why, nowadays, people and brands tend to focus more and more on facebook's potential? Certainly, it is because facebook is powerful tool for reaching mass target in digital era, and this will be benefit to promoting products, services and people; nevertheless: there are some evidences which challenge us to rethink that should we still trust its professional?

According to "Facebook in video 'views' row" ( Foxx, 2015), the algorithm that facebook has used for counting users' eyeball is blamed because it cannot represent a real number of viewer, it has been revealed that facebook count as 1 view after users watch vdo only 3 seconds or only 1/10 of a total length, which cannot be called productive view; therefore, 4 brillion daily views, which claim by facebook, is inflated report. Moreover, 73% of vdo on facebook are stolen from others websites with represent as 17 billion views or fourfold more views than the daily ,which shows that facebook unable to handle copyright infringement effectively. 

Almost two years ago, I used to work as a social content editor in digital media agency. Work experience gives me many reasons why statistics is very important for commercial. It can be said that 'no view, no budget', brands will allocate more advertising budget for online community that have higher rate of attention. Afterward, cost that brands spend for promoting their vdo contents will be convert to cost per view to calculate that it is a worthwhile investment or not, but after we know that the number of view may be constructed for driving business objectives, is it possible to have a same standard for measurement view that can be applied to both kings of contents like facebook and youtube and also others sources? As a result, no content provider can cheat in this game.

However, if you are not a specialist who work in marketing or communication field, or having your own online store, what facebook does may not significant at all, Why do we have to care about a number of view on our facebook? Exactly, I have to say that we care! We may not focus on mathematical analytics behind facebook's system, but many people are waiting their family, friends, friends of friends to click like, left comment, share post or watch their online clip. It seems like people will get more self-confidence and feel pround when others pay attention on their life.
It can be said that, sometimes, we concentrate on a preferable result more than knowing how a process works. Do you think so?

Foxx, C. Facebook in video 'views' row (2015, August 5). BBC News. Retrieved from 


  1. Although Ling's lead in has 107 words, according to the algorithm's count when I copied and pasted it into MS Word, it's a great post to start our blogging in response to the news of the world.

    I don't really care much about likes on Facebook, but then I came to it late, and I suspect don't use it the way many people do. In fact, I almost never post personal information on it. It is convenient to let family and close friends, and no one else, be able to check my contact information and so on, but I usually use it to share my ideas in ... response to things I read in the news.

    But I did think that there were some useful lessons about the use of statistics in Ling's comments on that, and I liked the way she related that to her own experience.

    The rule is a maximum of 100 words for your lead in!
    When I'm in doubt, MS Word's automatic word counting is a quick and easy way to check. I haven't actually checked, but assume that the algorithm counts everything that is a group of letters between two spaces as a word.

    1. Hi Peter,

      I agree with you that people should seriouly concern about privacy on social network, some of my friends were stolen their photos and infomation to create a fake account, even they are not a famous person.

      This is my first time writing on blog and I try it through application, next time I will try to use Microsorf word for checking it.

    2. But don't write in MS Word. Writing in MS Word and then copying and pasting into the blog causes weird formatting.

      I just quickly pasted into Word to let it count the words. It's not a bit deal, so don't worry. But we do want to keep the word limits in mind.

  2. I'm not so familiar with statistic in Facebook although I usually saw it in the Youtube view counts. But it's good to know how statistic feature is important to marketing field.

    1. Hi Ice
      If I have never worked in media industry before, I may ignore facebook's statistics too. Actually, youtube experiencs the same problem as facebok, its techinal team have never reveal how they count views on each clip.

  3. I'm not so familiar with statistic in Facebook although I usually saw it in the Youtube view counts. But it's good to know how statistic feature is important to marketing field.

  4. I'm not so familiar with statistic in Facebook although I usually saw it in the Youtube view counts. But it's good to know how statistic feature is important to marketing field.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This make me think of internet work hiring.
      As some posts or messages "Do you want to have more income? we are looking for a person who is over 18 years old and have 6-8 hours a day for internet using..." A work of statistic view making is may a part of it.
      By the way, I absolutely agree with you especially in the last section.

    2. Hi Poy
      I think online part time job hiring occurs by randomising, but I'm not sure that there is something about statistics behind it on not, as you said It's very boring, so I choose to block those account that try to send message to me, and you can do that too :)

    3. Thank you for your suggestion ^^ That's great. Actually, my Facebook account is set as the highest privacy, so any messages from stranger can reach to me but they don't alert so, I just ignore them. Haha

  6. Your blog post is quite interesting for someone who may never have experience in the field of marketing that often require statistics from many websites like Facebook for making business develop potentially. However, I often used to hear that some companies or some organizations have hired other people to help increase the number of viewer or social media Like for advantages in their business. Also, sometimes, it seems to hard to count the real number of statistics as reasoned in the BBC news' article. Thus, if there is standard measurement with endorsement, it might be good way to help ensure the inaccuracy of statistics.

    1. Hi Feem

      Actually, there are some softwares that web administrator can use for cheating a number of friend, like and comment, using for presenting that those pages get very high engagement from consumer. I believe that all social media will merge an individual algorithm to the one system that can adapt to overall industy real soon because a trend have already moved.


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