Saturday 5 May 2018

Are our online lives about to become 'private' again?

What I read

In the increasingly connected world, Our privacy is more expose than real life. See “Improper sharing of the data of 87 million Facebook users” as an example. From this case in Europe is now introduced a new privacy law, Offering consumers to have greater control over their data. In fact, The company require to protect the users’ data by default. If the data has been leaked, the users must know if it will be a high risk to them.

My response 

Privacy in an online world is a sensitive case because once you have posted something on it, It will be there forever and many people can see it because it open to public.

There is also a case similar to this one in Thailand, Most recently is a leakage of customers' ID card data of a phone provider company. Even the exposure of an ID card data, The company reported to the ministry that the company has been hacked but the truth is the data has set to public by the company itself. From this has shown that many people are not aware of their own privacy on the internet.

My question

What do think of using personal data online like shopping and do you aware of your data being leaked? 



  1. I do aware of data being leaked, especially a credit card which hackers can hack your money.

  2. I think this is going to be a trend of technology in the near future to support privacy and data protection because of Facebook's shocking leak. It will involve every technologies and platforms coming out. I am not surprised this very quick legal movement is from EU. They are always serious about this issue. One technology that is going to play a role on this trend is blockchain featuring decentralization that cut off any provider or middleman out of the system, so no one hold everybody's data.

  3. I trust governments much less than private businesses like Facebook. With a private business, customers have options to not give the data, but governments have a nasty habit of forcing people to hand over sensitive information, which public servants might then treat very carelessly, or worse if they corruptly decide to give it to others whether for money or because someone higher up ordered them to. Governments also have a bad habit of making up corrupt laws to protect themselves form unhappy citizens.

  4. For me, when it comes to shopping online I prefer Paypal because this platform is more secure and not directly linked to my bank accounts.

  5. Your response reminds me to think about online banking. Nowadays, most of Thai bank company tend to encourage their customer use online service. I have noticed from disappearing many branch banks in Bangkok. Couple weeks ago, we may heard the news about True company that some of customer's data went to public. So, I am not quite sure that the information we put online will save especially, online banking.

  6. My answer is to safe you data information must have to be a very careful about putting your information because now we don't have any safety program or application to be trusted any more. I'm very afraid of someone to still my information or data.
    I have been using a lot facebook application. it can be very useful for us to gathering between you and your friends or someone else but it isn't safe for your life if sometime you post your status and plus locations. it might have someone who try kill you (can be possible) they might find you. easily.


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